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I completely respect and love what BATMAN/Mach is doing for my car as well as the entire v-6 f-body community. I understand that it takes time for an operation like this to get it right.
I apologize if I am asking to much to have phone calls returned, or emails answered. I guess I am wrong here.
I agree with BigMoneyAnt, Path, and a couple of others on this one. If you have the time to surf the web, then you should have the time to take care of your customers by returning their call. Nothing is more frustrating than shelling out thousands of dollars and getting no response. Best of luck to everyone involved in this, including you guys building the kit.
There's finally a marketable kit. Just be patient.
You guys have to see it in the other person's shoe. Bill works all day and probably doesn't have time to go on here to check things out. Batman has alot of personal problem that he's trying to sort through.
I can't hold it in anymore. Reading ever more of this crap on MY board has worn me to the point where I have broken. I have a bit of a dissertation that I've been holding back for almost TWO YEARS NOW...
<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrCoffee: all I hear is people ***** when it comes to batmans kit.<hr></blockquote>
Damn right! When "professionals" behave like that, they're going to have countless complaints.
<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrCoffee: there is no respect from anyone on this board when the name 'BATMAN' is mentioned. All hell breaks looks when 'mach performance' is in the topic.<hr></blockquote>
Oh boo-hoo! Bill and BATMAN are angels and everyone is picking on them! WAAAAAHHH!!!
The attitudes of the MAJORITY of this forum is directly in response to the hostile attitudes that Bill and various other parties in question have shown. A lot of people are pissed... and for damn good reason. :mad:
Now, on to Bill and his countless BS excuses...
As my opening statement, I would like to give Bill some advice: stop whining. YOU are the one that took people's money OVER A YEAR AGO, promising "soon" right and left while delaying things to no end... YOU are the one that refuses to perform the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM of customer service. Here's a little business tip for you: *****ing out customers who are paying you over FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS each and saying "your attitude here makes me want to delay your product" is not a wise move. I wonder what the rest of your customers would think of they saw the things you said to RedAudiomobile and various other people here--YOUR POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS--THE PEOPLE THAT PAY YOUR PAYCHECK???
Now, on to the specifics...
<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MachPerformance: You know what...your attitude on this board is partial reson for the lack of interest in getting you that tracking #.<hr></blockquote>
As I said. Threatening customers is hardly a way to make a living. If you **** up, own up to it. And face it: when it comes to customer service, you ****ed up. Bad. And it's been going on ever since this project started. RedAudiomobile called you again and again, e-mailed you countless times, and you never replied until here where you LASH OUT at him in front of everyone, threatening to delay his product that HE HAS ALREADY PAID OVER FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR because he got upset that you refused to answer his very simple inquiry. Real professional. You go, smart guy. :rolleyes:
Tip number two: I'm sure you're a great machinist/mechanic/fabricator. But you're a disgrace to ethical businessmen. Sell your shop and get a job as a mechanic working for someone else. You won't dig your own grave every time you open your mouth like you do now.
<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MachPerformance: Yes it's 1:30 am and I'm here typing this sh1t...and yes I worked all weekend to ensure the second box of parts would go out this week...so don't get me started :mad: <hr></blockquote>
Oh boo-hoo!!! YOU OWN YOUR OWN ****ING BUSINESS AND YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT WORKING WEEKENDS?!? Give me a BREAK!!! Some of us have to work weekends on a regular basis, working for SOMEONE ELSE, just to make deadlines so our products go out to our customers ON TIME. If you're sick of working hard sell your shop and become the lead mechanic at someone else's place.
<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MachPerformance: Because if I come on this board and see anymore childish sh!t, I'll make sure the time I spend writing this crap is wasted here instead of making your final package go out. [img]graemlins/thumbsdown.gif[/img] <hr></blockquote>
More threats. [img]graemlins/thumbsdown.gif[/img] I'm sure the other seven Beta testers are going to RUSH to send you their FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS now that they've seen you threatening RedAudiomobile. Do the math: there's $35,000 waiting to be mailed to you... if you earn it. Quick business tip again: that thirty five grand might go someplace more trustworthy--like a Magnus LS1 swap or a Tiago turbo kit. Don't let your hotheadedness cost you your business. I've seen men ruined by their arrogance... and it ain't pretty.
<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MachPerformance: Yeah this may not be professional, but for me who has to work as many hours as I do and come home to read this sucks.<hr></blockquote>
Welcome to life--we're grown-ups now. :rolleyes: I work hard every day and have to come home to people whining and complaining about stuff on this board every day. I'm sure every other member here has something to come home to that they dread--a nagging wife, bratty kids, bills in the mailbox, whatever. Don't expect us to bow down and kiss your *** because you say you work so hard.
