Powerdyne problems, need big time help. - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Powerdyne problems, need big time help.

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  • Powerdyne problems, need big time help.

    [Part One]

    Okay here we go, got the charger on and it makes good 7lb's of boost [img]smile.gif[/img] lowest i get is 5lb's. My problem is the dipstick comes up and then oil shoots out when im under boost.

    [Part Two]

    I cut my stock exhaust off to get rid of restrictions (stock CAT is still on). Everything behind the cat has been removed. The problem still happens, when the motor sees high boost the dipstick pops up and oil squirts out.

    [Help Me]

    Is the stock cat that restrictive? Would my stock tubular manifolds be the issue? Where do i go from here? The car runs strong under boost but the oil / dipstick issue is BAD... The car is driveable if i granny shift it and dont get near 0 on the boost gauge...

    * I did not do the throttle body mod listed in Mcaanda's install guide, i didnt see how it would make a difference, do i need to do that mod?

    All my mods are listed below in the sig, i have NO HEADERS and STOCK CAT the rest of the exhaust is gone(I.E. laying on my garage floor)

    I need ideas bad, thanks!!!
    2002 Maple Red Firebird V6<br />3.73 w/ LSD | Pro-5.0 Shifter | Fan Switch | Tach w/ Shiftlite | Boost and Fuel Pressure Gauge | Bilstein Shocks & 1LE Springs | 1LE 32mm Bar & Poly Bushings, Poly Tranny Mount and Torque Arm Bushing | BMR LCA\'s | Catco 3\" Cat w/ Edlebrock 5509 Muffler, (all 3\") | Corbeau A4 Seats (Pair) |<p><a href=\"http://forums.fakeleg.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://forums.fakeleg.com</a><br /><a href=\"http://cv6.fakeleg.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://cv6.fakeleg.com</a> - Part & Repair Manuals and write-ups.

  • #2
    yea if your making that much boost yuo need to ditch the stock manifolds. ask shirl she was having a problem with this also read stephan's article about"the virus" he was having the same problem and i think he did list a solution to this problem..


    • #3
      <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by malloynx#2:
      yea if your making that much boost yuo need to ditch the stock manifolds. ask shirl she was having a problem with this also read stephan's article about"the virus" he was having the same problem and i think he did list a solution to this problem..<hr></blockquote>

      Thanks, i will follow up on that, however the 2002 manifolds are tubular and not the "log" shaped ones. Both shirl and project virus/pathogen would have had the log style manifolds. Never the less i will certainly follow up on that.. Thanks man!
      2002 Maple Red Firebird V6<br />3.73 w/ LSD | Pro-5.0 Shifter | Fan Switch | Tach w/ Shiftlite | Boost and Fuel Pressure Gauge | Bilstein Shocks & 1LE Springs | 1LE 32mm Bar & Poly Bushings, Poly Tranny Mount and Torque Arm Bushing | BMR LCA\'s | Catco 3\" Cat w/ Edlebrock 5509 Muffler, (all 3\") | Corbeau A4 Seats (Pair) |<p><a href=\"http://forums.fakeleg.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://forums.fakeleg.com</a><br /><a href=\"http://cv6.fakeleg.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://cv6.fakeleg.com</a> - Part & Repair Manuals and write-ups.


      • #4
        The throttle body modification where the plug is installed, how vital is that? It was not done because i could not find a 3/8" Tap... (still looking for one as of right now). Would this help/eliminate my problem??
        2002 Maple Red Firebird V6<br />3.73 w/ LSD | Pro-5.0 Shifter | Fan Switch | Tach w/ Shiftlite | Boost and Fuel Pressure Gauge | Bilstein Shocks & 1LE Springs | 1LE 32mm Bar & Poly Bushings, Poly Tranny Mount and Torque Arm Bushing | BMR LCA\'s | Catco 3\" Cat w/ Edlebrock 5509 Muffler, (all 3\") | Corbeau A4 Seats (Pair) |<p><a href=\"http://forums.fakeleg.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://forums.fakeleg.com</a><br /><a href=\"http://cv6.fakeleg.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://cv6.fakeleg.com</a> - Part & Repair Manuals and write-ups.


        • #5
          Hey, i talked to stefan about this problem and Bill Mach is also aware of it for the new Procharger kit being developed. From what Stefan says, the Y pipe is where its too restrictive. He had to have an exhaust shop redesign the "Y" so that it looked more like a "V" before it attaches to the cat. Stefan had RKSport headers. I am not sure what Shirl had. I know i have RKSport headers and i am well aware that i may have to redesign the Y pipe to fix the bottleneck that creates the pressure that causes the oil to burst into the engine. THATS why when Shirl took off her manifolds (which i am sure included the Y pipe) it fixed the problem.

