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guaging intrest

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  • guaging intrest

    Just wondering how many people would seriuosly be intrested in a turbo kit that say costed $~3000 it would have a intercooler the custom headers down pipe basicly all the main stuff, you could go out afterwards and by a BOV and other stuff the turbo would be able to boost atleast 20 lbs so you wont have to upgrade even after upgrading your internals

    please no questions about what it would include stuff like that and dont get excited it would be min. of 6 months till my car would have it was thinking i might as well get a couple more custom headers and pipes made at the same time as when I do mine just wanted to see

    ohh and you could buy the kits in pices like turbo when you want, stuff like that main thing you need thats really custom for a turbo is headers and a down pipe basiclly the only stuff you would get from me cause it would be cheaper for you to buy direct

    but who knows I might wanna be selfish hehe and not hook nobody up but i dont know and if i did it I would probly have to do a downpayment thing like batman atleast so I know people are gonna buy it Theres no way i would take a loan out for you guys im sorry lol

    just gauging intrest I am sure people would jump on this but they jump on the supercharger whens its being talked about but hell theres not even 10 people yet i belive for batmans supercharger I guess i am asking for seriousssssssss people only


  • #2
    no thanks dont want to deal with anyone who has to think about if he wants to be selfish or not :rolleyes:


    • #3
      <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> but who knows I might wanna be selfish hehe and not hook nobody up but i dont know and if i did it I would probly have to do a downpayment thing like batman atleast so I know people are gonna buy it Theres no way i would take a loan out for you guys im sorry lol

      just gauging intrest I am sure people would jump on this but they jump on the supercharger whens its being talked about but hell theres not even 10 people yet i belive for batmans supercharger I guess i am asking for seriousssssssss people only


      sounds like you're not too serioussssssss about this.
      98 3.8 A4<br />yep it\'s a 6


      • #4
        <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Jason Morgan:

        just gauging intrest I am sure people would jump on this but they jump on the supercharger whens its being talked about but hell theres not even 10 people yet i belive for batmans supercharger I guess i am asking for seriousssssssss people only


        Hey.. LOL.. i got 9 kits sold.. only 1 left....and 3 people still showing interest [img]smile.gif[/img]
        - Ryan<br /> A.K.A BATMAN<br /> \"Be part of the solution...<br /> Not the problem\"


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