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Powerdyne puzzle

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  • #31
    yea, I am not saying they are accurate (narrow band)...but on the other hand...I have yet to read here (going back several years) of anybody blowing their motor or burning a piston or valve from running a 6psi powerdyne with properly installed rksport supplied vortech 6/1 FMU.

    It just seems like a prettly safe setup to run 6psi pulley and the vortech fmu. Now, start upradeing to smaller pulley = more psi...and you def. should know whats going on with the mixture.
    01 Firebird A4 3.42
    Powerdyne @ 6 PSI
    and other mods
    Visit Project Unleashed for guides and info.


    • #32
      OK the sc is going out tomorrow to 928. F/P gauge should be here today. I'm finishing moving thursday, and were not allowed to work on cars at the apartment comlex so I'm trying to get the prep work done. I don't have the tools for the John_D wrap, so I have to put that off. I guess all that I can do is the gauges and then sit and wait for it to get back. If you can think of anything else I could do before installation time, let me know. I'm gonna hate staring at the ses light all the time. What a drag. It's gonna make me worry all the time. Well give and take I guess. Thanks to you all for your help so far, and please don't abandon me yet OK? And a special thanks to greyman [img]smile.gif[/img] Jessica [img]smile.gif[/img]
      Jessica :)<br />Kansas: There\'s no place like home...99 Firebird Blown/6lbs, Eaton w/3.42\'s CI headers Z28 Exaust<br />CAI, #36 injectors Intense PCM


      • #33
        Oh yah (again) if it goes into reduced power mode, what happens? Like I'm driving around, and the car craps out? Id hate to be just having a good run and it shuts itself down. Why would I want to sc if it does that? Help, you all got me nervous again!!!
        Jessica :)<br />Kansas: There\'s no place like home...99 Firebird Blown/6lbs, Eaton w/3.42\'s CI headers Z28 Exaust<br />CAI, #36 injectors Intense PCM


        • #34
          Originally posted by jessica2112:
          Oh yah (again) if it goes into reduced power mode, what happens? Like I'm driving around, and the car craps out? Id hate to be just having a good run and it shuts itself down. Why would I want to sc if it does that? Help, you all got me nervous again!!!
          For me it cut out in the middle of my first run. The electronic throttle will then limit you to something like 10% throttle. All you have to do is shut it off, and restart, everythings normal.

          I'm not sure if the powerdyne at 6psi will set it off. Ask Bill ATGNAG.
          Turbocharged and intercooled.<br />17psi(oops), stock fuel pump, no FMU<br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/phoenix64\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/phoenix64</a> <br />Video: <a href=\"ftp://ftp.pfabrication.com\" target=\"_blank\">ftp://ftp.pfabrication.com</a> Assorted car ****: TurboCamaroFull.


          • #35
            Originally posted by jessica2112:
            OK the sc is going out tomorrow to 928. F/P gauge should be here today. I'm finishing moving thursday, and were not allowed to work on cars at the apartment comlex so I'm trying to get the prep work done. I don't have the tools for the John_D wrap, so I have to put that off. I guess all that I can do is the gauges and then sit and wait for it to get back. If you can think of anything else I could do before installation time, let me know. I'm gonna hate staring at the ses light all the time. What a drag. It's gonna make me worry all the time. Well give and take I guess. Thanks to you all for your help so far, and please don't abandon me yet OK? And a special thanks to greyman [img]smile.gif[/img] Jessica [img]smile.gif[/img]
            The JohnD wrap should be easy. Just use a file to file down the oil bracket. So that the belt between the crank and the ac pulley doesn't rub on it.

            Carl is a cool guy at 928 Motorsport. He'll usually try and get that SC back to you within a week or less.

            1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


            • #36
              When mine went to reduced power mode i was fine till i went into second gear and a snail probably could have passed me, so i pulled over and shut it off and re raced the guy and it went just fine then...
              <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/profile/blackfbird_98\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/profile/blackfbird_98</a>


              • #37
                I have never seen reduced power mod. It does not happen to everyone. Sometimes it seems it may only happen once in a while...for others it happens all the time. It seems to be more on the rare side, though...(less often than you may be fearing)

                What SES light have you got going? the supercharger itself will not cause ses light...most people get that from headers or 3" exhaust, etc. In that case you can use a sim for about 50 bucks or so.

                No Problem. I think everyone (the local powerdyne gang) is proud to see somebody step up and do this mod themselves. Glad to help.

                I hate apartments. You gotta get that ride going...hurricane season will be here before you know it. :D
                01 Firebird A4 3.42
                Powerdyne @ 6 PSI
                and other mods
                Visit Project Unleashed for guides and info.