<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MachPerformance: Sorry can't answer my phone all the time...work has to be done...that includes surfing the net.<hr></blockquote>
You just *****ed about how hard you worked and now you call surfing the web "work"??? :eek:
<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MachPerformance: That's why I said to everyone be persistant with the calling you will get a hold of me...Matter of Fact your DAD called at 7:30pm last week...(after hours)...(M-F 10-6 EST)...and talked to my wife, who gave him an update to the shipment details....................<hr></blockquote>
His dad was calling instead of him because his dad was probably deciding whether or not to sue your *** .
Bottom line: There is no excuse for lack of communications with your customers. If I just gave you FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS and had to e-mail again and again, call and leave voice mails again and again you can bet I'd be calling my lawyer instead of wasting time calling you. Be honest with your customers and don't lead them along like blind sheep.
It's very sad that you think you can get away with treating V6 owners like this. :( If this project had been undertaken for the LS1 you'd have had five other shops beat you to the punch--and where would your "design delays" be then? But just because the market is smaller you think you can walk over your customers. I used to support this project because I supported anything that gave V6 owners an edge. But sadly, I have since changed my mind about Bill and Mach Performance. I'd much rather see these customers spend their money at an HONEST business that isn't going to make up excuses for every little thing and delay projects for years.
To add insult to injury, Bill lashes out at customers in public and then threatens them. "Be nice to me or I'll delay your shipment!" Oh yeah? I have a different saying. "Be nice to your customers or they'll take their money someplace else." As I mentioned earlier, with Tiago's MASSIVE POWER turbos and Magnus' incredibly cheap LS1 swaps, I don't know why any V6 owner is kissing Bill's *** anymore. So you paid $300, what, one and a half years ago? Cut your losses and make a statement. Get a turbo or an LS1. Forget the "beta" kit.
Unless Bill apologizes to the people he has ****ed and changes the way he treats his customers from now on, my advice is for you guys to go with someone who will treat you right.
[ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: Stefan ]</p>
Thanks Stefan for the air clearing. I have followed this project from the beginning too, needless to say I am not a beta tester, nor would I be after reading the kind of posts being made by a "legitimate" businessman. I hope this kit comes out and all of the problems are worked through, but honestly I don't see it happening.
97 Silver Bird<br />3.8 M5 Bone Stock Engine<br />15.528 @ 88.96 bone stock<br /><a href=\"http://www.fbodyenhancements.com/\" target=\"_blank\">www.fbodyenhancements.com/</a>
Alright this is just plain ridiculous. I can barely get online anymore because of all the **** i am going through and when i finally do, this is what i have to come too???
Chris Burke, when was the last time you talked to your dad? MACH PERFORMANCE has been in contact with your DAD. Everytime they've talked to him, they've addressed your and his concerns and he hangs up the phone as a satisfied customer. Is he relaying the messages and information Colleen gives him back to you? Maybe thats where the communication break is.
I think the real truth of the matter is that there is fear that because of how long this kit has taken, you all think that Mach Performance is just walking away with your money. Let me tell you, they have much better things to do, and if they were going to walk away with any money, they get customers that drop close to 30,000.00 and wouldn't you think it would make sense to walk away with 30,000.00 than 4000.00?????
Chris Weise already got his kit, and the rest of you should be seeing packages soon too.
Do you guys want a box full of parts or do you want a kit? I mean... he can send you parts next day air, but a kit is complete. There are a lot of custom pieces that are not just accessable off his shelf, and there are a lot of pieces that are being shipped to his shop from his vendors, and all this stuff put together makes your kit. Yeah, one vendor may get the parts in one day and the other part may come 2 days later. He can send you piece by piece as it comes but how ridiculous would that be?
You also have to remember that THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THESE KITS ARE BEING SHIPPED!! HAVE A LITTLE COMMON SENSE HERE!!!! Not everything is going to be done correctly the first time. There are things that you can't account for. No matter how correct or clear Mach Peformance may put in an order for specific parts, the truth of the matter is that when they get the part, its totally different.
How many times have you guys ordered sh!t online and got the wrong thing shipped to you? Just because you're a shop doesn't mean you get things perfectly shipped to you. BOTH ATI and MACH PEFORMANCE are working hard to not just ship this kit out to you, but to organize, and sort every nut and bolt you'll neeed.
The difference between a professional shop and the backyard service your asking for is that MACH PERFORMANCE isn't just going to ship something out to satisfy whiners. Its not effience to send something out to you in haste and then have to make you wait another week to ship out a bolt that was missing just cause they rushed it out.
