Do you guys want a cheap turbo kit? - Message Board


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Do you guys want a cheap turbo kit?

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  • #46
    Kieth Build a kit that will kick A$$ and i buy it Ok 9 spots left!!!!!!!!

    I personally wanna turbo my car. So if hes gonna build a quality kit, I dont mind paying for it, I dont care what he makes on it its his time his effort what do u want him to do it for free???

    Later mike

    [ October 02, 2002: Message edited by: mike24 ]</p>
    Silver 2000 Firebird A4<br />3.8 A4<br />14.746 @91.98 Feb /03/02<p>1990 Mitsu GSX 5Spd I just got it.<p>Otis for President 04 !!!!!!


    • #47
      Jason,I understand your feelings and feel your
      pain.I to have tried things and failed,but I cant
      stand it so I keep on till I get it done.Were there is a will there is a way.I wont take beta
      testers when its done its done.I see enough intrest to build a kit.I cant tell you my design
      then I give other people my ideas.I have to say
      I dont mind telling you a company that doesnt make
      money is a broke company.If anyone brings a blower
      or turbo to this market $3500 is a steal.If it can
      be done I will do it.I can only ask let me build
      one and lest see.


      • #48
        basicly its only gonna cost around 1000 for a kit that he is gonna sell for 3500

        Yea, thats called business. Do you think he would go out and buy a whole car, do endless hours of labor and research, just to "hook us up"?

        Look at superchargers. They cost 3500 and you get the supercharger and tubing.

        If you dont think its a good deal, then dont buy it. But, for everybody who doesnt have a "hook up" and doesnt have a good local shop, then maybe this is exactly what we need.

        Why are there always negative people everywhere?

        P.S. What were you talking about with the ati beta tester reference? You said that 10 people bought beta spots, and that MORE than ten backed out??? How can you lose more than you began with?
        All gone :(<br />Best ET ever: 14.3 (I think)<br />----------------------------<br />Check out my site for exhaust clips, burnouts, and pictures, and the supercharger throttle body mod.<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Click on the Firebird</a>


        • #49
          Jeez Morgan. You must have nothing better to do than sit online and troll on anything that looks hopeful for guys. WTF would you do if you were making a setup for people? You would probably charge even more.

          If your Mr. Hot****, then make your own turbo kit, then "hook us all up" with it only costing 1 grand.



          • #50
            <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Scott Black:
            Jeez Morgan. You must have nothing better to do than sit online and troll on anything that looks hopeful for guys. WTF would you do if you were making a setup for people? You would probably charge even more.

            If your Mr. Hot****, then make your own turbo kit, then "hook us all up" with it only costing 1 grand.


            Well put Scott. Check out this thread:


            "First I need to know what yall would prefer:
            Twin Turbo:4000-4500
            Single turbo:3500-4000"

            That's very not cool Jason. Just because Keith is actually going to do a kit doesn't give you the right to bash him. Your price for the turbo was the exact same, what's up with that man? Were you trying to make $1500 per kit with yours?

            Just stay out of this if you're only going to bring trouble. If you have any useful knowleage then post that. But otherwise just let Keith built us a bad *** turbo kit.
            2001 A4 Pewter 75th Anniversary W68 Firebird<br />1997 Dodge Ram Extended Cab 360 CID<br />1996 Ford Explorer V6<br /><i><b>Any number you can think of, I can think of one higher.</b></i><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br />AIM: Guitarchitect201


            • #51
              Guys,I understand what Jason is saying and dont
              be harsh on him.I dont know how his kit is built
              but I can say that when all is said and done the
              profit is not near what people think.I have to pay
              my people good money,insurance,workers comp.,profit share.I do all the R&D fab the kit,figure every nut&bolt,all the way down to how
              many grinding wheels are used in a week.Then I have to shell out $5000 just to get my price down
              on fuel injectors to a profit level.I will tell
              you some non intercooled kits for Hondas cost over
              $3500.Just pick up this mounth of Turbo Mag.I dont
              mind a critic this makes vendors offer good parts!


              • #52
                <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by 4CEFED:
                I think the
                stock headers could be used on the kit by bringing
                them into a collector at the turbo.

                stock headers, ay?

                in the words of john mayer--"no such thing"
                2000 NBM M6 Camaro Z28<br />323/335


                • #53
                  hrmmmmmm yall dont know much about a good turbo system so i will inform yall.

                  Our headers suck to begin with specilly the 99's and before. (you arnt gonna use the 99 and beofre headers for a turbo system it would just but stupid and gay) you need a tubular exasght header for a turbo system and theres alot of ways to make them better. he is taking he cheap way out if he is just going to run a pipe to the front. The price i said was becuase i talked to a turbo header guy down here and he quoted me 2K for some stainless steel turbo headers ( im sure the would be awsome and ****ing sweeeeeeeeet) so yea your rigth i was trying to take the cheap way out of it and i my self was gonna make some bizzilion dollars off of yall.

                  his price of 3500 wouldnt be bad if it included a set up turbo headers and pcm programing. but to basicly take our y pipe off and to basicly make a u pipe and run it to the front takes aboue 0 skills and even if you had no skilles would cost less then 500 from a professional with mad skills. All the while this U pipe he basicly wants to use isnt going to be good for performance wise in a turbo system.

