turbo guys help me out - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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turbo guys help me out

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  • #46
    I just recieved my turbonetics 60-1 and will prove it works well in a few months. ;)

    Actually, the w-bodys already proved it works great as one car just hit a 10.92 @ 125 on a stock gtp block with stock l36 heads. 60-1 turbo with 18 psi. [img]graemlins/bowdown.gif[/img]
    92 S10 3800 A4(96)<br />1/4: 14.374 @ 92.25 w/ 1.976 60\'<br />Turbo and 12\'s Coming Soon!


    • #47
      Well it is typical...ppl use the comp maps as their stone proof...well it doesn't really work that way in the real world...Yes that is what the T70 is "suppose" to do...but have you seen the turbine map? Do you know what turbine wheel + exhaust housing can provide you with the best combo? It is more complicated than looking thru numbers...don't get me wrong that is part of the art...I tell ppl reality and paper do not sometimes blend...
      Anywayz you have a point...you want power that wheel will do it...what about the other 3 ppl that have this turbo?
      And one final thing, look at the comp map...anytime you see a map that skinny...it generally means it is a PRESSURE map...meaning the wheel will do well with a lot of pressure...when yo see a 'rounded' map...it signifies FLOW

      just recieved my turbonetics 60-1 and will prove it works well in a few months. [Wink]

      Actually, the w-bodys already proved it works great as one car just hit a 10.92 @ 125 on a stock gtp block with stock l36 heads. 60-1 turbo with 18 psi
      Woot... and that is a 59mm turbo!! [img]graemlins/stickpoke.gif[/img]

      Well I hope we have learnt something today... ;)
      stick a fork in me...I am done [img]graemlins/love.gif[/img]

      [ August 10, 2005, 12:49 PM: Message edited by: nocutt ]
      THE ORIGINAL 3800SII turbo...<b><i>NOW SERIES-III</i></b>


      • #48
        You gotta link to this 60-1 w body?
        00 Pewter Y87 Camaro-SS Hood/Chrome rims, Black Halos, Clear corners, Pacesetters, V8 K&N FIPK, 3\" B&B TriFlow, HPP3, MSD Coils, Taylor wires, Transgo stage II, Edge 3000 Stall, 180* thermo, SLP Bowtie Grill<br /><a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/468763/1/\" target=\"_blank\">Carro</a>


        • #49
          Originally posted by snatch:
          You gotta link to this 60-1 w body?

          Sorry, he has a mild cam also. [img]smile.gif[/img]
          92 S10 3800 A4(96)<br />1/4: 14.374 @ 92.25 w/ 1.976 60\'<br />Turbo and 12\'s Coming Soon!


          • #50
            ok im now more confused than ever.....
            so you guys think the turbo tiago offered is not a good idea?

            i was really thinking about shnes turbo but like i said tiago told me he would not sell a kit w/o a turbo...
            1994 white Firebird M5<br />Flowmasters, CAI, 3.73s, LSD, coated pacesetters, eibach pro-kit, bilsteins, hurst shifter, JVC stereo, 18\" C5 vette wheels, Kuhmo Ecsta ASX rubber<br /><br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/744299\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/744299</a> <br /><br />Coming Soon: Turbo!


            • #51
              HOLY BALLSACKS!!!!!!!!
              00 Pewter Y87 Camaro-SS Hood/Chrome rims, Black Halos, Clear corners, Pacesetters, V8 K&N FIPK, 3\" B&B TriFlow, HPP3, MSD Coils, Taylor wires, Transgo stage II, Edge 3000 Stall, 180* thermo, SLP Bowtie Grill<br /><a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/468763/1/\" target=\"_blank\">Carro</a>


              • #52
                Originally posted by nocutt:
                Well it is typical...ppl use the comp maps as their stone proof...well it doesn't really work that way in the real world...Yes that is what the T70 is "suppose" to do...but have you seen the turbine map? Do you know what turbine wheel + exhaust housing can provide you with the best combo? It is more complicated than looking thru numbers...don't get me wrong that is part of the art...I tell ppl reality and paper do not sometimes blend...
                Anywayz you have a point...you want power that wheel will do it...what about the other 3 ppl that have this turbo?
                And one final thing, look at the comp map...anytime you see a map that skinny...it generally means it is a PRESSURE map...meaning the wheel will do well with a lot of pressure...when yo see a 'rounded' map...it signifies FLOW

