Where did the pics of Batman's kit go? - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Where did the pics of Batman's kit go?

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  • #31
    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Camaro_SLP:

    Just some advice..Please don't threaten Pathogen or anyone else with your pics with that Bullsh!t excuse of 'copyrighted' pictures..

    No where on your pictures or on your website you had them posted said anything about copyrights. You put pictures up on the World Wide Web, you better damn well expect other people to get ahold of them.

    Give me a break :rolleyes:

    And on a side note..Stefan, I agree with your post too.

    [ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: Camaro_SLP ]

    Yes they did, don't you remember the big "Copyright Mach Performance" across the pictures? He took them off because it was hard to make out what it was a picture of...

    And just a quick question, if you ran a business, would you guys give more attention to a customer paying $30K or a whiny customer who is paying $5k? And you beta guys DO realize your paying something like $500+ less than what it's gonna cost the general public right? Everyone in this thread sounds like a bunch of 5 year olds. Maybe Bill just doesn't give a sh*t anymore because everytime he makes a post he gets flamed, ever think about that? Like I said before, if I was him, I would have said fawk this along time ago, Ryan, I'm gonna make a nice install for your car but that's it. You guys are a bunch of whiney bratts :rolleyes:

    And for the record I see both sides of the arguement and both have viable arguments, and I'm completely neautral. But most of you sound like you're about 5. Come on people act your age.

    And wasn't it just a $500 deposit that was required over a year ago? If I remember correctly, I saw a post only a few months ago about the beta testers needing to pay.

    And think about how long it takes to get some things in, Ryan has a good point there, what if some of the things are on back order from his supplier?

    As for not calling, maybe Bill is understaffed. He must be a pretty big shop if he's going to mass produce a blower for the V6 community.

    [ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: camaro_speedemon ]</p>
    <a href=\"http://pics.projectpredator.com/thumbnails.php?album=16\" target=\"_blank\">2003 Zinc Yellow Mustang GT</a> 1 of 701<br />ET : TBD<br />But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun! Yeah, and his shenanigans are cruel and tragic. Which... makes t


    • #32
      I will post a longer reply when I have time, this morning I am in a hurry. But I do have time to say one thing:

      <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by BATMAN:
      Just a legal advice. PLEASE REMOVE ANY PICTURES OF THE ATI KIT FROM THE PROJECT VIRUS WEBSITE. Those pics are copyrighted and should only be posted with the sole permission of ATI or Mach Peformance.<hr></blockquote>

      Sure, I'll remove them. When I have time. See, I've been really busy with work and then I have to come home and see your BS excuses for Mach Performance's lack of customer service. Oh yeah, and I was having trouble with my FTP server, I seem to have lost the password. Also, I reformatted my hard drive and haven't had time to re-install the FTP software. But you can't call me and leave a message because I don't have time to call back. I don't have time to e-mail back either. But I assure you I'll remove them very soon! :rolleyes:


      • #33
        The pictures will be removed from ProjectVirus.com as soon as time permitts. At this time my computer is off line and I am replying from work. Until I can get that PC back up and running we don't have FTP access.

        In the meantime, I'm sure the beta testers (etc) can reference the following links for pictures.

        Page 2

        Page 3

        Thank you, and have a nice day.


        • #34
          I'll chime in..

          First, Ryan... I think YOU have been getting strung along. You should have pulled the project LONG ago. How many years has it been? If I where you I wouldn't want ANY $$$ at all to fall into the hands of Mach Performance. What MACH are they performing at anyway? MACH ZERO. They have continued to feed you line after line after line. I don't know how you can tolerate that when so much has been invested and the potential is 15 times the initial investment.

          To those who are paying $4700+,... come on. I mean come on! You really think THIS kit is worth that? No fricken way. 9lbs of boost on the average V6 will net mid 13's at 105'ish MPH. Stock LS1's run mid 13's at 107'ish. You could do an LS1 swap WITH labor for that much.. or go with a cheaper kit and get the SAME performance and have $$$ to take your girlfriend out to something better than Wendy's.

