Things that bother me and advice! - Message Board


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Things that bother me and advice!

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  • Things that bother me and advice!

    Ok, this whole forum is wierd. It seems kids do not know what they want to do. I see all these people claiming they have these brand name mods they paid thousands of dollars for, and there car still runs 16's and 15's, and then they mod there car and they say! "Oh this little thing gave me X ammount of hp and took off .1 on my 1/4, now i run 15.6" but really, that sounds like a ricer to me. Are any of you kids actually reading about how an engine works? and how to put power to the ground? our engines have alot of potential yet people arnt reaching them because they are wasting there money and falling short to marketing schemes that claim HP. Alot of kids i see here are either posers or not very educated in the automotive area. some here are very smart and probably know loads more than me. So im not going to say im like the god ego of cars. im constantly learning too. but i notice alot of people that learn and get stuck on BS, they dont quite understand fully.

    Forced induction can be complicated. engines like the 4G63 and SR20DET and Type T 3.8 are specifically built for boost. forged rods pistons, strong bolts, strong crankshaft balanced, a cam specifically made for boost.

    and engine that isnt made for boost wont last long with boost, same with nitrous, nitrous is just like forced induction. an engine not made to handle nitrous can blow pistons rings rods and even the block if its that weak, though it would take quite a large ammount of boost to break a 3.8 iron block, the powerdyne is made for low boost thats why it breaks when people try to modify it to spool faster. if you want to spend a couple grand on that go ahead, i think its a waste, 50 to 75 hp is nuthing, you could buy a LT1 z28 for cheap and have that kind of power. People should start thinking about swapping the GN motor into the f-body if you think its a waste i can tell you think, the 3.8 gn is a hell of alot stronger than a LS1 motor, the LS1 motor is lovely and likes bolt ons, but if you want boost go with a 3.8.

    With the N/A route the 3.8 V6 needs more displacement. why not bore .30 over to a 4.1 then go with high compression pistons, good rods, good bolts, ported heads and intake? why go out spend money on crap that claims HP? Why not study how an engine works? Then modify, havent any of you kids heard of a machine shop?

    even the import kids are making cars faster than us because they are swapping the stock N/A engines for a built forced induction engine. look what they are doing to the N/A Nissans and the N/A eclipses.

    Spending money on expensive exhausts, chips, intakes, expensive suspension that is made to handle over 400 pounds of torque and HP and your car is only making 220 hp if that is a waste. because the factory suspension parts that you can still order are less expensive and excellent to use. people arnt concerened about there rear ends breaking on a stock car or suspension going on there stock car because it wont untill you beat it. people are concerned about the camaros rear end when they modify the engine to over 450 hp and over 500 pounds of torque.

    I hate to say it but alot of the kids on here are ricers, i used to want to mod my car too like them with all this neat **** i thought i needed until i read more about my car and asked people that owned them for many years. i thought to myself and studied engines for swapping and again i thought to myself, why build up the 3.8 v6 when they already made a 3.8 v6 that is built for boost and many can be found everywhere? the 3.8 Buick GN...

    People will tell you the 3.8 buick GN is a whole totally different engine. LOL
    its the same block as the L36, just like the L67 in the GTP its the same block. its True, Internals are way different! So? And?
    Hmmm I wonder who buick is associated with? well not ford or dodge/chrysler. I wonder!???????

    Infact you can bolt on the blower from the L67 onto your L36 without any problems as far as the engine you just need the top end from the L67(intake/heads and such.), it will bolt onto your L36, space is a problem in some cars, :( but you can work around thoughs types of things with creativity.

    Also, you can put a FWD 3.8 into your RWD car, i suggest you people that disagree with me, buy a FWD 3.8 and RWD 3.8 and tell me whats the HUGE Terrible Horrible difference which makes it impossible and so filthy difficult to accomplish? if you tell me it wont work i suggest you read a book called "common sense and problem solving for dumbies"

    Well i dont see why you kids are trying to modify the performence on your cars, why dont you kids jsut make your cars look good, the interior and exterior forums are looking weak. where the custom interior and exterior man??!~!!! If your going to make your car fast make it fast have a plan, if your going to make it look good make it look good. dont do both at the same time. you wont get anywhere and by the time you do you will be sick of your car and want a better car. [img]smile.gif[/img]

