Originally posted by ssms5411:
If you guys don't want to give any advice, thats fine. Who knows, maybe I would blow it up. The guy who knows alot about Hptuners wasn't there, the guy who was there only knew about tuning Fords. He gave me the # of the guy, so I'll just give him a call when I go back next week. Thor good luck with yours. Depending on how much boost you want you might try a 2.6" pulley. I was seeing a spike to 10psi at first then stayed at 8psi from 3000 rpms to 5700 rpms. Just a little info. for ya.
If you guys don't want to give any advice, thats fine. Who knows, maybe I would blow it up. The guy who knows alot about Hptuners wasn't there, the guy who was there only knew about tuning Fords. He gave me the # of the guy, so I'll just give him a call when I go back next week. Thor good luck with yours. Depending on how much boost you want you might try a 2.6" pulley. I was seeing a spike to 10psi at first then stayed at 8psi from 3000 rpms to 5700 rpms. Just a little info. for ya.
Oh and GN was right to a point, I should have blown my engine in the first week of having the turbo. But I was running 14psi(wrong wastegate spring), no boost gauge, no intercooler, and no wideband. I knew better, but was in a hurry. I didn't know the first thing about tuning, but I do now, personaly if my engine blows up tomorow, it was still worth it. But thats just me.
If you go slow make one change at a time, you'll be in good shape. My problem was always being in a hurry for the magic fix. Its a long slow process. Gets better by the day though.
[ February 04, 2005, 12:32 AM: Message edited by: phoenix64 ]