          If I were a beta tester, I wouldn't have sold my spot. I would have pulled it and demanded a full 100% refund. If I did not receive a refund I would have taken bill to court. I wouldn't want to pass along the burden of being a "beta tester".
          Keith - Chicago<br /><a href=\"http://www.hptuners.com\" target=\"_blank\">HP Tuners - PCM Reprogramming</a><br /><a href=\"http://www.dxsoftware.com/magnus/\" target=\"_blank\">97 Firebird V6 to LS1 swap</a><br /><b>V8 9.967@132.78</b> 1.322 60\' NA Heads/Cam<br /><b>V8 10.295@128.48</b> 1.363 60\' NA Cam Only<br /><b>V8 10.987@119.31</b> 1.422 60\' NA Stock Internals<br /><b>V6 13.674@98.22</b> NA<br /><b>V6 12.394@104.91</b> N20 100HP


          • #35
            <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> And just a quick question, if you ran a business, would you guys give more attention to a customer paying $30K or a whiny customer who is paying $5k? <hr></blockquote>

            who gives a flying **** weather your paying 100 grand of 5 bucks..


            just because they arent spending whopping amounts of money, doesnt mean they can wait in line for days and days on end. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> <hr></blockquote>

            [ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: Tyler ]</p>
            96 Camaro M5. Dark metallic gree (?dont know the offical color name)<br />Home made Intake :: Headers, 3inch headers back to Flowmaster muffler :: spec stage 3 clutch Now installed, waiting for 3.42\'s and LSD next month<br /><a href=\"http://photobucket.com/albums/y192/RiceEatingCamaro/?action=view&current=newcar.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">My Car</a> <br /><br />Totalled Car.<br /><a href=\"http://bellsouthpwp.net/s/k/sk8er305/\" target=\"_blank\">96 CamaroRS</a>


            • #36
              I think some of you misunderstood what i was trying to say with the whole 5000.00 vs 30,000.00 thing.

              What i was trying to say is that if they were trying to scam anyone they wouldn't be wasting their time trying to scam beta testers who put 300.00 (now 4000.00) in when there are customers paying him close to 30000.00 for projects. No, one project doesn't take priority over another. If he is waiting for parts on the beta kit, he isn't going to sit there and wait till it comes in, he uses that time to work on another project. As for his staff, there are a total of 4 people working there.

              You guys keep forgetting that he has been down this road with the 4.3 kits for S10s and Blazers. Why don't you go to those boards and see what they have to say about him and his work. He went through the same thing with them in the begininng. Now they know the kind of work he does and will back him up. Come on guys... if he did shotty work or scammed people out of money why does ATI back him up? Do you see backing up the mom and pop shops you go to? Give him a little credit. Give me a little credit.

              As for the kit taking a long time. I am glad he takes his time and not rush things. people who rush things to satisfy the time restraints of their customers end up doing recalls on their products. At least he is taking the time to make sure you are getting your money's worth instead of taking your money and saying the hell with quailty.

              I really regret even starting this project. I could have had my charger on and had my car done a year ago.

              Yes you are customers, but this V6 board is not the only customers he has. He has to divide his time between finishing projects and answering phone calls as well as talking to vendors/suppliers, and maintaining/managing his shop.

              Did you know that every time he answers the phone it is never a 5 minute call. Trust me i know. I've been in his shop long enough to know that when a customer calls with a simple question it ends up being "lets see how much of Bill's brain i can pick today"

              That my friends is 1 hr out of his day away from finishing projects which include your kits.
              Now imagine if he calls everyone back.

              Yes, he could hire someone to answer his calls, but the truth of the matter is that no one wants to ever talk to the person that answers the calls... they always want to talk to Bill cause they want to ask complex questions that the person on the phone doesn't know how to answer.

              It sounds ridiculous, but until you see it first hand or run a shop yourself, you won't ever understand.

              I have and thats why i stand by Bill's work.

              And yes, your right, after coming here and getting flamed everytime, who in there right mind would want to come and post????

              You can't have your cake and eat it too. If your going to expect him to call and sit on the phone with you and every customer he has for 30-45 minutes then don't expect the projects to get done. If you want the projects done, give him a break, have a little faith, and let him get his work done instead of calling him everyday and expecting your calls to be returned within 5 minutes.

              As for e-mails... i have only got one e-mail and that was from Chris Burke and i replied to it. I haven't recieved any other e-mails. If you guys e-mail me i will reply.