  • #2
    You could just shut your god damn mouth and get the hell off the board if you dont want to contribute. Your a piece of sh/t. Someone should ban this loser.
    <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">1998 Red A4 W68 Firebird</a> <br />10 PSI <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ATI Procharger</a> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Intercooled</a> </b> <br /><b>~~</b>Borla catback, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">3” Catco Cat</a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Pacesetter Ceramic Coated Headers</a>, 3.73 gears, Zexel-Torsen<br /><b>~~</b> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">K&N Air Filter</a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">TSP Clear Lid</a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SLP CAI</a>, 160* thermostat, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Autometer C2 Gauges</a><br /><b>~~</b> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Katzkin Black/Red Leather Seats</a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bilstein HD Shocks</a>


    • #3
      I do agree almost a 100% with him...however remember that old adage..."different folks, different strokes" so at the end...I guess what really matters is what the victim...oh I mean owner of whatever vehicle/engine REALLY wants...
      BTW you cannot bore the 3800 more than x.xx and at the end the most you can get is very close to 4.1L but at only say 15% more Hp it isn't really worth it?!!?!
      Force induction to me is the best way to attain the power but with so many CLAIMS, bias and telling were all this will end...a FWD GP NA is in the 13's one can one imagine what the difference will be if the drive wheels were at the back? Now what about those 11sec bonnies/GPs?
      It is a small world however...
      THE ORIGINAL 3800SII turbo...<b><i>NOW SERIES-III</i></b>


      • #4
        Swift, you are the last person that should be giving out advice and calling people "kids". You are the one who rode in a blown mustang and thought supercharging was gods gift to cars, a week later when you ride in a turbo DSM you decide turbos are the best thing since perparation H. Gimme a break and stop dispensing your "knowledge" to the world as fact when it is all opinion, and a very biased and seemingly uninformed one. You are the "kid" around here. Your right people dont know what they want to do, you try something, see how it works, try something else. Thats what all of this board is for. NOBODY has the magic answer to what is the best combination for making the most power or running the best times, not even you, but some of the "kids" around here want to see what they can get out of their cars for the spare cash they might have. As for transplants dont even begin to try to compare the japanese market for engines to ours, its a rediculous waste of time. I dont see too many "ricers" as you defined them around here, but I shure can see one helluva big bench racer....


        • #5
          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> and engine that isnt made for boost wont last long with boost <hr></blockquote>


          <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


          • #6
            Actually, I thought the GN motors were totally different blocks and motors?
            Don't knock people's hobbies. It's not your problem if someone spends a bunch of money on his or her car -- it's his or her obsession. For what it's worth, the 3.8 convertibles need all the help they get from a blower to make the good times, so let them use it. Encourage, offer advice, offer tips -- I've asked many many questions here. Be positive, man!
            BTW, shout out to your signature. [img]tongue.gif[/img]

            [ July 26, 2003: Message edited by: Wicked 3800 V6 ]</p>
            <b>97 Camaro 3.8L M5</b><br />Car for sale<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> Terrapin Motorsports! UMCP


            • #7

              when doing big projects on cars, there can be setbacks, especially when they are being used to make huge power gains. Sh!t happens, and sometimes it's beyond ppl's control. Ppl have said that powerdyne Sc's weren't the best in the world because of how they are run on our motors. Ppl here are learning tho, and the mroe ppl that are open to new information, the better educated ppl will be. If they choose not to want to learn, then that's fine, because the ppl w/ the information will be the one's making money or giving advice and getting ahead in life.

              Yes, there are specific motors that were built specifically to handle boost, but this does not mean that those r the only motors that will stand up to high horsepower. Yes, NA motors have lower boost limits than a FI motor will have just by design, but that same NA motor can be re-engineered and put back together to be able to handle higher boost levels.

              The thing is, Import drivers have the ability of doing direct swaps since many of their counterparts in other countries use better motors than are used here. Also, since they have been affordable, and many kids have had them, they have tried and worked to get the most of what they have. That is what we're trying to do here. back when the board had 1300 members, There wasn't much discussion and debate about all this, because there wasn't enough support for things of this magnitude such as nitrous kits set up speicifically for our cars, as well as sc and turbo kits. now at over 4000 members, we see more debate, discussion, and more opportunity for improvement of our cars.