          Just my 2 cents
          - Ryan<br /> A.K.A BATMAN<br /> \"Be part of the solution...<br /> Not the problem\"


          • #6
            2002 Maple Red Firebird V6<br />3.73 w/ LSD | Pro-5.0 Shifter | Fan Switch | Tach w/ Shiftlite | Boost and Fuel Pressure Gauge | Bilstein Shocks & 1LE Springs | 1LE 32mm Bar & Poly Bushings, Poly Tranny Mount and Torque Arm Bushing | BMR LCA\'s | Catco 3\" Cat w/ Edlebrock 5509 Muffler, (all 3\") | Corbeau A4 Seats (Pair) |<p><a href=\"http://forums.fakeleg.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://forums.fakeleg.com</a><br /><a href=\"http://cv6.fakeleg.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://cv6.fakeleg.com</a> - Part & Repair Manuals and write-ups.


            • #7
              <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Blazzin Joe:

              Please someone, so more insight on the problem....

              the install guide is here

              My Web Link

              Click on the tech PDF link and browse down to the bottom... On page 8 is the throttle body mod, do you think this is causing the problem? I did not do that step because i didnt not have the parts and only realized this morning that it might be blowing the boost down into the crankcase via the hole.. i got the parts to put that plug in now and will do it when i get home, i am just wondering how vital that is and whether or not that is causing the problem.

              [ January 13, 2003: Message edited by: Blazzin Joe ]</p>
              2002 Maple Red Firebird V6<br />3.73 w/ LSD | Pro-5.0 Shifter | Fan Switch | Tach w/ Shiftlite | Boost and Fuel Pressure Gauge | Bilstein Shocks & 1LE Springs | 1LE 32mm Bar & Poly Bushings, Poly Tranny Mount and Torque Arm Bushing | BMR LCA\'s | Catco 3\" Cat w/ Edlebrock 5509 Muffler, (all 3\") | Corbeau A4 Seats (Pair) |<p><a href=\"http://forums.fakeleg.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://forums.fakeleg.com</a><br /><a href=\"http://cv6.fakeleg.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://cv6.fakeleg.com</a> - Part & Repair Manuals and write-ups.


              • #8
                the 3/8's plug is VERY important. it prevents the boost from pressurizing the crankcase, and blowing out dip sticks. How did no one see this?????? that port is for the pcv what do you think happens when the pcv works in reverse.
                Turbocharged and intercooled.<br />17psi(oops), stock fuel pump, no FMU<br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/phoenix64\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/phoenix64</a> <br />Video: <a href=\"ftp://ftp.pfabrication.com\" target=\"_blank\">ftp://ftp.pfabrication.com</a> Assorted car ****: TurboCamaroFull.


                • #9
                  here is the problem please everyone ****ing listen i have said it before and will say it again

                  the reason it looks like you have blow by is not because you do becasue you really dont its that the PCV system vent to the TB for emmision purposes

                  this means there is a hole from the crank case to the TB that normaly vents excessie air but since there is a hole when you are pushing air into the motor it goes in the hole too

                  so you are pressurizing the crank case with the boost

                  you have to find a way to vent the crank case some other way

                  you are gonna need to block off the hole some how (ie, throtle body spacer could work here) and make it vent to the atmosepher (not legal but im not gonna go there) and also add a breather proboy to the oil fill cap this WILL fix your problem im 99% sure its not your exasght dont worry about that

                  hey joe if you got any problems call me 281-935-5039


                  • #10
                    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by phoenix64:
                    the 3/8's plug is VERY important. it prevents the boost from pressurizing the crankcase, and blowing out dip sticks. How did no one see this?????? that port is for the pcv what do you think happens when the pcv works in reverse.<hr></blockquote>

                    When you block that hole the engine crank case becomes HIGHLY compressed and you have to vent it via the oil filler cap OR the motor will start to whistle from the preasure. THIS IS NOT GOING TO WORK.

                    The problem has also taken another turn. AFTER attempting to do that mod now the car idle's very erratically and tries to die.

                    At idle im getting about 0-6 degrees of timing advance and sometimes it drops to negative numbers... We removed the FMU and hooked the intake back up to the stock air system and the car idles normally with out any issues.

                    Next part to add to the puzzle, it appears my o2's go into Open loop, they stay constant around 850-930ish they do not fluctuate like they should at idle, the car appears to think its at WOT when the charger is hooked up and running air into the intake.

                    This is really becoming a nitemare... I really need to speak to someone who has the unit on a newer car and find out what their car is running like at idle and discuss some of the problems im having.... Someone please share some insight...
                    2002 Maple Red Firebird V6<br />3.73 w/ LSD | Pro-5.0 Shifter | Fan Switch | Tach w/ Shiftlite | Boost and Fuel Pressure Gauge | Bilstein Shocks & 1LE Springs | 1LE 32mm Bar & Poly Bushings, Poly Tranny Mount and Torque Arm Bushing | BMR LCA\'s | Catco 3\" Cat w/ Edlebrock 5509 Muffler, (all 3\") | Corbeau A4 Seats (Pair) |<p><a href=\"http://forums.fakeleg.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://forums.fakeleg.com</a><br /><a href=\"http://cv6.fakeleg.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://cv6.fakeleg.com</a> - Part & Repair Manuals and write-ups.


