After a solid 3 months and 170 post of trying to figure out the bugs it seems as though everything is right now. So ere is the official report of my car. I will try to be as specific as possible. My best time before the powerdyne while running on my STOCK TIRES and all the mods listed below minus the powerdyne spark plugs straight pipe cat and fuel pump was a 16.142 @ 86.08 mph with a 60 ft of 2.351, my 1/8 was a 10.349 @ 66.74 mph. my best time before correcting the fuel problem on STOCK TIRES with all mods listed below was a 15.419 @ 87.72 mph with a 60 ft of 2.384, my 1/8 was a 9.903 @ 72.34 mph my new best time after correcting the fuel problem and running on my 18 INCH CHROME Z06 rims and tires (stock ones were stolen) and having all mods listed below was a Drum roll please........15.391 @ 91.11 mph with a 60 ft of 2.382, my 1/8 was a 9.869 at 76.01 mph. Not exactly stellar numbers but you can see the improvement in the mph. Im sure that the 18 inch rims are slowing me down considerably. I could probaly pull a 15 flat by just having my stock tires on. But that's not the major problem. The problem is that my car has a open differential! As you can see my 60 ft before and after the powerdyne is nearly identical. Theres just to much power going to that poor right tire. I spin off the line and then Ill sit there and spin once second hits as well. I am impressed with the powerdyne and truly feel that with stock rims and nittos I would see a 15 flat no problem. With a nice zexal torsen pulling a 2.1 60 ft versus my mt 2.3's and 4's ( from the one legger) I am very confident that my engine is capable of mid 14's. The POWERdyne is there. I just gotta get it to the ground. Never the less until I prove these theories here's the official numbers... Before powerdyne 16.142 @ 86.08 After powerdyne 15.391 @91.11 8 tenths so far. The next modd done will be to only put power to the ground to keep the before and after numbers as fair as possible. Thanks for your time and Ill post up better numbers for anyone who's thinking about the powerdyne but not sure if it's worh it or not. Laron G
[ July 20, 2003: Message edited by: 98GREENGLOW ]
[ August 01, 2003: Message edited by: 98GREENGLOW ]
[ August 09, 2003: Message edited by: 98GREENGLOW ]</p>
[ July 20, 2003: Message edited by: 98GREENGLOW ]
[ August 01, 2003: Message edited by: 98GREENGLOW ]
[ August 09, 2003: Message edited by: 98GREENGLOW ]</p>