                  I dont know about most of yall but i like the best for my car and that is what i was going to use was the best. how many people do you know that run redline synthetic oil at 8 bucks a quart lol

                  i asked some vary valid questions that do need to be answered before he produces a kit. exaple our pvc system (if you know how it is setup on our car you know there is a problem with forced induction and our pvc system).

                  and yea if i had wanted a cheap turbo on my car i would just run some u pipes to the front month the turbo be done with it. if i had done that and had gone the cheap route i probly would of made directions for everyone to produce their own 1K dollar turbo kits but like i said i dont go cheap when it comes to parts for my car.

                  and yea i will coment on the turbo you picked if you are really talking about a T60 seriers turbo it is to big period.

                  and ummm i think its funny how people are mad at me for asking valid questions that need to be answered, im not attacking him in anyway just want some answeres. (we dont know this guy, he could be a great guy but know one knows and no one has seen his work so his abilteis to make a turbo system mean squat to me untill i see some proof)

                  oh yea there is only a handful of people on this board that actully know something about turbos and good turbo systems and you notice not one is arguing agaisnt the points i have brought up. i dont mean to sound like i am bashing the guy i want everyone to be informed though and i have brought up question that he needs to find the answeres to or else the turbo system will suck and people will have problems

                  and im not sayig the guy cant make money thats the whole point behind it all but to make a trubo system that is half *** is wrong

                  using our stock headers is cheap and lazy way to go about making a turbo system

                  Scott Black

                  hrmm yall dont know dick about a good turbo system so #1 yall need to shut the **** up

                  I am trying to #1 help the guy by bring up questions hes probly hasnt thought about. #2 informing the board (the people that know jack **** about turbos) that #1 our headers would more the suck for any turbo system and if he has made 7 kits in the past he should know that thats not the best for a good turbo kit #2 um yea we would be in more then major need of pcm programming with those 42# injectors he wants to use #3 thos injectors are going to be waaaaaaaaaaaaay to big for a motor that can only handle no more the probly 10 lbs saftly for an extented period (with the fuel and no detnontaion) 42# injectores are for probly in the range of 500 or so hp cars not 350hp or so what we might see with 10lbs.

                  also his intercooler idea sucks. behind the radiator is going to suck in terms of it being effenct and besides thats taking up room where a nice turbo could go. ( most turbo buicks upgrade to a front mount intercooler because there stock intercooler blows on effentcy.) yes i know firebirds have a problem with this alot more then camaros but i still say a front mount intercooler would be sooooooooooo much better performance wise and isnt that what we want out of a turbo system

                  hehe Only4U
                  knows what i am talking about

                  <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> stock headers, ay?

                  in the words of john mayer--"no such thing"



                  • #54

                    about 4-5 people have sold there deposites for the ATI kit since it firts came out.

                    ohh yea isnt the title of this thread "Do you guys wnat a cheap turbo kit?" cheap in terms of how it sounds like it would be made yes in terms of price 3500 is not cheap i could have someone build 1 kit for me for 4K thats with all the stuff i want so like i said with out custom headers and pcm programming anyone that buys it in my opionion is getting shafted. im just letting people know that have no clue so they can make their own informed descion.

                    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Just stay out of this if you're only going to bring trouble. If you have any useful knowleage then post that. But otherwise just let Keith built us a bad *** turbo kit.


                    hrmmm yup his idea of using stock headers with 42# injectors on what could be a stock pcm yup that would be a bad turbo kit lol notice i didnt say bad ***

                    and i am providing usefull info something your not so why dont you "just stay out of this" lol


                    • #55
                      my name is jason morgan i dont know how to end a sentence or capitalize and i accuse people of saying that they know everything about turbos to avoid the fact that if i were making a turbo kit i would charge more than this guy is so thats my story and im stickin to it

                      Although I do agree with the part of synthetic costing $8 a quart, that does blow.



                      • #56
                        hrmm why is it your attacking me maybe cause you know jack **** about turbos but thats besides the point that you hate your car. if you hate your car ****ing sell the ***** and leave the ****ing board and get on with your life.

                        better products are normaly sold for more money moron the kit i wanted wasnt cheap

                        the kit he is talking about is cheap

                        but wait this is scott black we are talking about he knows more then magnus and is god hes never wrong

                        :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

                        your a ****ing moron shut the **** up *****


                        • #57
                          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Jason Morgan:
                          hrmm why is it your attacking me maybe cause you know jack **** about turbos but thats besides the point that you hate your car. if you hate your car ****ing sell the ***** and leave the ****ing board and get on with your life.

                          better products are normaly sold for more money moron the kit i wanted wasnt cheap

                          but wait this is scott black we are talking about he knows more then magnus


                          Wait, so now i do know jack**** about turbos? Make up your mind dood.

                          I hate my car.........yes........and??? I'll leave the board when I want to, not when one little pi$$head like you asks me to. My life is great, don't know if the same can be said for yours.

                          You know so much about turbos, yet you haven't designed anything or made your own stuff??? Interesting...

                          I never discredited your knowledge of turbos. You must be pretty insecure because i said that you'd do the same thing of charging a higher price than what it cost you to produce it.

                          Knowing more than Magnus? That isn't saying much LOL. [img]tongue.gif[/img]

                          Have a nice day,


                          [ October 03, 2002: Message edited by: Scott Black ]</p>


                          • #58
                            Jason, don't worry man. Scott is just jealous of your rugged good looks.


                            • #59
                              <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by supersixjohn:
                              Jason, don't worry man. Scott is just jealous of your rugged good looks.<hr></blockquote>

                              [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img]

                              You guessed it.



                              • #60
                                CAN WE PLEASE CHILL THIS OUT? I wouldn't like to see this get topic get locked.

                                It's good to hear what everyones point of view is, so we could hear all the possible problems we might run into. but let's stop this guys. [img]smile.gif[/img]

                                [ October 03, 2002: Message edited by: Kidinthehall2001 ]</p>
                                1999 Chevrolet Camaro Z28<br />1987 Buick Grand National


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