Turbo Project Finished Pictures and Shake Down - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Turbo Project Finished Pictures and Shake Down

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  • Turbo Project Finished Pictures and Shake Down

    I finally got some pics of my turbo project fab. work complete and they are posted on pages 2 and 3 on my website in the signature, so check 'em out.

    Well I started tuning today with HP Tuners and it was a good experience. I love the HP Tuners setup and it's pretty easy to use, even for a noob 18 y/o kid like me. I messed with the injector flow rate table and got the injectors pretty well compensated for the car, after a little cranking it fired write up and there was no black smoke like before. We took it out with the vacuum line off of the FMU. It ran pretty good but leaned out up top, so my speed shop guy suggested to hook the vac. back up to the FMU and boom, it worked.

    I have a wideband setup in my car and I was datalogging with my laptop and HPTs and the A/F was 14 flat at idle and was steady up until the boost started on (which we could measure with the APEXi unit to the nearest .1 of a BAR and .01 of a mmHg vacuum). After boost kicked in the A/F ratio went to about mid 12 and the car loves it, no detonation at all. My speed shop mechanic is very good and even works on the JB Motorsports funny car (driven by Paul Lee) so I'm assuming he knows detonation when he hears it. No detonation occured even when we overboosted to 12psi (that was really fun btw).

    There is one problem though, whenever we give it full throttle, once it gets to a certain point (after 5 seconds or less I'd say) the engine goes into "Engine Low Power" mode and throws, among other codes, a P1514. After that the car is limited to 15% TP (as HPTs indicated) and has virtually no power. This P1514 code has something to do with too much airflow vs. TP% (i'm guessing the turbo's fault). After I clear the DTC codes it starts right up and we can use it with full power, until of coarse we drop the hammer and it throws a P1514 again. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what this could be?

    [ September 26, 2004, 03:10 AM: Message edited by: njp98 ]
    2001 Pewder Firebird V6 A4 <br />Custom Turbo Kit Details On Site<br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/njp98\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/njp98</a> <br />Best 1/4 time NA - 15.224 seconds @ 87.55 MPH

  • #2
    very killer setup!! Cant wait to see some numbers.
    00 Pewter Y87 Camaro-SS Hood/Chrome rims, Black Halos, Clear corners, Pacesetters, V8 K&N FIPK, 3\" B&B TriFlow, HPP3, MSD Coils, Taylor wires, Transgo stage II, Edge 3000 Stall, 180* thermo, SLP Bowtie Grill<br /><a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/468763/1/\" target=\"_blank\">Carro</a>


    • #3
      There is one problem though, whenever we give it full throttle, once it gets to a certain point (after 5 seconds or less I'd say) the engine goes into "Engine Low Power" mode and throws, among other codes, a P1514. After that the car is limited to 15% TP (as HPTs indicated) and has virtually no power. This P1514 code has something to do with too much airflow vs. TP% (i'm guessing the turbo's fault). After I clear the DTC codes it starts right up and we can use it with full power, until of coarse we drop the hammer and it throws a P1514 again. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what this could be? [/QB][/QUOTE]

      I think radcat had this prob. i forget how he fixed it
      1999 Camaro V6, 3.8L,Flowmaster 80, AR 17\"X9.5\" Torq-Thrust II Yokohama275/40WR/17,B&MRipper,BMR STB,BRM Lower Arm Relocation Brackets.


      • #4
        I had the reduced power light at well..

        I had the pimp slap keith in to adding the table i needed to remove it but he got it done [img]smile.gif[/img]

        so its a good thing you have hptuners..

        let me see..
        open your tune..
        go to edit at the top...
        engine diagnostics..
        then the general tab..

        then click the button calculated airflow vs tps% vs... blah blha blah

        now.. about what that table does..

        it is used to verify your TPS sensor is working properly on your drive by wire TB.. it references to that table with a pre and post TB air density calculaton..

        and well.. if they are radicly differnt.. like your turbo is making it.. it assumes teh TPS sensor is bad and all but shuts you down..

        i had to drive my car for like 2-3 weeks that way.. it was not a good time.. driving under 2K rpm is not a good time..

        so.. i took that table and jsut multiplyed the whole dam thing by 1.4 seems to have teken care of the problem.. no strange side effects.. you could increase it slower and see how it goes.. but i would not sweat it..

        late model vettes have this issue as well.. so if you want more info search their forums..

        sign up for the HPT message board.. there is alot of good info there.. and ALOT of nice people willing ot help out.. my username over there is Missing2

        good luck..


        • #5
          Might need to change your map sensor. I had the same problem and that fixed it.
          2000 turbo/intercooled M5 Black Firebird<br />349.5hp and 415.3tq @ 4400rpms


          • #6
            isnt this all because you both have DBW, cuz thats the onlything that could limit ur tb....if its electric?