                • #38
                  It's not in yet. I was going to send it to 928, but they had a waiting list, so I was going to send it to the guy on e-bay, and the dumb s*** wont accept a paypal payment because I used a credit card with my pay pal. I don't get it. Money is money. Now it's all messed up. If I get a paypal credit, I don't think I can put that back into my bank. If so I don't have the money to do it. It was a bank debit card. So, it5 still sits in a box. So, if I try the wrap, what happens if I file too far in? oil leak and new part to replace it? The guys at full throttle v6 are scaring me. They say sell the kit unless I get it tuned. It's not worth it. It won't run right and cause problems. I won't be happy. They said your just gonna bolt it on and go?? You don't do that. The only reason I posted there is this message board is always down at night. That's when I can usually find the time after work. I had to sneak on today. I'm not scared of hurricanes greyman, I chased tornado's in Kansas for years. I'm looking forward to one actually, as long as I can stash my car somewhere safe...So I await the rebuild and dread finishing the move. Please tell me everything is going to be allright ok? Lie if you have too....Jessica
                  Jessica :)<br />Kansas: There\'s no place like home...99 Firebird Blown/6lbs, Eaton w/3.42\'s CI headers Z28 Exaust<br />CAI, #36 injectors Intense PCM


                  • #39
                    I also have never seen the reduced power mode and I upgraded to a 2.9" pulley. I have had my supercharger on since december.
                    Modifications:<br />headers, throtle bod spacer, flowmaster, high flow magnaflow carsound cat, powerdyne sc with 2.9\" pulley and by-pass valve, walboro 255 fuel pump, spec stage 2 clutch, and HP Tuners


                    • #40
                      that blows..they wont accept a credit card payment from paypal because paypal will take a cut of it..i believe its 4%..something like that..if you transfer money from your bank account then i dont think they take a cut
                      <b>12 SECOND DUAL STAGE DRY NITROUS POWERED 98 A4 V6 CAMARO<br /><a href=\"http://www.mysickcamaro.50megs.com\" target=\"_blank\">www.MySickCamaro.50megs.com</a><br />Best ET: 12.82@103<br />Best MPH: 104.7<br />Best 60\': 1.75 - Stock TC</b><br /> </font><blockquote><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><hr /><font size=\"2\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Originally posted by Shodown:<br /><strong>1DV6 runs 12\'s...enough said. </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size=\"2\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">


                      • #41
                        well no lies sometimes it can be a pain but if you install it yourself and now what is going on with how things work, and the guys here you will have no probs, the reduced power mode isn't anything to worry about it wont happen a whole lot if any like greyman said and if so find somewhere to pull over and restart the car, as for full throttle V6 the are just jealous that a girl is going to have a faster car they them, the wrap where you file the oil filter, you should take maybe a 1/16 off and then check it with the belt off, and the placing the belt across the pullies where it is going to be and make sure it has room it sounds harder than it is... and good luck [img]smile.gif[/img]
                        <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/profile/blackfbird_98\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/profile/blackfbird_98</a>


                        • #42
                          Thank you! Got f/p gauge installed today low-38 lbs high-43lbs a/f gauge-star trek
                          Boost-still vacuum, no sc YET.....thanks to all, fittings from Summit were right on the money, no leaks.

                          John_D wrap belt, what size is it? 100 something inches? Can you give me the right number?

                          One way vacuum valve in too.....

                          Soon I shall be a zoomin [img]smile.gif[/img] OH YA BABY

                          Damage so far: 3 scrapes, 2 on hands, 1 on arm
                          Cracked dashboard, hurt pride
                          Lost 10mm socket somewhere in the engine bay, pissed me off
                          Lost roll of 16 gauge wire, where I have no clue...
                          And of course my star trek gauge...Sulu, look at the a/f gauge!!!! It's going wild!!! Shields up!!!!
                          Jessica :)<br />Kansas: There\'s no place like home...99 Firebird Blown/6lbs, Eaton w/3.42\'s CI headers Z28 Exaust<br />CAI, #36 injectors Intense PCM


                          • #43
                            I never said you were afraid of hurricanes....you chase them...so you want your car to be fast...get it?

                            Use the RKSport belt that comes with the kit. it is 105" I believe and works with the John D wrap and 6 psi pulley. Look further up this thread I detailed it for you.

                            I guess if the guys over at full throttle say I should get rid of my supercharger...so be it then. I thought I had done everything right by following the basic instructions and following the guidance of our local F body v6 powerdyne gang here and ending up with a flawless and perfectly running forced induction vehicle...but I guess I was wrong. I better work on my 'for sale' add...something like..."6 psi powerdyne for sale, Like new, I thought it was perfect but found out I was wrong, It will never work right, please buy it anyways, $100. "
                            How does that sound?
                            I wish there was a web site around that told me pretty much everything I needed to know about installing and running an RKSport Powerdyne on a late model v6 firebird. Pictures would be nice, too. I wish someone would get on that. Guys? Girls? Anybody?

                            01 Firebird A4 3.42
                            Powerdyne @ 6 PSI
                            and other mods
                            Visit Project Unleashed for guides and info.


                            • #44
                              LOL!!!!!!!! I got it. [img]graemlins/slap.gif[/img] Iv'e been braindead lately. Ya $100. That's classic! Hey your website has been a GREAT help. Now if it had advice on how to keep a 3 week old kitten from climbing on your back, that would be cool too.
                              Used dash cover for sale, makes great tv tray, movie prop, told ya so proof.
                              Make offer [img]smile.gif[/img]
                              Jessica :)<br />Kansas: There\'s no place like home...99 Firebird Blown/6lbs, Eaton w/3.42\'s CI headers Z28 Exaust<br />CAI, #36 injectors Intense PCM


                              • #45
                                Oh, when I checked the oil at fill up this morning, I noticed the large ac hose looks like it's right in the way of where the head unit mounts. Is this a new problem? I have to have my ac, end of story, and I HAve to have my SC end of story story. [img]smile.gif[/img]
                                Jessica :)<br />Kansas: There\'s no place like home...99 Firebird Blown/6lbs, Eaton w/3.42\'s CI headers Z28 Exaust<br />CAI, #36 injectors Intense PCM


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