              I know whatcha mean about the build up of a car, and it takes forever, and it seems hopeless. I've learned to not look at it as a project that has to get done in a certain time frame. There's too many variables in life to be able to do that. How I look at my car is, I fix the thing that annoy's me the most. at first, it was the lack of power, then the lack of traction, then the lack of handling, then the lack of uniqueness of the body, then power, and now I'm back to traction. I've had a huge list of dream stuff to do to my car since the first week I've had it. I've revised it several times along the way, and added to it. I use the list to help me decide what to put on when I get annoyed with a certain part of my car. right now, I hate having wheel hop, I hate having the car start to bog down at higher highway speeds, I hate the stereo only being 100 watts and starting to give crappy sound, I hate being slow off the line, and I hate not being able to corner like it's on rails. My list has stuff on it that let's me see what parts to get, and how they will affect my car. to fix all that in sequence, I'm gonna get LCA's, lighter driveshaft, head unit, speakers, and maybe amp and sub, TC and tranny cooler, and SFC's. After I take care of all that, i'm sure something else will pop up to piss me off and make me wanna make it all better.

              dude, u know that anyone can say they make x ammount of hp. I'm sure lots of the guys on here make the power they say, but u should know that making the power and getting it to the ground are 2 different stories. I could drop in a LS6, but will it give me the same timeslips that a ZO6 or firehawk or SS will get? no, because they're all set up different than our cars. I know for a fact that we couldn't. we'd have to build up the rest of the car to match what the engine can put out. The ppl who are having a hard time getting the power down on here will eventually fix that and help themselevs out. personally, I'm setting the car up to be able to take that power. They decided to make the power and set the car up afterwards w/ only what they need. 2 different paths to reach the same ends.

              Be cool dude, don't flip out cuz ppl are ignorant, arrogant, or do things that take them away fromt he beaten path.
              2001 Arctic White Firebird<br />More mods than I\'m allowed to list!


              • #8
                I agree that people are worrying about hp gains to much its how you setup the car and how you drive. I mean i was running 14.3's when i had only 160 hp on the dyno but i had a good setup and knew how to drive it. But i dont think you should be attacking people this is there hobby so let people be who they want to be if you have a problem with that just sucks for you cause there is nothing you can do about it. :rolleyes:
                <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">SICK-SIXX MEMBER</a></b><br />NA 14.345 with a 1.863 60 foot<br />Nitrous 13.03@99.5 with a 1.63 60 foot<br /><br />2000 Camaro 3.8L A4: USE TO HAVE Comp Cam 210/220 .535/.547 113lsa 111 I/C, Port and Polished Heads, NX Wet Kit 100 Shot, CPRA made by CP, RK Sport Headers


                • #9
                  <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by slacker69:
                  I agree that people are worrying about hp gains to much its how you setup the car and how you drive. I mean i was running 14.3's when i had only 160 hp on the dyno but i had a good setup and knew how to drive it. But i dont think you should be attacking people this is there hobby so let people be who they want to be if you have a problem with that just sucks for you cause there is nothing you can do about it. :rolleyes: <hr></blockquote>


                  there is enough info on here to make an informed choice if they choose to do something you dont like who gives a **** its not your car

                  get over it get a life dude your car inst exactly fast sooo hrmmmmmmmm how are you one to talk about fast cars when YOU dont even have one ****ing bench racer thats more ricer **** then buying a supercharger and taking off over a sec on your car hrmmmm i dont see you talking down on shirl she dosnt have a built motor or anything else why not talk about her maybe cause she's fast a hell of alot faster then your POS


                  • #10
                    all im saying is there is several different routes you can go. Speed isnt everything true, right now im at a dilema, its either spend money on my car to make it a one of a kind, or sell it and buy a GN or eclipse, which i may have alot more fun with until i can afford a Z or SS. i dont mean to bag on people but its true, many people here want lots of power, and they waste there money on nonsense that doesnt add much power at all... oh well im done contributing my opinions, maybe i take them a little far, but they are only my opinions and observations, take for instance my friend dan, he spent over 6 grand in after market on a 99 cavilier and the car only ran low 14's, he paid 10 grand for the car itself. i see alot of people do this, its just a waste..
                    and it just bugs the hell out of me.

