I got the belt for the cobra and thought I could put it on in 20 minutes. BULLSH*T!!! I worked on that thing for 4 hours and still havent finished. I think I would have finished faster if I would have just taken the whole charger off. Instead I tried to do it with it on... Big mistake. Hopefully I just got to take out the bottom bolt tomorrow and I can finaly line the belt up and go to the track tomorrow. Is it a PITA for you guys to change the belt to or am I missing somthing here?
No announcement yet.
powerdyne problem helper
Powerdyne 98 a4 convert<br /><br /> stock 16.6 @ 86 <br /> <br /> 6 lbs boost 15.1 @ 90 <br /> <br /> 04 A4 2.73 geared white Corvette Coupe<br /> <br /> stock- 13.5 @ 103 <br /><br />LS6 conversion-13.1 @ 107 <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98</a> ( pics of intercooled powerdyne)
It is a huge pain in the *** to change the belt everytime....however it does get easier each time u do it...... u don't have to remove the blower itself....just disconnect the tubes running to it.... at first, my belt took me like 3 hours to replace.... but now that i know the procedure i can nail it down in about 30 mins.....we've gotta fix this slippage problem...otherwise we'll be changing our belts too often.
good luckPerry V.<br />\'97 Chameleon Bird w/ too many toys to list.<br /><a href=\"http://www.geocities.com/umvagia0\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.goecities.com/umvagia0</a>
Anyone ever used this belt? It was the only place that had them in stoch (checkers) and it cost me 50 dollars. 5061045Powerdyne 98 a4 convert<br /><br /> stock 16.6 @ 86 <br /> <br /> 6 lbs boost 15.1 @ 90 <br /> <br /> 04 A4 2.73 geared white Corvette Coupe<br /> <br /> stock- 13.5 @ 103 <br /><br />LS6 conversion-13.1 @ 107 <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98</a> ( pics of intercooled powerdyne)
I took the charger petty much off and have done more in 30 minutes then all day yeserday. I have a problem though. I drew a picture of the belt and pully setup before I removed the belt. But even with the tensioner all the way down I still got like 8 inches of slack. So I figuered with the belt all twisted up its very likely that I drew it the wrong way. This is how I have it now but Im scared to start it up without some feedback. OK it goes from the altanator to pully number 2.( I have the three large pullys to the right labeled by hight,highest is #1 second highest is #2 and the big bottom one is #3). From #2 up around #1 and back under #3. From #3 up and around the main supercharger pully. Then back down and under the lowest pully on the left side. Im not sure what that pully is.From that ? pully up to the pully you had to install with the charger and then under the belt tensioner pully. Thus completing the cycle back over the altanator pully. I know its hard to understand but please give me some feedback. I GOTTA go to the track tonight. Im dreaming about that 6-9 psi again. Im such a dumba**. I was already getting 9 psi but it dropped down to 7-8 and I was like HMMMM belts slipping, better tighten it down and put in belt dressing. STUPID. Hmmm how about youve been driving it at night in cool weather for these accelleration runs to not worry about cops as much. Hmmm now it's 93 degrees outside. Of course your gonna lose some boost. Dammmm that was dumb!!!Powerdyne 98 a4 convert<br /><br /> stock 16.6 @ 86 <br /> <br /> 6 lbs boost 15.1 @ 90 <br /> <br /> 04 A4 2.73 geared white Corvette Coupe<br /> <br /> stock- 13.5 @ 103 <br /><br />LS6 conversion-13.1 @ 107 <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98</a> ( pics of intercooled powerdyne)
I made a drawing of the belt layout, maybe it will help.
Good luck at the track,
HH2002 Camaro M5 Black<br />Propane MFS<br />Ravin RA554259 w/3\" SS Tips<br />Powerdyne Supercharger <br />SLP Cold Air Package<br />B&M Sport Shifter (Ripper)<p>She burns sweet & clean, I\'ll tell you what!
Wow thanks Hank!!! Thats exactly how I did it. Cool how you took the time to do that. LOL. Well I got the belt on and tuned it to 5-6 psi. With a little over 3/4 tank of gas and my engine temp over 210 degrees and also 18 inch rims on I still got a 15.4. Thats 4 tenths better then the last time I ran with my 18's on!!! I was like Oh Oh tonights the night. Here comes 14's. So I go drive her for half an hour or more gunning her to burn fuel. I return with a little under half a tank. Then I let her cool down for an hour while I eat and watch some races. I check her out and she,s right at 160 degrees. Iwas like...Hmm 15.4 with 5-6 psi... I wonder what 8-9 would do he,he. So I tighten my tensioner down some more and pull up to the race line. Im racing some type of four door honda. THe light goes green and I jump off the line, then Im just sittin there spinning... I look at my boost and it's reading 10 psi! The civic pulls 5-7 cars ahead of me before I caught traction. Then I ended up passing the civic right before the finish line. So I was like OK Im a one legger, gotta leave the line a little slower. So I let her cool down and go again. But, before I even get to the line they tell me I cant race no more cas I got some kind of tranmission leak. Dammi*! Problem after problem! Is nonthing sacred anymore? BTW while I had the supercharger all apart earlier today I decided to do the whisper lid/ ram air mod to my supercharger. The tube looks alot nicer then the lid just sitting there with nonthing. Im sure the air is cooler as well.Powerdyne 98 a4 convert<br /><br /> stock 16.6 @ 86 <br /> <br /> 6 lbs boost 15.1 @ 90 <br /> <br /> 04 A4 2.73 geared white Corvette Coupe<br /> <br /> stock- 13.5 @ 103 <br /><br />LS6 conversion-13.1 @ 107 <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98</a> ( pics of intercooled powerdyne)
