Well I am writing this note to you guys from the confinements of my cold room. Today marked a sad day in the history of my life as i watched someone pass their red light and come right at me. I tried to speed through the intersection as fast as i could, but not fast enough. The Eclipse that passed the light slammed into the rear passanger side of my car and needless to say that my batmobile is one rear axle and wheel short of a complete car. The batmobile was towed to the nearest Pontiac dealership where it is now waiting for someone from my insurance company to come out and tell me if it is going to be totalled or fixed. I am hoping that its goign to get fixed. For now i have no idea what i am going to do about the charger kit. I guess i will ahve to find someone who has a 2000 bird that would be willing to give their car as a guinea pig or something... i am too shocked to figure it all out right now. For all those who have read this horriffic story, do not fear for it is just that...a story.. the ramblings of a very bored man at work who has nothing better to do than to keep everyone on their toes and make your heart skip a beat. I will be posting pics of the kit soon. keep an eye out. [img]graemlins/evilgrin.gif[/img]
[ December 20, 2002: Message edited by: BATMAN ]</p>
[ December 20, 2002: Message edited by: BATMAN ]</p>