                    right now, im pissed off that some kid has the nerve to email me and threaten me over comments i made about the powerdyne. which is pretty funny, but its irritating, im just trying to tell people its not a very good supercharger for the price they sell at, thats all... anyways if there was a forum to post funny things id post these emails he send me telling me he called the police and had his isp trace me, and that he is going to have his friend pop a cap in me LOL. well im done with opinions, im going to work my *** off and see what i can do with my ride, since autos is basically becomming my life and school and money, no need for women right now they just want 3 things "money", "dick" and "power" all the time.
                    as soon as your money runs low they are gone, as soon as you dont give them dick they are gone, as soon as you let them know you arnt pussy whipped, they are gone.

                    and i cant be with any woman that cant control there alcohol, i hate them girls that drink and get drunk off 1 beer and flop around like a fish out of the water. them girls are just not fun and too ditsy and embarrassing :(

                    can you guys tell im a very open person? :eek:


                    • #11
                      yea i dont mean to attack people, sorry, infact when i said that dudes car sucks i didnt mean to even post that but my friend here was saying haha, that sucks, so i put it and i didnt think i actually posted [img]graemlins/omg.gif[/img] so i guess i was being ignorant to defend myself. sorry i apologize.

                      well from now on we all work together... right now from what im looking at would be a Type T 3.8 swap, since you can find a good ammount of rebuilt motors for a reasonable thousand bucks. way not buy one? cheaper [img]smile.gif[/img] we have a domestics racing shop near my house that specializes in rebuilding race engines/transmissions, engine swaps, sells crates for just about every year, ( too bad a chevy 302 want fit neatly in my 4th gen :( ) so i will ask them some questions, i think there labor charge isnt to bad either if i need something drastic done quickly.


                      • #12
                        well i except to be attacted by people seeing as the ricers attack me the most. you should see them in the aol chat rooms when i tell them that there 15 second honda is not fast, they all message me and tell me it is fast to them they spent thousands to make it run 15's, im just thinking wow!!! they must of never drivin a car that can spin the tires at a standing stop on a dry day. i never said my car is fast. i may just fix up the interior carpet, get new seats, gauges, darker tint and sell the car for more than a bought it and buy a 98 SS or 00 Z28, or i may fix up the interior then consider boosting the car, either way its a win/win situation low 13's is what i want and its what ill have.


                        • #13
                          thanks for sharing
                          AIM: escalier deverre<br />\'02 Pearl Blue Metallic RSX-S (daily driver)<br />\'98 Black Firebird<br />98 V6 turbocharged to 02 LS1 swap<br />\'02 LS1/4L60E<br />LS6 Block, LS6 Intake Manifold, Thunder Racing 215/220 .600/.523/115 Cam, Titanium Retainers, Crane Double Valve Springs, 125 shot NX Wet Kit w/ NOS brand Purge, True Dual \"H\" Pipe w/ two chambers and dumps, 17x11(rear) and 17x9.5(front) Black Powdercoated ZR1 Replicas on 315 and 275 BFGoodrich Comp T/A\'s (Street)/ET Drags/Skinnies on Weldlites(Track), 3.42/LSD


                          • #14
                            You make too many false statements... don't go calling ppl ingororant for what you are incapable of understanding, and when you're dead wrong about things.

                            <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                            • #15
                              Everyone has their reasons for modifying their car the way they want to. This is a community where everyone learns from each other and then decides what would be good for them. There is no easy way to modify a car and get it running the way you want it to. Every car is different and is going to respond differently due to many factors both of the car and the environment that it's in. Unfortunately, some of the members on this site are quick to judge others and "put them down" for trying different combinations. This is obviously not helpful to those who are "doing the dirty work" so to speak. If these people (including myself) were not modifying with blower kits, nitrous, ect, there would be NO info about the pros/cons of anything on here. So consider yourself LUCKY that some people have actually posted their problems to inform YOU of mishaps. Bashing just causes a disturbance in an other-wise happy and helpful forum so be careful with your choice of words [img]smile.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/burnout.gif[/img]
                              2004 CE Corvette 10.86@132mph
                              1996 Supercharged/Nitrous Camaro RS (For Sale)
                              2011 Cadillac CTS-V
                              2011 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GT-P
                              2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS


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