              As for not being able to get online... its cause i don't have money to pay for internet access. I am behind in bills by 2 months on almost everything except rent. If you want me online and responding to your posts, send me money to pay my internet bills or give me gas money to go to Bill's shop everyday. Yeah, there is free dial up, but i don't have a phone line at my apartment...again no money. How am i making this post? I am writing from a friend's house.

              I don't know how many times i've posted my Cell number. How come no one is calling me? I could answer your questions just about as well as Bill. You can't claim bad customer service until you've tried every avenue. E-mail me, call me, and if i can't answer your question, i will call bill and get it answered. Again that number is 586-855-3378.

              Wait till you guys get your kits, you all are going to feel like crap for saying the things you said.

              As for pics... here is one that will stay hosted for anyone to see until Mach Performance pics are taken down.

              courtsey of:
              v6maro ownz j3w
              - Ryan<br /> A.K.A BATMAN<br /> \"Be part of the solution...<br /> Not the problem\"


              • #37
                <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by BATMAN:
                I think some of you misunderstood what i was trying to say with the whole 5000.00 vs 30,000.00 thing.

                What i was trying to say is that if they were trying to scam anyone they wouldn't be wasting their time trying to scam beta testers who put 300.00 (now 4000.00) in when there are customers paying him close to 30000.00 for projects. No, one project doesn't take priority over another. If he is waiting for parts on the beta kit, he isn't going to sit there and wait till it comes in, he uses that time to work on another project. As for his staff, there are a total of 4 people working there.

                You guys keep forgetting that he has been down this road with the 4.3 kits for S10s and Blazers. Why don't you go to those boards and see what they have to say about him and his work. He went through the same thing with them in the begininng. Now they know the kind of work he does and will back him up. Come on guys... if he did shotty work or scammed people out of money why does ATI back him up? Do you see backing up the mom and pop shops you go to? Give him a little credit. Give me a little credit.

                As for the kit taking a long time. I am glad he takes his time and not rush things. people who rush things to satisfy the time restraints of their customers end up doing recalls on their products. At least he is taking the time to make sure you are getting your money's worth instead of taking your money and saying the hell with quailty.

                I really regret even starting this project. I could have had my charger on and had my car done a year ago.

                Yes you are customers, but this V6 board is not the only customers he has. He has to divide his time between finishing projects and answering phone calls as well as talking to vendors/suppliers, and maintaining/managing his shop.

                Did you know that every time he answers the phone it is never a 5 minute call. Trust me i know. I've been in his shop long enough to know that when a customer calls with a simple question it ends up being "lets see how much of Bill's brain i can pick today"

                That my friends is 1 hr out of his day away from finishing projects which include your kits.
                Now imagine if he calls everyone back.

                Yes, he could hire someone to answer his calls, but the truth of the matter is that no one wants to ever talk to the person that answers the calls... they always want to talk to Bill cause they want to ask complex questions that the person on the phone doesn't know how to answer.

                It sounds ridiculous, but until you see it first hand or run a shop yourself, you won't ever understand.

                I have and thats why i stand by Bill's work.

                And yes, your right, after coming here and getting flamed everytime, who in there right mind would want to come and post????

                You can't have your cake and eat it too. If your going to expect him to call and sit on the phone with you and every customer he has for 30-45 minutes then don't expect the projects to get done. If you want the projects done, give him a break, have a little faith, and let him get his work done instead of calling him everyday and expecting your calls to be returned within 5 minutes.

                As for e-mails... i have only got one e-mail and that was from Chris Burke and i replied to it. I haven't recieved any other e-mails. If you guys e-mail me i will reply.

                As for not being able to get online... its cause i don't have money to pay for internet access. I am behind in bills by 2 months on almost everything except rent. If you want me online and responding to your posts, send me money to pay my internet bills or give me gas money to go to Bill's shop everyday. Yeah, there is free dial up, but i don't have a phone line at my apartment...again no money. How am i making this post? I am writing from a friend's house.

                I don't know how many times i've posted my Cell number. How come no one is calling me? I could answer your questions just about as well as Bill. You can't claim bad customer service until you've tried every avenue. E-mail me, call me, and if i can't answer your question, i will call bill and get it answered. Again that number is 586-855-3378.

