10 serious Beta testers needed for Procharger Kit. - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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10 serious Beta testers needed for Procharger Kit.

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  • #31
    ok the beast truce, no attitude and im not dogging him.. it would just be nice to see a price break if one is possible because the big guys rksport etc.. always stick it to ya...

    It may just be the nature of "thebeast" in cost just being high to do such a thing.

    You'r avg joe probably can not install the supercharger either or he would be able to do an engine swap or pay someone to do it. Cost the same amount of money 1000 bux install charge for both items if you did not do it yourself.

    I think it would be great to see Ryan making this happen. Im not dogging him at all but really want to know where the 3000 dollars is going towards and if it gets spent before the kit is made or if the kit fails to be made and work correctly how long do you have to wait for a refund?


    • #32
      how long to instal the supercharger..and just how detailed are these instructions because I am very very very basic when it comes to instaling things..and i dont have any jacks or anythign for my car i have plenty of tools but thats it


      • #33
        knowledgefreak this is directed towards you, so no one else answer otherwise he might get pissy again...do you honestly think someone, a fellow v6'er, is just going to take up everyones deposit and run with the money? why would he do that?


        • #34
          Even though its not directed to me, im gonna venture out on a limb here and post, well crap thats what this place is all about right? The 4+ grand is a lot of cake, but guess what Jerky, these things dont grow on trees and nobody making them walks around wearing sandals and giving them out to their "children of the boost". I think its reasonable.

          Knowledgefreak this is directed to you. You can put up a $300 deposit to lick my nuts. -Not refundable.



          • #35
            <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by hawgs:
            knowledgefreak this is directed towards you, so no one else answer otherwise he might get pissy again...do you honestly think someone, a fellow v6'er, is just going to take up everyones deposit and run with the money? why would he do that?<hr></blockquote>

            I never even implied that hawgs, my question is what is the 3000 dollars being used up front for?
            Is he using it to pay for his kit? Is he paying 4000 dollars out of his pocket or is 10 buyers paying for his kit? I was just curious if he was actually paying 4000 of his own cash and 3000 from 10 others to pay for the first kit. Why else would he need 3000 grand to get started?

            I know he wont run with the cash but i have asked some questions that everyone should wonder also.


            • #36
              [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img]
              1998 Jet Black Trans-am M6 T-tops<br />\"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find: knock and it shall be opened unto you:-Matthew 7:7<br />Old car<br /><a href=\"http://matthew27529.tripod.com/getsome\" target=\"_blank\">http://matthew27529.tripod.com/getsome</a><br />NEW CAR<br /><a href=\"http://garnerebel.tripod.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://garnerebel.tripod.com/</a>


              • #37
                1. When I'm done saying what I have to say, this thread is to become more friendly and more questions about the kit itself. If you have more personal issues, take it off-line.

                2. All deposits will sit in an account for which time the first kit is built. The first kit is coming out of Ryan's PERSONAL account. I've been here and know what has been spent thus far on this stuff. A ton!!

                3. The deposit insures interest in the kits. Having a custom install like Stefan can be had by anyone with enough money. But to have a kit the will later be ENDORSED by ATI is NON-EXISTENT right now. This is what Ryan has been working on.

                4. Again, for all the 3.4 owners. Once the 3.8 kit has been built and in final alpha, the 3.4 should begin shortly there after. We 3.4's will not be left out... honest. I too already have the "head" unit in my posession already. As do a few others I know.

                5. EDIT: Whenever you add ANY power adder, you are at your own risk. If you look at anyone of the Nitrous company's. They are not held liable for your motor. Look at PowerDyne, they are not held responsible. Hell, look at GM. If you add anything that is not GM approved, they are NOT liable! If you don't like the idea of hurting your motor or anything else, you are in the WRONG hobby!!! I've watched guys make 2 passes and blow a whole motor and smile about it. That is the game....

                If you can't pay, don't try to play.

                This is not a pissing match. This is not about money. This is about doing something that a BIG company will not do for us! We must take is upon ourselves to make things happen!! These things will NOT be handed to us.

                As Stefan says:


                [ April 09, 2002: Message edited by: TealV6 ]</p>
                FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Administrator
                Stupid is rewarded with the ban button.
                Official Avatar Nazi according to Meatyshells :D


                • #38
                  Well i guess im a rookie, oh well. Anyways, im not gonna say anything more because i dont want to make this into a pissing match cause this thread has a lot of good info on it, and i dont want that to get lost.



                  • #39
                    I can't take it anymore, I've gotta have it! My money is on the way, and I'm on my way to the poorhouse... ;) I'll email you with some questions now...
                    01 Firebird GT <p>3.42 gears, LSD, holley powershot, SLP CAI, whisper lid, 3\" I-pipe, and spintech muffler<p>best 1/8th run: 9.5872 @ 72.48mph with 2.160 60ft<br />best 1/4th run: 15.099 @ 89.15mph with 2.198 60ft<p>Venom VI member #21<p>See my car here:<br /><a href=\"http://www.geocities.com/southernoxblood/front.html\" target=\"_blank\">www.geocities.com/southernoxblood/front.html</a>


                    • #40
                      <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by TealV6:
                      1. When I'm done saying what I have to say, this thread is to become more friendly and more questions about the kit itself. If you have more personal issues, take it off-line.