Like my new sig???He HEPowerdyne 98 a4 convert<br /><br /> stock 16.6 @ 86 <br /> <br /> 6 lbs boost 15.1 @ 90 <br /> <br /> 04 A4 2.73 geared white Corvette Coupe<br /> <br /> stock- 13.5 @ 103 <br /><br />LS6 conversion-13.1 @ 107 <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98</a> ( pics of intercooled powerdyne)
I already fixed it. Luckaly it was just a busted fuel filter. Ill be at the track again next week. I know this post is crazy long, but Im not gonna quit posting till I hit 14's. I also think it is good for me to keep posting so that people interested in boost can get a good guess of the reality that things can go wrong. Very wrong, as in my case. From wrong parts, ( induction tube) to no parts ( fuel hoses) to low fuel pressure ( faulty FMU?/fuel pump?)to oil leaks caused by the supercharger.Yes the future powerdyne owners can find the awnswer to just about every problem just by reading my post. Oh to those reading to find out if the powerdyne is worth your money or not... My best time before the charger( besides when I was red lining like crazy with the jet scu 2000) was a 16.142. My best time so far with the charger was 15.418. Thats 7 tenths better. I did that time with just about every bad thing you can thank of stacked against me( as you can read in my sig) And I'm sure that when I put some stock size tires on , run with a quarter tank and get posi traction I will be well in the 14's.Powerdyne 98 a4 convert<br /><br /> stock 16.6 @ 86 <br /> <br /> 6 lbs boost 15.1 @ 90 <br /> <br /> 04 A4 2.73 geared white Corvette Coupe<br /> <br /> stock- 13.5 @ 103 <br /><br />LS6 conversion-13.1 @ 107 <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98</a> ( pics of intercooled powerdyne)
u forgot to mention that your 15.4 was run with what? 4 lbs of boost... max?
7 tenths on 4psi sounds good to me. just imagine what 6 lbs or 9 lbs will get you.
good luck96 Camaro M5. Dark metallic gree (?dont know the offical color name)<br />Home made Intake :: Headers, 3inch headers back to Flowmaster muffler :: spec stage 3 clutch Now installed, waiting for 3.42\'s and LSD next month<br /><a href=\"http://photobucket.com/albums/y192/RiceEatingCamaro/?action=view¤t=newcar.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">My Car</a> <br /><br />Totalled Car.<br /><a href=\"http://bellsouthpwp.net/s/k/sk8er305/\" target=\"_blank\">96 CamaroRS</a>
Actualy I'd say it was asolid 4-5 psi through out the whole quarter. If you read my earlier post, you'll see that my best time before I figuered out how to properly get boost was a 15.6 with a 2.3 60ft on stock rims and quarter tank of gas. With the same set up except with 18 inch rims on I had a 15.8 and a 2.3 60 ft. Just the rims add a little over 2 tenths! So Im ASSUMING that the 15.4 I ran last night with 5 psi would have been a 15.1 if I had my stock tires on and a quarter tank of gas. That's a full second quicker than my best before the blower. Most people would probaly agree that dropping 3 tenths by going from 18 's to 16 inch tires and loosing a half tank of gas is very reasonable. In my mind Ive already lost a full second with that thing. I just cant prove it right now cas my stock tires were recently stolen. 1 second with only 5 psi! But for now Ill just take my 15.4 and be happy. Ill keep going with my 18's till I can afford some skinnies and nittos and try to hook with 8-9 psi and blow that 15.4 away. Besides it's kinda cool to know that all I gotta do is throw some stock tires on there and whatever time I get in the future car easily be dropped a few tenths.Powerdyne 98 a4 convert<br /><br /> stock 16.6 @ 86 <br /> <br /> 6 lbs boost 15.1 @ 90 <br /> <br /> 04 A4 2.73 geared white Corvette Coupe<br /> <br /> stock- 13.5 @ 103 <br /><br />LS6 conversion-13.1 @ 107 <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98</a> ( pics of intercooled powerdyne)
Oh Oh ... Oil leak has returned... After only 24 hours. I replaced my fuel filter yesterday after it had made my car bone dry of oil in only a few hours. Thats also the same night I got kicked out of my track for the massive leak. So I replaced it with a Fram yesterday and now its doing exactly the same thing. I took it off and once again there is a slight crack from were the charger sits directly on top of it. Oil is pouring from this spot VERY guickly. Im sure that I installed the charger a little to close to it when I replaced the belt and I have a plan to move the charger up a little tomorrow. Have any of you had the same problem with your powerdyne/oil filter? If so, any suggestions to remmedy this problem?Powerdyne 98 a4 convert<br /><br /> stock 16.6 @ 86 <br /> <br /> 6 lbs boost 15.1 @ 90 <br /> <br /> 04 A4 2.73 geared white Corvette Coupe<br /> <br /> stock- 13.5 @ 103 <br /><br />LS6 conversion-13.1 @ 107 <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98</a> ( pics of intercooled powerdyne)
I have not had any problems with mine, but it could be solved by using a dremel to cut a 1/4 inch off the mounting bracket where the oil filter lines up. The oil leaks I had were valve cover,intake, and a main seal when I put mine on last year. It now runs fine with doing the throtle body mod and putting a oil cap breather on. I still have some slipping issues though. I'm having ASP Racing make me a 9lb belt and making it 8 rib wide with a different finish. We'll see how it turns out in about 2 weeks.08' L76 6.0L 4X4 Chevy EXT.Cab LTZ Vortec MAX with Snug top cover, Dynomax exhaust,Hptuners& K&N intake
96' Camaro M5 to A4 conversion, alot of mods . GT35R Turbo full suspension. Built engine
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