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powerdyne problem helper

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  • powerdyne problem helper

    Please help me.... My mechanic who only dose induction and cams says the install of my powedyne is not looking good. I have one for a 97 and my car is a 98. I was told everything would fit fine. He says that the head unit is not fitting cus when he tries to mount it the head unit is hitting the oil filter.... I think he said it was the oil filter. I gave him Maccondas instructions for a 97 firebird and thought everything would be fine. But the way hes talking it seems almost like it cant be done. What are the differences of 97 and 98 install? Can someone please help me. I would really appreciate it if someone could show me or send me the instructions for the 98 camaro. Man Im really devastated right now. When I got the call I was happy and thought I was gonna go pick my car up. Now Im all parinoid and scared that I got the wrong head unit or somthing. PLEASE HELP ME

    [ March 17, 2003: Message edited by: 98GREENGLOW ]

    [ March 18, 2003: Message edited by: 98GREENGLOW ]

    [ March 20, 2003: Message edited by: 98GREENGLOW ]

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    [ July 15, 2003: Message edited by: 98GREENGLOW ]

    [ July 20, 2003: Message edited by: 98GREENGLOW ]</p>
    Powerdyne 98 a4 convert<br /><br /> stock 16.6 @ 86 <br /> <br /> 6 lbs boost 15.1 @ 90 <br /> <br /> 04 A4 2.73 geared white Corvette Coupe<br /> <br /> stock- 13.5 @ 103 <br /><br />LS6 conversion-13.1 @ 107 <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98</a> ( pics of intercooled powerdyne)

  • #2
    Don't worry. Tell him to drain the oil and remove the oil filter. It is a tight fit but it will work. This is the only way to bolt up the bottom part of it.

    Every time I remove my SC, I made it a hobby to change my oil as well. Because this way I could remove the oil filter and unbolt it.

    Good luck and keep us inform.

    1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


    • #3
      Man I hope he said oil filter. Thats what I remember him saying. I will defiently keep you informed. Thanks for the help. Buy the way is your charger the 97 version or 98?
      Powerdyne 98 a4 convert<br /><br /> stock 16.6 @ 86 <br /> <br /> 6 lbs boost 15.1 @ 90 <br /> <br /> 04 A4 2.73 geared white Corvette Coupe<br /> <br /> stock- 13.5 @ 103 <br /><br />LS6 conversion-13.1 @ 107 <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98</a> ( pics of intercooled powerdyne)


      • #4
        Oh dose any one know the nomenclature of the head unit? You know like bd705 or dr442 or somthing like that . I want to make sure I got the right head unit....Please ant help is appreciated cas I am printing this up and taking it to my mechanic. My car is in many peices right now and I dont want him to put it back together without the charger in it. Cas you know Im gonna have to pay money wether its installed or not.
        Powerdyne 98 a4 convert<br /><br /> stock 16.6 @ 86 <br /> <br /> 6 lbs boost 15.1 @ 90 <br /> <br /> 04 A4 2.73 geared white Corvette Coupe<br /> <br /> stock- 13.5 @ 103 <br /><br />LS6 conversion-13.1 @ 107 <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98</a> ( pics of intercooled powerdyne)


        • #5
          Yes I did say oil filter. Just tell him to remove that in order to bolt it in properly. Then install it back. It will work. Just that it is hard to put in the bottom part of the bolt because it is in the way. If this SC was used before it should have no problem with the clearance when he puts it back.

          If this SC was installed on a 97 then it is the right one. It should work on the 98, except for the induction (filter to SC). James at Vector Perf. did a different induction because he didn't want to move the fuse boxes and he put a 4" cone filter which I didn't like. Later on I moved to the whisper lid and ram air kit and it work great. Now that I'm using a Holley power shot, its even better.

          Good Luck and keep us updated.

          1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


          • #6
            I reread you post again. I notice that the mechanic said the head unit hitting the oil filter. Do you mean the head unit's bracket?
            If it is then refer to what I said above.

            I don't know if he knows this or not but remember that the head unit is reverse mounted. Which means that the pulley side of the SC is facing the engine on the passenger side. I just want to be sure because he might be trying to install it the way a normal SC would be. Ours is custom made. Anyway good luck.

            1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


            • #7
              Thanks for the help Thor. I went and took a look at it today to make sure everything was right. The model number was bd-11a and all the pipes looked like the pictures off rk sport. Even I had a hard time trying to figure out how the head unit is supposed to go in there. I know this isnt gonna be easy for you to explain but could you give a detailed report of exactly how the head unit sits in the engine. I know of course that the pully faces towards the engine, but can you tell me when looking striaght at the engine from the front of the hood where is the opening of the charger that the compressed air flows from. This will really help us out cus this is the part were stumped on. Is it straight up towards the altenator. Straight down? Or to the right? How far is the charger pully suppossed to be to the right from the idler pully or whatever pully that is? Thanks for the help you have given me and I apprecciate everthing you do. Cas right now your my only hope Obie One Kanobie....Joke Oh by the way I mean the head units bracket. Its all the way to the middle of the oil filter one way I tried it and the other way its just barely above it. See were not really sure witch way it mounts. To anyone out there I need some picks. Tried Ironmans but hes got so much stuff you can barely see any thing.
              Powerdyne 98 a4 convert<br /><br /> stock 16.6 @ 86 <br /> <br /> 6 lbs boost 15.1 @ 90 <br /> <br /> 04 A4 2.73 geared white Corvette Coupe<br /> <br /> stock- 13.5 @ 103 <br /><br />LS6 conversion-13.1 @ 107 <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98</a> ( pics of intercooled powerdyne)