                </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> just recieved my turbonetics 60-1 and will prove it works well in a few months. [Wink]

                Actually, the w-bodys already proved it works great as one car just hit a 10.92 @ 125 on a stock gtp block with stock l36 heads. 60-1 turbo with 18 psi
                Woot... and that is a 59mm turbo!! [img]graemlins/stickpoke.gif[/img]

                Well I hope we have learnt something today... ;)
                stick a fork in me...I am done [img]graemlins/love.gif[/img]
                </font>[/QUOTE]WTF else am i expose to use........

                and you know links is having great results with his........

                so If I and the others are so wrong why don't you show us what we should have used to pick our turbo instead of blabing that your right... all you did was cut down my "proof" as you stated, witch i was only giving an example of what i used to pick my turbo not using it as proof so i'm not wrong...

                I don't care if i'm wrong i learn as much as i can. but you have yet to prove me wrong/right/what ever pooint your trying to prove, with anything other then your own words...... so for the sake of others why don't the "expert" show us the right way?..... or better yet why don't you write a hole spu on it and i'll sticky it for you?

                you said somthing about paper bing for from real life? well i agree with you there. but how the fuke we ever suppose to know "real world results" if know one ever tries it in the real word?

                you said that skinny grah show pressure and not flow? umm i have never heard this from anyone i asked nor is it in the books i have read, for i all i know your blowing smoke to make me look bad or your self better witch is kinda high-school-ish (not saying you are just knida seems that way to me.)

                I only try to give poeple solid advice that i have experanced first hand you can ask anyone that i'ms me if i'm not 100% sure i'll tell them who to ask or fond a answer for them for a souce i know is good.

                I'm the first to admit i don't know everything and i never try to come off this way.

                so please school me and i'll get my pen and paper and you should get yours out too, to learn fomr our "real word" set up's

                the hole point of this site is to learn from each other. NOT this......

                I only ask if your going to cut/dishonor for lack of better words you at least provide some proof of it/referacne for one to read them self's.

                i mean maybe if you was corky bell but i bet he would give some kind of referance for us to under stand. (like his books) you have to rember you have to drop it down so those new to things can understand.
                1997 3800 Series II Camaro
                4600 Stall for my ride to the mall :chug:
                7.18 @ 99.77 1/8 -1.8x sixty (current quickest v6 fbod)
                11.23 @ unk 5 1/4 - 7.19 1/8 - 1.83 sixty


                • #53
                  Originally posted by snatch:
                  Edit checked your site.
                  let me guess it was about the 12 PSI ? ? ?
                  1997 3800 Series II Camaro
                  4600 Stall for my ride to the mall :chug:
                  7.18 @ 99.77 1/8 -1.8x sixty (current quickest v6 fbod)
                  11.23 @ unk 5 1/4 - 7.19 1/8 - 1.83 sixty


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by viper04af:
                    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by snatch:
                    Edit checked your site.
                    let me guess it was about the 12 PSI ? ? ? </font>[/QUOTE]Take it easy there tough guy, I was just wondering what CR, converter and cam you were running. I PERSONALLY feel the T70 would be to big for me on the street. But my setup is different than yours and your likes are different than mine. I also have not driven either of the cars so maybe I wouldnt mind a T70.
                    But you can see from the link that Red posted the 61 will do fine on our cars.
                    00 Pewter Y87 Camaro-SS Hood/Chrome rims, Black Halos, Clear corners, Pacesetters, V8 K&N FIPK, 3\" B&B TriFlow, HPP3, MSD Coils, Taylor wires, Transgo stage II, Edge 3000 Stall, 180* thermo, SLP Bowtie Grill<br /><a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/468763/1/\" target=\"_blank\">Carro</a>


