Powerdyne grooved pully a success! - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Powerdyne grooved pully a success!

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  • #76
    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Shirl:
    Beating a car by 1 second is A LOT.<hr></blockquote>
    Amen to that.
    <b>99 Camaro Z28 A4</b><br />R.I.P. 00 Firebird 3.8<br />14.89 @ 90, 2.03 60\'


    • #77
      I officialy started keeping track on the performance of my new grooved pully (powerdyne) on 29 july 03. I beleave today is day 9 of testing. In the past 9 days I have not opened my hood once to do any retightening. I have not reapplied any belt dressing as well. On the first day, I had let my belt tensioner completely loose so the belt could contract to origional size. I then sprayed 1/8 bottle of Permatex belt dressing apon my newly grooved powerdyne pully. I waited 3 hours to allow the belt dressing to get sticky and then tightened down the belt, leaveng a 1/2 inch -3/4 inch of play in the belt. The result has been the same for the past 9 days..... First gear see's 61/2-7 psi of boost. Second gear see's 71/2-81/2 psi of boost. Third gear see's 5-6 psi of boost. Third gear goes down to 5 and builds slowly. If I had room to drive really fast it would probaly hit seven psi as well. I think it's because the rpm's in that gear are much slower so the charger spins slower? Dose that make sense? Well only two more days till I go to the track. Hopefully the performance will continue with no slippidge and we will know for sure that this grooved pully is the awnswer to our powerdyne. Thanks for your time and so far so good.
      Powerdyne 98 a4 convert<br /><br /> stock 16.6 @ 86 <br /> <br /> 6 lbs boost 15.1 @ 90 <br /> <br /> 04 A4 2.73 geared white Corvette Coupe<br /> <br /> stock- 13.5 @ 103 <br /><br />LS6 conversion-13.1 @ 107 <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98</a> ( pics of intercooled powerdyne)


      • #78
        You have a mid-14 second car WITHOUT traction in a better environment I think. Good luck, get that LSD, run a 14! [img]graemlins/thumbsup.gif[/img]
        -Eric<br />2002 Navy Blue Camaro...Striped and Stalled. 35th Anniversary SS wheels <br />Best ET: 15.384 @ 88.32 on street tires<br />Project Whitney: Goal, 14.0 1/4 by summer 2008.


        • #79
          Thanks for the support. Hopefully the way she's runnin will get me 14's. I'm not really to worried about it though... I know the car can pull 14's the way she is right now. Im pullin 15.3 with a 2.3 60ft and 10 inch wide 18 inch chrome rims, plus I dont even have a full exhaust. Just a slightly better 60 ft and stock rims would would defiently put me at 14.9. What I am thinking about is how much power is actually capable from the powerdyne? I'm currently seeing 8 psi with it off just the 6 lb pully. I beleave that the 8 psi is permament since it's lasted so long now (10 days no slippidge). Ive been reading on v6 mustang boards who have the same powerdyne as us (bd11). The only differance is there pully size. Theve got 10,12 and 14 psi pullies compared to our 6lb pully. After a few months I may shave my pully down some depending if the results continue the way they have been. I'm figuring that if I can get 8 pounds out of my 6 pound (grooved) pully.... Then what kind of results could I get from a 71/2 lb grooved pully? Im assuming 8-10 psi as long as the groove put into the shaved pully has the exact same affect. This is just me thinking, but it seems very feasible that if this grooved pully is truly the awnswer to our powerdyne, then we could actualy get a lot more power from it. Like I said there are v6 mustang owners getting 10-12 even 14 (modified pullies)psi from the same model. Why cant we? If the slippidge is cured then we really can. So Ill be taking a risk of loosing the constant 8 psi Im seeing right now, but if the groove on a smaller pully still holds like it dose now then it will be worth it. Then if that actualy holds and gets us 8-10 psi, how long will it be before some powerdyne owner upgrades there internals and tries the groove on a 9 pound kit? If the groove still held they would be seeing 10-12psi. Maybe more? Well Im just day dreamin but I think after Ive got about the best time Im gonna get from my current 8 psi set up, Im gonna be a pioneer and shave my pully down to about a 71/2 pound setup, reapply the groove and hope for the best. That should cost me all of 50 $ to do so Ill let you guys know when Im gonna do it. Well Ill keep daydreamin for now...
          Powerdyne 98 a4 convert<br /><br /> stock 16.6 @ 86 <br /> <br /> 6 lbs boost 15.1 @ 90 <br /> <br /> 04 A4 2.73 geared white Corvette Coupe<br /> <br /> stock- 13.5 @ 103 <br /><br />LS6 conversion-13.1 @ 107 <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98</a> ( pics of intercooled powerdyne)


          • #80
            When James at Vector Perf. was doing this pulley thing, he was basically guessing which pulley would give you 6psi. We know better that a so-called 6psi is capable of 8-9psi. Shirl and SuperV6bird had run it to 9psi. In one instant I swore, I saw 10 or 11psi on mine and the dipstick shot up.

            So they say that 3" pulley is for 6psi, 2.9" is 9psi and 2.7" is for 11psi.

            For the PD, I wouldn't recommend running more than 9psi. Anything higher would risk breaking it.

            I've had my PD for 5 years and I've been fortunate of not breaking it. I did however bought a Gates Kevlar cog belt for PD and 4 high quality bearings that has good lubrication and high tolerance for rpm and heat. I plan to put these in next summer when my car is schedule for smog again. These are after market stuff and I think PD co. doesn't sell them or endorse them. So if you put them in, the warranty is automatically cancel.

            The guys that have them in their PD have experienced 1 to 2 more psi without changing their pullies and some have gone beyond 9psi and experienced no problem at all with reliability.

            So let us know about the pulley. I sure would like to have mine done like yours. Any words on what your mechanic said if we could send it to him?

            1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


            • #81
              Well I went to the track and ran the car 12 times in a three hour period. I am proud to say that boost was 61/2-8 psi in first and 7-9 psi in second. Third gear still dropps down to five and slowly builds to 6 before the end of the quarter. I beleave that the last 12 days of testing is enough to confirm that the grooved pully is a success. Once again I have not touched the powerdyne in twelve days and Im still seeing 8 psi consistently. I have a new best as well to report. My new best is as follows...60 ft-2.279 1/8-9.724 1/8 mph-74.49 1/4-15.196 1/4 mph-90.33. My best prior to this was a 15.360, so I am very happy about that. I am also happy to report that with just the powerdyne and no other supporting modds ( besides a straight pipe cat) I have taken off 1 full second. My best ever before the powerdyne was a 16.142. It feels good to finaly take off a full second with my power adder. I feel that with a little more practice and some stock rims like I had when I ran that 16.142 , I could easily surpass the 1 second mark with the powerdyne. Anyways.... Whats important is the grooved pully. I will call my mechanic tomorrow to imform him of the pullies success. I will also let him know that there are others who would like to have him groove there pullies.
              Powerdyne 98 a4 convert<br /><br /> stock 16.6 @ 86 <br /> <br /> 6 lbs boost 15.1 @ 90 <br /> <br /> 04 A4 2.73 geared white Corvette Coupe<br /> <br /> stock- 13.5 @ 103 <br /><br />LS6 conversion-13.1 @ 107 <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98</a> ( pics of intercooled powerdyne)


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