            • #7
              Thanks for the fast responces guys. I'm going to have to look into these options so I can actually get a timeslip in this year. One of the local tracks is open till November, so I think I'll good.

              I found that calculated airflow vs. TPS% table, but I had no idea how to tune with it. I'll try scaling it up a bit and see how that work (because thats free) and if it doesn't I'll see about a MAP replacement. I hope its as easy as changing that table or a new sensor. I'll keep you posted.
              2001 Pewder Firebird V6 A4 <br />Custom Turbo Kit Details On Site<br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/njp98\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/njp98</a> <br />Best 1/4 time NA - 15.224 seconds @ 87.55 MPH


              • #8
                Other than what's mentioned above. I just want to say good work. Very impressive, I like how you made those headers. Did you have to delete the AC?

                1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


                • #9
                  I didn't have to delete the AC I had to relocate some boxes, as is detailed on the site, like power stearing, brake unit, etc. As for the headers, thank you for the compliments, but I only designed them, the real man who deserves the credit is Sly at Pro-Car Engineering. He's a good guy, very fair, and has very high quality work. He works on funny cars and builds race cars for a living. He is interested in making more kits and said he can get all the parts for about half the price if theres 5+ people involved. I don't know if it'll take off, but I'm just throwing it out there. Thanks alot everyone for your help with all the many problems i've been having as well as helping me learn more about cars in general. I couldn't have done this without alot of help for you guys.
                  2001 Pewder Firebird V6 A4 <br />Custom Turbo Kit Details On Site<br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/njp98\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/njp98</a> <br />Best 1/4 time NA - 15.224 seconds @ 87.55 MPH


                  • #10
                    AFR should be mid 11s not mid 12s , thats lean...


                    • #11
                      I'm going to get the power enrichment table bumped up a little bit on lower RPM and a good amount up where I'm making boost and hopefully that will let me have a nice rich mid 11's AFR for boosting and I'll add some fuel down low too to get the 12.5 NA. I'd like to use PE so I don't carboncake my pipes under normal driving. Since power enrichment will only give extra fuel when I step on it (85% throttle or whatever I set it at), is this a good way to approach the problem?
                      2001 Pewder Firebird V6 A4 <br />Custom Turbo Kit Details On Site<br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/njp98\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/njp98</a> <br />Best 1/4 time NA - 15.224 seconds @ 87.55 MPH


                      • #12
                        njp did you edit the error code table??

                        that is what will fix your problem with the reduced engine power..


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by njp98:
                          I didn't have to delete the AC I had to relocate some boxes, as is detailed on the site, like power stearing, brake unit, etc.
                          relocation is cool though. What really impresses me is a car with a clean setup like yours, that still retains all the factory equipment. Some guys out there have awesome power, but they removed all the stuff that makes the car a fun street car.

                          I also really like those headers. IMO, they just top off an already gorgeous system.
                          1998 Camaro, Arctic White<br /><br />Garrett P-Trim T04 turbo<br /><br /><i>348rwhp, 379.5rwtq @ 10psi</i>


                          • #14
                            Thanks for the compliments guys. Teufel, btw congrads on those great dyno numbers thats really impressive, I wanna see some timeslips thats gonna rock [img]graemlins/burnout.gif[/img] . I wanna show you guys the setup sometime, I might go to the next AIS and check out everyones' sweet rides.

                            About the error code, I haven't yet got to change the table thats throwing the code. I can't tune until friday. I have exams this week and they are laying on the homework. I'm going to try that fix and if it works I'm going to work with the PE function I believe to get some extra fuel up top. Do you HPTs guys think this is the correct way to richen up top?
                            2001 Pewder Firebird V6 A4 <br />Custom Turbo Kit Details On Site<br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/njp98\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/njp98</a> <br />Best 1/4 time NA - 15.224 seconds @ 87.55 MPH


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by njp98:
                              Thanks for the compliments guys. Teufel, btw congrads on those great dyno numbers thats really impressive, I wanna see some timeslips thats gonna rock [img]graemlins/burnout.gif[/img] . I wanna show you guys the setup sometime, I might go to the next AIS and check out everyones' sweet rides.

                              About the error code, I haven't yet got to change the table thats throwing the code. I can't tune until friday. I have exams this week and they are laying on the homework. I'm going to try that fix and if it works I'm going to work with the PE function I believe to get some extra fuel up top. Do you HPTs guys think this is the correct way to richen up top?
                              you use the PE table at WOT there is some info about it on HPtuners and in the help files..

                              so if you are trying to tune for a WOT condition yes.. pe is what you want to edit..

                              if you are trying to adjsut it for idle/cruise tyle stuf you want to mess with VE and a few other tables..

                              Do you have an adjustable FMU? you can mess with that a littel too..

                              I plan on eventualy geting rid of the FMU and depending on the PE table for WOT once i get some bigger injectors.. but that wont be for a while..

                              that is another option for you to consider..


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