                    • #55
                      I knew this was going to happen... :(
                      Ok this will be my last reply to you...I apologize if I came too strong...seriously...this is a BB...we will all have a difference in opinion...it is called life!
                      Also you need to learn how to listen when you don't understand. Again if you feel I came across wrong then we should never meet in real life...because I see you will get upset quickly [img]graemlins/love.gif[/img] and I am not been sarcastic either...
                      I have accepted you used the T70 because that is what you calculated...fine!!
                      You can run whatever turbo you want in all honesty...and to reflect I guess it is really not my place to tell you otherwise...However the norm is to start *small (of course not literally) and grow with the unit anywayz...
                      There is a belief that if a person does not have a car that runs 9's he cannot have validity!! I have been doing this for the better part of 8yrs on this engines...I have seen several combinations...no I haven't seen all...but for the most part 95% of what I spout is experience and NOT opinion...again I will leave this for another time...trust me...it will come back again
                      Grow a thicker skin by that time though ;)
                      THE ORIGINAL 3800SII turbo...<b><i>NOW SERIES-III</i></b>


                      • #56
                        i had a turbo way smaller then a 60-1 on my firebird and ran consistant mid 12's on 9-10psi.....and still no one has come close to matching me with there T700000000 turbo ;)
                        Past Ride
                        1995 Firebird A4 3.8 Turbocharged -- 12.50 at 108
                        (If you dont know me, you haven't had a V6 long enough)

                        Current Ride
                        2006 Mitsubishi Evolution GSR



                        • #57
                          Give the boy a cookie! [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img]
                          2004 CE Corvette 10.86@132mph
                          1996 Supercharged/Nitrous Camaro RS (For Sale)
                          2011 Cadillac CTS-V
                          2011 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GT-P
                          2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Shane:
                            i had a turbo way smaller then a 60-1 on my firebird and ran consistant mid 12's on 9-10psi.....and still no one has come close to matching me with there T700000000 turbo ;)
                            So when is your Supra going to match that time j/k :D

                            What's your turbo spec and mod again on that Firebird?

                            Do you still have the Firebird?

                            1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by nocutt:
                              I knew this was going to happen... :(
                              Ok this will be my last reply to you...I apologize if I came too strong...seriously...this is a BB...we will all have a difference in opinion...it is called life!
                              Also you need to learn how to listen when you don't understand. Again if you feel I came across wrong then we should never meet in real life...because I see you will get upset quickly [img]graemlins/love.gif[/img] and I am not been sarcastic either...
                              I have accepted you used the T70 because that is what you calculated...fine!!
                              You can run whatever turbo you want in all honesty...and to reflect I guess it is really not my place to tell you otherwise...However the norm is to start *small (of course not literally) and grow with the unit anywayz...
                              There is a belief that if a person does not have a car that runs 9's he cannot have validity!! I have been doing this for the better part of 8yrs on this engines...I have seen several combinations...no I haven't seen all...but for the most part 95% of what I spout is experience and NOT opinion...again I will leave this for another time...trust me...it will come back again
                              Grow a thicker skin by that time though ;)
                              accualy i'm the exact opposite. I'm not upset and your not getting to me..... I'm just the kind of person that has to see something to learn it and i was only pointing out that you have not showen me anything. Even after i just asked you to explain it to me, pic out what you though wasgood and dogded the rest .............. still would like to know........ not like it's hard to change the turbo lol
                              1997 3800 Series II Camaro
                              4600 Stall for my ride to the mall :chug:
                              7.18 @ 99.77 1/8 -1.8x sixty (current quickest v6 fbod)
                              11.23 @ unk 5 1/4 - 7.19 1/8 - 1.83 sixty


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Shane:
                                i had a turbo way smaller then a 60-1 on my firebird and ran consistant mid 12's on 9-10psi.....and still no one has come close to matching me with there T700000000 turbo ;)
                                you also seem to have a good supply of cash........ and your small turbo didn't max you MAF you..... witch we just now got a fix for, if you can call it "fix"
                                1997 3800 Series II Camaro
                                4600 Stall for my ride to the mall :chug:
                                7.18 @ 99.77 1/8 -1.8x sixty (current quickest v6 fbod)
                                11.23 @ unk 5 1/4 - 7.19 1/8 - 1.83 sixty


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