                      2. All deposits will sit in an account for which time the first kit is built. The first kit is coming out of Ryan's PERSONAL account. I've been here and know what has been spent thus far on this stuff. A ton!!

                      3. The deposit insures interest in the kits. Having a custom install like Stefan can be had by anyone with enough money. But to have a kit the will later be ENDORSED by ATI is NON-EXISTENT right now. This is what Ryan has been working on.

                      4. Again, for all the 3.4 owners. Once the 3.8 kit has been built and in final alpha, the 3.4 should begin shortly there after. We 3.4's will not be left out... honest. I too already have the "head" unit in my posession already. As do a few others I know.

                      This is not a pissing match. This is not about money. This is about doing something that a BIG company will not do for us! We must take is upon ourselves to make things happen!! These things will NOT be handed to us.

                      As Stefan says:


                      Finally some real information.

                      I was simply curious if the initial kit was going to cost a ton of cash and that is what the deposit money was needed for.

                      Why does it matter if the kit is endorsed by ati or not? The head unit can be purchased from ati and the kit purchased from ryan. So what good does it do the buyer if it is endorsed by ati or not? Or does this simply benefit the future sales of the actual kit?

                      Honest question.

                      When the kit is ready for beta testing will it be at a point where all bugs have been worked out of the system? Or will people be stuck with problems?

                      How will fixes be made for people out of state if there is a detonation problem or any other type of problem occuring?

                      How certain can you be that this will be done all in a few short months and be functional? You expect the first kit to be done by the end of may but with all the bugs worked out by june?

                      Kinda a short schedule but ok if you say so, i hope it goes that smooth.

                      Will it come with additional fuel pump, boost guages, what specific type of pcm tuning?

                      I am just interested in more fine tuned details if they are available.


                      • #41
                        the 3.4's should not take as long since all of the base work has been done on the 3.8 just details to work out correct? i am considering this or a custom turbo along with my nitrous ;)
                        1998 Jet Black Trans-am M6 T-tops<br />\"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find: knock and it shall be opened unto you:-Matthew 7:7<br />Old car<br /><a href=\"http://matthew27529.tripod.com/getsome\" target=\"_blank\">http://matthew27529.tripod.com/getsome</a><br />NEW CAR<br /><a href=\"http://garnerebel.tripod.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://garnerebel.tripod.com/</a>


                        • #42
                          I'm in. Money on it's way via PayPal.
                          Robert - owner www.FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com

                          "Mid-life crisis? I'm way beyond that!"

                          1996 Black Firebird GTxxxRam Air V6 w/ M5xxxwww.FirebirdGT.com



                          • #43
                            wooo hoo another two signed up... looking good so far.

                            so does this thing actually run on the ribbed side of the belt??


                            • #44
                              <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by knowledgefreak:

                              Finally some real information.

                              Thanks for that vote of confidence

                              <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Why does it matter if the kit is endorsed by ati or not? The head unit can be purchased from ati and the kit purchased from ryan. So what good does it do the buyer if it is endorsed by ati or not? Or does this simply benefit the future sales of the actual kit?<hr></blockquote>

                              Hmmmmm... matter.... I think it matters. Most people would have confidence buying from an ATI vendor rather than an individual. Also, ATI would warranty the parts vs. an individual trying to do the same....

                              When the kit is ready for beta testing will it be at a point where all bugs have been worked out of the system? Or will people be stuck with problems?

                              How will fixes be made for people out of state if there is a detonation problem or any other type of problem occuring?

                              Problems will be worked out with the alpha. Beta is for endurance. i.e. No more adding mods to this installation. It will be to find out the issues with wear and tear to belts, pulleys, etc.

                              How certain can you be that this will be done all in a few short months and be functional? You expect the first kit to be done by the end of may but with all the bugs worked out by june?

                              Kinda a short schedule but ok if you say so, i hope it goes that smooth.

                              Boy... you sure have not been to the Motor City before have you??? We do things around here like you all do with Telco's. It's second nature. Time will not be an issue. Not when your working with great talent and everything at your finger tips.

                              <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Will it come with additional fuel pump, boost guages, what specific type of pcm tuning?<hr></blockquote>

                              Re-read Ryan's post. Things that are included as of right now are posted. If more is needed later, things will be amended as needed for the safety of the driver and the machine.

                              FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Administrator
                              Stupid is rewarded with the ban button.
                              Official Avatar Nazi according to Meatyshells :D


                              • #45
                                Two firebird GT's on the list :D Is that all of us? (yeah, I know, they are two totally different packages, but hey, they still have the same name, don't they ;) )
                                01 Firebird GT <p>3.42 gears, LSD, holley powershot, SLP CAI, whisper lid, 3\" I-pipe, and spintech muffler<p>best 1/8th run: 9.5872 @ 72.48mph with 2.160 60ft<br />best 1/4th run: 15.099 @ 89.15mph with 2.198 60ft<p>Venom VI member #21<p>See my car here:<br /><a href=\"http://www.geocities.com/southernoxblood/front.html\" target=\"_blank\">www.geocities.com/southernoxblood/front.html</a>


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