You have no idea how many parts we've had to send back and get corrected because we found out that what we ordered and what we recieved was 2 completely different things.
You all should be ashamed of yourselves because at least he is professional enough to make sure you are getting what you paid. Yeah,... its taken time, but i am sure that when you get the kit, and you can slap it on like a b!tch, you'll be as happy as the first time you got laid.
This doesn't mean that everything is going to be perfect, because you are beta testers and not just customers. Customers are the people that are going to get this kit once its endorced by ATI and it hits the public market. I don't know how many times i have to say this to you guys.
You guys are acting as if you are a normal customer when you should be thinking of yourself as part of this project. This project isn't done till you guys come back with feedback. Yeah... the kit is done... THE ALPHA KIT... my kit... your kits aren't officially done till you guys come back and give us feedback.
DOES THIS MAKE SENSE?????? I mean, this is only the 1 billionth time i am saying this.
YES... you five should be patient.... its taking time cause it has to be done right.
ALL I ASK IS THAT WHEN YOU GET THE KIT, that you come out and post nice things about it for once in return for all the whining.
ANyways... i've seen your kits, the second half of the kits are right here. They were on hold because of a part that was changed due to an issue we corrected on my car. I've also seen the installation instructions and if you can't install this kit with the instructions that are sent to you then you shouldn't be installing a kit.
As for Mach Peformance, they will no longer post on this board because they are tired of the imaturity and being attacked for all the hard work they've been putting into this kit.
If it wasn't for me constantly interceding on your behalves, they would have done a one off for me and been done with this project a year ago.
You are all a bunch of thankless immature kids, and you wonder why a multi million corporation like ATI kept skipping over the V6 fbody to do kits for the V6 mustang? What company would want to deal with this???? NO ONE! MACH PERFORMANCE took on a project that no one wanted to touch because they wanted to do us a favor not because they saw $$$. If there was any profit or thanks in this, ATI would have done it a long time ago. Thanks a lot guys for proving to us that the bigger companies were right all along.
As for me, i have bigger things to worry about than this board. Once this kit is done, i am requesting the admins to yank my membership. You all really disapointed me. I am scraping by and i don't even know if i will have a place to live at in a couple of weeks and i am here at Bill's shop helping make sure that everything in the kit is complete. THATS how much time and effort we've been putting into this kit for this thankless V6 community.
I know its not all of you, but a few bad apples spoil the bunch.
If anyone else can do it better, i invite them to do it.
Seems like Pathogen came to the very same conclusions i did when i was trying to replicate Stefans kit... reading it was like Dejavu. But you all think you are V6 gurus that you fail to pay any attention to what anyone has to say.
Just a legal advice. PLEASE REMOVE ANY PICTURES OF THE ATI KIT FROM THE PROJECT VIRUS WEBSITE. Those pics are copyrighted and should only be posted with the sole permission of ATI or Mach Peformance.
Stefan, I am done with the politcs on this board. i thought we were friends and all i see now is a bitter little man who has to lash out because he couldn't get his way. Its really a shame, i thought you were better than that.
As for Bill;s post, he is human. He may be a business, but you have no idea how many man hours he has put into this project just to come on this board and be constantly bashed. Its pathetic and frankly i am done defending you guys. It makes me look like an *** for trying.
You all will get your kits but this is the last you will see either one of us post on this board. You all can call him or contact me by e-mail.
Peace Out!
- Ryan<br /> A.K.A BATMAN<br /> \"Be part of the solution...<br /> Not the problem\"
Easy drama queens I just wanted some pics of the kit.
Someone lock this.
edit: and Batman, if you don't have the pics hosted anywhere, and people want to see the pictures to GATHER INTEREST in your KIT? Why can they not be hosted if you can't do it? That's just silly, man. No one on here has the balls to copy your kit, believe me.
[ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: xjarayax ]</p>
AIM: escalier deverre<br />\'02 Pearl Blue Metallic RSX-S (daily driver)<br />\'98 Black Firebird<br />98 V6 turbocharged to 02 LS1 swap<br />\'02 LS1/4L60E<br />LS6 Block, LS6 Intake Manifold, Thunder Racing 215/220 .600/.523/115 Cam, Titanium Retainers, Crane Double Valve Springs, 125 shot NX Wet Kit w/ NOS brand Purge, True Dual \"H\" Pipe w/ two chambers and dumps, 17x11(rear) and 17x9.5(front) Black Powdercoated ZR1 Replicas on 315 and 275 BFGoodrich Comp T/A\'s (Street)/ET Drags/Skinnies on Weldlites(Track), 3.42/LSD
No one has the patience to copy it either. I give you credit man, you are hanging in there. I really do hope this kit comes out in marketable form, it should be worth it.