                    • #11
                      Ive been trying to figure out whats wrong with this thing over at Joe's place too... Ok, the boost is going to the crankcase thru the PCV, we have to find a way to disconnect the tb and the crankcase, but still let the PCV do its job. I think we can do something where the hole in the tb (where the pcv is supposed to vent but boost is going thru to the crankcase) can be rerouted to atmosphere, via some type of tubing.

                      This still doesent solve the stalling when you let off the gas, and the rpm's drop to idle. When we put in the that BOV it was letting most of the boost out at idle, and it still died. I seriously doubt the BOV is faulty im pretty sure it was never used. Im supposing when you go to boost it should close off completely and let all the boost thru, while at idle it lets most of it escape, therefore giving you a smoother idle... but its not helping? I dont know if this is how its supposed to work. If this is what supposed to happen then something is still tripping out the computer and making it die when the rpm's drop.

                      I think the crankcase pressure can be solved, and has been solved by somebody. In theory anybody whos running forced induction must have this problem. There should be a known fix out there.

                      The stalling problem...I dunno whats up with that, I never claimed to know anything about cars anyways. Ill be over at your place tomorrow Joe, see if we cant get this bad boy running right.


                      [ January 14, 2003: Message edited by: hou-tex-six ]</p>


                      • #12
                        Yeah come on i know there are at least 4 of yall that are runnin the powerdyne with no problems right now help us out we cant figure it out for the life of my i have no clue why we are getting from -1 to 5 degrees of timing at idel and when u start up untill the ca reaches 20 Vac the injectors are at 11.5 pulses and the air/fuel ratio is at 11.5- 12.3. Why i dont know but someone here has to know. Joe i will be there tommarow to help u figure it out.
                        <b><a href=\"http://www.sick-sixx.com\" target=\"_blank\">SICK-SIXX MEMBER</a></b><br />NA 14.345 with a 1.863 60 foot<br />Nitrous 13.03@99.5 with a 1.63 60 foot<br /><br />2000 Camaro 3.8L A4: USE TO HAVE Comp Cam 210/220 .535/.547 113lsa 111 I/C, Port and Polished Heads, NX Wet Kit 100 Shot, CPRA made by CP, RK Sport Headers


                        • #13
                          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by slacker69:
                          Yeah come on i know there are at least 4 of yall that are runnin the powerdyne with no problems right now help us out we cant figure it out for the life of my i have no clue why we are getting from -1 to 5 degrees of timing at idel and when u start up untill the ca reaches 20 Vac the injectors are at 11.5 pulses and the air/fuel ratio is at 11.5- 12.3. Why i dont know but someone here has to know. Joe i will be there tommarow to help u figure it out.<hr></blockquote>

                          I might be one of those four you are talking about? I have no clue what is going on with yours. To be honest I don't think mine is running right either at the moment. I have ordered autotap and will post what my timing and injectors are doing after I recieve it. I didn't do the throttle body mod. Mine had a hi-flow cat and headers on it before the supercharger so I don't know if that makes a difference. Do you have the crane igntion retard on the car that came with the kit? Maybe that is affecting your timing? I tighten that belt tight enough to get 9lbs. of boost and still haven't had any issues w/ the dipstick. Wish I could help more.
                          1997 Supercharged Firebird<br />14.01@99.7mph 2.1 60ft.


                          • #14
                            <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Superv6bird:

                            I might be one of those four you are talking about? I have no clue what is going on with yours. To be honest I don't think mine is running right either at the moment. I have ordered autotap and will post what my timing and injectors are doing after I recieve it. I didn't do the throttle body mod. Mine had a hi-flow cat and headers on it before the supercharger so I don't know if that makes a difference. Do you have the crane igntion retard on the car that came with the kit? Maybe that is affecting your timing? I tighten that belt tight enough to get 9lbs. of boost and still haven't had any issues w/ the dipstick. Wish I could help more.

                            The ignition retard is not hooked up the car right now... :(
                            2002 Maple Red Firebird V6<br />3.73 w/ LSD | Pro-5.0 Shifter | Fan Switch | Tach w/ Shiftlite | Boost and Fuel Pressure Gauge | Bilstein Shocks & 1LE Springs | 1LE 32mm Bar & Poly Bushings, Poly Tranny Mount and Torque Arm Bushing | BMR LCA\'s | Catco 3\" Cat w/ Edlebrock 5509 Muffler, (all 3\") | Corbeau A4 Seats (Pair) |<p><a href=\"http://forums.fakeleg.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://forums.fakeleg.com</a><br /><a href=\"http://cv6.fakeleg.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://cv6.fakeleg.com</a> - Part & Repair Manuals and write-ups.


                            • #15
                              I don't have mine hooked up either. I was afraid that it was retarding the timing even when set at 0 so I just took it off. I really need to autotap mine and see whats wrong before I drive it again in the spring.
                              1997 Supercharged Firebird<br />14.01@99.7mph 2.1 60ft.


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