              • #8
                I see, the air that comes out of the SC should be parallel to the floor in which the air comes out to the right. There are two main stud bolts and one angled one. The two stud bolts one connected closer to the oil filter and the other one close to the alternator. That is the idler pulley and it is close to the SC pulley. I would say about only an inch in clearance between the two.

                Remember the idler if facing the front of your engine is to the left and SC to the right. The belt will go from the alternator touching only 20% of the idler and then to the AC and then around the SC pulley and then to the crank. The rest of the belt through the normal way.

                Good luck, I won't be on-line till Tuesday. But I'll be back to reread this post. ;)

                1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


                • #9
                  Thanks a lot cus that REALLY helps me out alot. Im gonna print this up and bring it to my mechanic tomorrow. I will post on here so you can know were I stand come tuesday.
                  Powerdyne 98 a4 convert<br /><br /> stock 16.6 @ 86 <br /> <br /> 6 lbs boost 15.1 @ 90 <br /> <br /> 04 A4 2.73 geared white Corvette Coupe<br /> <br /> stock- 13.5 @ 103 <br /><br />LS6 conversion-13.1 @ 107 <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98</a> ( pics of intercooled powerdyne)


                  • #10
                    OK the head unit is on and everything is hooked up. They had to cut my intake pipe in half and weld it back together at a differant angle to get it to the throttle body... Not sure if I like that. But it looks fine and is running good. How good I dont know. See my mechanic said he cant hook up my FMU cas it dosent seem to have the right adapters for my fuel lines. He says I need the spring compression type. Did anyone else have this problem while hooking up the FMU to a 98? I will describe my FMU to you. The front side has a line coming out with a T at the end. The back side has 2 screw openings. With no line attatchments. Am I missing peices? Or is there a way to make this work without buying a completely new unit?
                    Powerdyne 98 a4 convert<br /><br /> stock 16.6 @ 86 <br /> <br /> 6 lbs boost 15.1 @ 90 <br /> <br /> 04 A4 2.73 geared white Corvette Coupe<br /> <br /> stock- 13.5 @ 103 <br /><br />LS6 conversion-13.1 @ 107 <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98</a> ( pics of intercooled powerdyne)


                    • #11
                      That's good. Now it is half way there. I'm not really good with FMU. I messed up mine. You're better off asking Ironman. But here's a picture. Yours should look like this, and you could show it to him:

                      1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


                      • #12
                        I actually don't run the FMU, I went with bigger injectors and a inline pump and just let the ecm add the extra fuel.

                        My FMU came with fittings attached that will snap into the stock fuel lines. Should be a simple plug N play install.

                        I did have mine bolted to the TB for a short while. My STB prevented me from installing it under the cowl like the instructions said.

                        Michael Huff<br />92 RS, 98 V6, 97 SS, 00 Z28 <br /> <a href=\"http://www.carolinafbodyclub.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.carolinafbodyclub.com/</a>


                        • #13
                          Thanks for the pictures ... I see were Im screwed, I dont have those fittings like you guys do. All I have is the FMU and mine is blue, not silver. But it looks like those fittings would work on my application. Ive been everywere trying to find some with no luck. Ironman you said you dont use your fmu. Would you sell me your connecters?
                          Powerdyne 98 a4 convert<br /><br /> stock 16.6 @ 86 <br /> <br /> 6 lbs boost 15.1 @ 90 <br /> <br /> 04 A4 2.73 geared white Corvette Coupe<br /> <br /> stock- 13.5 @ 103 <br /><br />LS6 conversion-13.1 @ 107 <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/greenglow98</a> ( pics of intercooled powerdyne)


                          • #14
                            <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Ironman24:
                            I actually don't run the FMU, I went with bigger injectors and a inline pump and just let the ecm add the extra fuel.

                            My FMU came with fittings attached that will snap into the stock fuel lines. Should be a simple plug N play install.

                            I did have mine bolted to the TB for a short while. My STB prevented me from installing it under the cowl like the instructions said.



                            In the picture above I noticed you have a black air ducting tube... I need something like that for my car to replace the crappy tubing that came with my whisper lid for my '98 camaro. Where'd you get that? Did it come with the SC?

                            thanks for the input.

                            *OneQuickSix*<br />1998 3.8L V-6 Camaro<br />~A4 w/Y87~


                            • #15
                              I currently have the blue one too. Which is not a whole lot different. But for the fitting, have you tried Home Depot or any other hardware?

                              Joe, you could order that from Powerdyne.

                              1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


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