97 Silver Bird<br />3.8 M5 Bone Stock Engine<br />15.528 @ 88.96 bone stock<br /><a href=\"http://www.fbodyenhancements.com/\" target=\"_blank\">www.fbodyenhancements.com/</a>
<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by BATMAN:
Chris Burke, when was the last time you talked to your dad? MACH PERFORMANCE has been in contact with your DAD. Everytime they've talked to him, they've addressed your and his concerns and he hangs up the phone as a satisfied customer. Is he relaying the messages and information Colleen gives him back to you? Maybe thats where the communication break is.
First off, thank you Stefan!!!
I talk to my Dad everyday about this kit. Until today he was seriously worried that we were getting screwed out of $5,045 . I kept telling him we were fine and the kit would come.
My dad has only successfully talked to Colleen once. It was around August 20. And I will admit it was 7:30 ( after hours). Messages were left at 1:30 and 4:30(during store hours) during that same day. No call back. We had to call after store hours to get service.
She told him the kit would fully ship out on tuesday, Aug 26. At this point, he was satisfied.
I sent numerous emails to the new email address that Colleen left in BATMAN's other post. All I asked for in these emails was a tracking number so that I could coordinate with the guy who is doing all the work. The only communication break is between you, colleen, and bill.
Instead of emailing me back, or calling me, I got no response. I am guessing this was because of the delay of the package. As Stefan said, you just need to be honest.
Me and my Dad have great communication, and are extremely excitied for this kit. I will still report back with all results. I will still pay extra to have my car dyno'ed so I can report numbers.
You say you are working hard for us. The Beta testers are also working hard for YOU. We are all taking risk with alot of money on the table. I work 40 hours a week, and take 18 credit hours at my engineering school. I know what its like not to have a lot of time.
Sorry if anyone thinks I am b!tching, but I work hard for my money, and all i ask for is a little customer service.
Being left in the dark after paying 5,045 is the only immature thing that I can see here :(
[ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: RedAudiomobile ]</p>
Batman i respect you. You got this whole camaro procharger thing moving in the direction and it feels like it is just out of publics grasp to me!, but hearing you say they have better things to do saying some people drop $30,000 when the beta testers have put $5000 in over a year a go thats f***ing [img]graemlins/bs.gif[/img] there is an ablgation to get this done for the people that have paid and were promist SOON! well soon has came and gone with no resalts. Im truly sorry batman for your bad luck with your jobs, I hope you land on your feet soon.
1998 green camaro, bear rotors.<br />It\'s not how much money you have, It\'s how many toys you have.
<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by BATMAN: Just a legal advice. PLEASE REMOVE ANY PICTURES OF THE ATI KIT FROM THE PROJECT VIRUS WEBSITE. Those pics are copyrighted and should only be posted with the sole permission of ATI or Mach Peformance. <hr></blockquote>
Just some advice..Please don't threaten Pathogen or anyone else with your pics with that Bullsh!t excuse of 'copyrighted' pictures..
No where on your pictures or on your website you had them posted said anything about copyrights. You put pictures up on the World Wide Web, you better damn well expect other people to get ahold of them.
Give me a break :rolleyes:
And on a side note..Stefan, I agree with your post too.
[ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: Camaro_SLP ]</p>
94 Camaro 3.4 A4 <br />T-Tops<br />In the process of an LS1 swap.
why there is ALWAYS an excuse from batman or bill machperformance. This guys think they are the only ones who work for money in this forum.WE have a life to and has to go on, Batman, Bill we are the customers, we are paying or will pay for the product. so what is your problem. you get the money we get the product easy as it sound, what is this bul****t thing about a lot of work,first time s****t and all of that crap bla bla bla.
if someone try to reach the damn shop during bussines hours you have to have someone in there to pick up the damn phone. simple as that. we don't care about you job,the pressure,your life and bla bla bla, we care about the service and the good quality of the product we are paying for. You don't have time???, WHO CARES, is not our bussines, we didn't ask you to start a company. please, you are getting those fu****g $5000 bucks and still you have people in here that think you are the man and are telling the others to hold this story because you are doing a lot. batman and bill, i really don't care about your shop, your life and all of this crap, why would i anyways, but if i pay $5000 today i would expect to receive a feedback tomorrow. it's to difficult to accomplish????
if your answer is yes, get out of the bussines, but don't treat your customers like **** cause after all that's all you have CUSTOMERS.
Well if they screw you over report him to the IFCC. They catch e-bay theives all the time. Its a felony. $5,000 is alot of money, I dont trust anyone until i meet them in person or have some proof first of a honest business.
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