Breather with a Blower = Loss of boost? - Message Board


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Breather with a Blower = Loss of boost?

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  • Breather with a Blower = Loss of boost?

    Well i added a k&n breather to vent out some pressure. is this a good thing or a bad thing? because i'm pretty sure there was a little loss in power, when i push the gas, there is a sufficient amount of air flowing through the breather. which means that loss in pressure also means less power right? So is it better to have it on or off? It sure looks damn good though.

    any thoughts?


    Perry V.
    Perry V.<br />\'97 Chameleon Bird w/ too many toys to list.<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>

  • #2
    You put a breather where? On the pressurized side of the SC? If this is the case,
    If this is the case, then yes, you have created a passage of least resistance that the now forced air has to flow to.
    Air is like will flow the path of least resistance....if you give it a way to escape, ie the breather, then you will be getting less boost.
    Less boost ='s Less power
    You should be seeing this on your pressure gauge after the install.


    • #3
      i see what you are trying to get at, my breather is where the oil cap usually goes, isn't it a good thing to place that there to relieve pressure so nothing crack in the motor?

      just askin....


      Perry V.
      Perry V.<br />\'97 Chameleon Bird w/ too many toys to list.<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


      • #4
        [*] You need to kill that sig, it's WAY too damn long.[*] As for the oil cap, you are trying to reduce pressure in an area that is not pressurized anyhow....someone correct me if Im wrong, but that is on the other side of where the boost is going to be at, therefor you are doing nothing.
        The only way that you are going to get the pressure into the oil pan as well as up to the oil cap, is if you are getting really bad blow-by all the time. IE, past the piston rings.
        You can leave the cap, as it will do nothing to help you relieve the pressure that is being created by the SC.[*]As for cracking the motor....there is ALMOST nothing that will crack the block on the 3800 Series II. They are STOUT little engines.
        I belive that you are refering to the pistons, connecting rods and the sorts that will crack, break, and generally fail when you are in a forced induction condition with the vehicle.
        There are things that you can do to minimize the risk to the car, but there again, the risk is never really gone, its there, just smaller than prior to the upgrade.

        BTW Again...kill that sig, no more than 4-5 lines.


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