BOV -- better by turbo or by TB? - Message Board


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BOV -- better by turbo or by TB?

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  • BOV -- better by turbo or by TB?

    Turbo is on the pass side, pressure goes into the pass fender / bumper area, through an FMIC, up the driver fender / bumper area, across the engine bay and to the TB. BOV is about 1 or 1.5 piping feet from the turbo pressure outlet.

    Is it better to mount the BOV at the TB, at the turbo, or somewhere in between? How about two BOV's?
    <b>97 Camaro 3.8L M5</b><br />Car for sale<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Terrapin Motorsports! UMCP

  • #2
    no.. get one not two.. you probably only need one small one to be honest.. or get a bigger one.. dosent really matter.. as long as its adjustable..

    as far as the location you kinda want it mounted tanget to any of the bends..


    • #3
      Rule of thumb...always mount BOV 6-8 inches away from TB.
      THE ORIGINAL 3800SII turbo...<b><i>NOW SERIES-III</i></b>


      • #4
        If you were an air particle ... which way out would you take?
        I'll start googling on this topic.

        As Billy learned, I have piping problems -- the setup is composed of several different sizes and many connectors. Good for now, relatively easy to do myself, but it needs to be professionally welded together. I figured I could do the BOV on a real pipe at the same point.

        Turbo to 90* rubber to 2" crimp pipe to DSM BOV / 1.5" hardpipe to 2.5" mandrel to 2.5" IC to 2.5" mandrel to 3" mandrel to 3" mandrel to 2.5" SLP-intake to 90* 1LE elbow to TB. Too many damn pipes! And when one blows off behind the frickin' headlamps or under the battery or inside the wheelwell, someone's getting burned!
        <b>97 Camaro 3.8L M5</b><br />Car for sale<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Terrapin Motorsports! UMCP


        • #5
          hey rob.. i forgot to mention that i have a strait 3" silicone coupler from HTS that you can have.. i bought it and the wll thickness was too much.. nexttime we are getting together remind me and i will try to swing by where I do all my work and get it for yah..


          • #6
            Actually dude I have a bunch of 3" "Injen" silicone couplers that I probably won't be using. I found that the 3" ones, at least the silicone ones, won't compress enough to fit on my 2.5" piping, which I'll be using all of for the final weld-up.

            I'll take yours for the collection if you want. [img]smile.gif[/img]
            <b>97 Camaro 3.8L M5</b><br />Car for sale<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Terrapin Motorsports! UMCP


            • #7
              Originally posted by Wicked 3800 V6:
              Actually dude I have a bunch of 3" "Injen" silicone couplers that I probably won't be using. I found that the 3" ones, at least the silicone ones, won't compress enough to fit on my 2.5" piping, which I'll be using all of for the final weld-up.

              I'll take yours for the collection if you want. [img]smile.gif[/img]
              meh.. I Will hold onto it in my private collection of limited edition couplers then.. for next time we make someone and intake.. [img]smile.gif[/img]

              errr.. yeah..

              get some 2.5's they are pretty cheep.. like $10 each for up to 500 deg.. the also have 350 deg ones that you could use for some connections that are like $8 each..



              • #8
                I would put it before the IC, so you could vent the hot air before the IC and keep the cool air after the IC.
                I have a bunch of 3.5'' hose to make couplers out of. That's to big for most people.
                \'85 Z28, T-tops new LG4 and TH700<br />\'85 3.4L 5-speed<br />mods: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> the nitrous exhaust O2 safety, pg 3. <br />Areo space materal engineer wantabe


                • #9
                  Originally posted by oil pan 4:
                  I would put it before the IC, so you could vent the hot air before the IC and keep the cool air after the IC.
                  I have a bunch of 3.5'' hose to make couplers out of. That's to big for most people.
                  You cannot be!!
                  Do you actually know the dynamics of the BOV besides the cliche we have all come to hear!?!?
                  Anywayz like I have stated above...6-8inches away from the TB, the air been pushed across the BOV is what is blown off...has no bearing on warm or cold air...even though their is merit there, throttle response is the primary factor for this device!!
                  THE ORIGINAL 3800SII turbo...<b><i>NOW SERIES-III</i></b>


                  • #10
                    The last few weeks I have seen bov's on IC's, some modified on there and some look like the IC came with a mount for the bov on the IC.
                    Any one know why?
                    I think it keeps the air in the IC so it can cool more and some of them look like they are positioned so it could let out moisture that collects in the bottem of the IC.
                    I was going for prolonged boost, at high speed.
                    If I wanted throttle responce I wouldn't run a bov, like a GN.
                    I want it to only save the thrust bearing in the turbo from boost surge, when I slam the TB shut for shifts. I don't have a eletronic TB.
                    \'85 Z28, T-tops new LG4 and TH700<br />\'85 3.4L 5-speed<br />mods: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> the nitrous exhaust O2 safety, pg 3. <br />Areo space materal engineer wantabe


                    • #11
                      the best spot to mount your bov IS before the intercooler. The reason being is that hot air is vented instead of cooler air, this adds to the efficency of your intercooler. It is also good to keep some of the boost at the tb for between gear shifts. We have had this on manual v6 cars running around 30psi and have never had a bent throttle body blade. The reason it is so popular to mount the bov at the tb is because you can get the pshhhhhhh noise when backing off under vacume.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by CrEaTiVe PuNkA:
                        the best spot to mount your bov IS before the intercooler. The reason being is that hot air is vented instead of cooler air, this adds to the efficency of your intercooler. It is also good to keep some of the boost at the tb for between gear shifts. We have had this on manual v6 cars running around 30psi and have never had a bent throttle body blade. The reason it is so popular to mount the bov at the tb is because you can get the pshhhhhhh noise when backing off under vacume.
                        The greater of two evils!! Everywhere on the intake is pressurized...meaning you will get the "famed BOV sound" anywhere on the psi'd intake however the performance and real reason for the device is to eliminate Comp. surge and slow throttle response...the best place to get a vacuumn reference line is still behind the butterfly and the shorter the line the better the vacuumn...generally the shortest line will still be behind the TB, considering the distance of the mounted BOV (6-8in away from the aformentioned)...the brief split second it will take to get "intercooled air" DOES NOT supercede the need to avoid surge or "getting back" into the throttle...this is how you automatically loose, especially to a well setup system!
                        THE ORIGINAL 3800SII turbo...<b><i>NOW SERIES-III</i></b>


                        • #13
                          Holy crap which is it???
                          I've heard seemingly well thought out opinions for every possible position [img]smile.gif[/img]
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                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ravenp:
                            Holy crap which is it???
                            I've heard seemingly well thought out opinions for every possible position [img]smile.gif[/img]
                            In Actuality a BOV is louder in the region between the spinning turbo and b4 the IC...think about that one!?!? So it will be technically less responsive...'throttle reponse wise'...
                            What about if you are rerouting the released BOV charged back in to the system? you would still be taking "unintercooled air"...that argument as far as am concerned has merits but does not 'hold any water...'
                            THE ORIGINAL 3800SII turbo...<b><i>NOW SERIES-III</i></b>


                            • #15
                              Nocutt I haven't separated the MAF and the TB, so the charge can't be routed back! (unless I split the maf and mount it pre-compressor)
                              <b>97 Camaro 3.8L M5</b><br />Car for sale<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Terrapin Motorsports! UMCP


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