                Wait till you guys get your kits, you all are going to feel like crap for saying the things you said.

                As for pics... here is one that will stay hosted for anyone to see until Mach Performance pics are taken down.

                courtsey of:
                v6maro ownz j3w

                All i can see here are excuses again
                who cares about his staff,who cares if he's been down the road with a lot of other things,Who cares about his vendors,who cares if we are not the only customers he has, nobody gives a **** about this.We are not working for machperformance.
                He is the one working for us, he would receive MONEY for his service, his work, his abilities, so why do we have to care for his problems when we have a lot of them. i think is so simple SERVICE, you are providing your customers with service that's all you NEED to care for. We don't care about your life, we care about the service you're providing to us, what would you expect from people if that service is bad. That **** is not free, he's getting his money for his good work. why people is so angry here, because there is always an excuse, if you are paying for something you have the rights to demand service what's the problem with that????.
                Batman, Bill You guys have the future of this kit in your hands. Don't you see that????
                2003 Mustang Mach 1 5 Speed<br />288 rwhp SAE 315 rwtq SAE<br />BFG DR\'s, SLP Loudmouth Catback, K&N CAI<br />60\': 2.145<br />13.41@105.67MPH (Stock)<br />--- Best et ----<br />60: 1.932<br />1/4:12.851@106.39MPH <br />best mph: 107.65


                • #38
                  Ryan, let Bill make his own excuses.. Stop defending him and start defending your V6 friends here on this board.

                  How long must they wait Ryan before its too long? You've pushed your breaking point back so many times I've lost count.

                  Its not your fault he's late Ryan, but it is your fault that you continue to lead these people on. You need to face reality. Macaroni Performance keeps feeding you BS line after BS line.

                  [ September 03, 2003: Message edited by: Magnus ]</p>
                  Keith - Chicago<br /><a href=\"http://www.hptuners.com\" target=\"_blank\">HP Tuners - PCM Reprogramming</a><br /><a href=\"http://www.dxsoftware.com/magnus/\" target=\"_blank\">97 Firebird V6 to LS1 swap</a><br /><b>V8 9.967@132.78</b> 1.322 60\' NA Heads/Cam<br /><b>V8 10.295@128.48</b> 1.363 60\' NA Cam Only<br /><b>V8 10.987@119.31</b> 1.422 60\' NA Stock Internals<br /><b>V6 13.674@98.22</b> NA<br /><b>V6 12.394@104.91</b> N20 100HP


                  • #39
                    Everyone, I am sorry about my first post.
                    I was tired of hearing ****, and grouchy.
                    I took care of it.
                    I will do my best to make sure it won't happen again.
                    <b>2000 NBM Pontiac Firebird</b><br />3800GT Performance Package<br /><br />Intake, Magnaflow Cat, Flowmaster Cat-Back


                    • #40
                      Excuses, excuses, excuses. [img]graemlins/thumbsdown.gif[/img]

                      Ryan, you keep mentioning Bill's other kits for other cars and saying he does such great work. No one here is attacking the quality of Bill's work. People are attacking his lack of customer service abilities and the fact that when you take someone's money and then don't get back to them in a reasonable amount of time they begin to suspect that you are a crook. Internet fraud is a lot more common than you think--and our members who are concerned have every right to be. Maybe you're not because you live right there and you know him personally--but let's face it, as far as this community is concerned, you are the only well-known person who can personally vouch for Bill. I personally wouldn't send him $5000 of MY hard-earned cash without some sort of guarantee.

                      And thank you for that lovely picture. Really shows your maturity level, eh? I actually saved it, might have to use that the next I ban some worthless troll. Maybe that'll help get the message across that I am talking about professional and ethical business practices, not someone's personal matters.

                      I have been biting my tongue for almost two years now, watching our members get abused and led along by someone who quite frankly doesn't deserve anyone's business, let alone young V6 owners who already don't have excessive cash flow as it is. I spoke my mind to Bill earlier in this thread--I could no longer take it--because he stooped to a new low by threatening RedAudiomobile. I cannot in good faith stand by and watch our members get harassed like that by the very people whose paychecks they pay.

                      So because Bill works hard it's okay for him to harass and threaten members?

                      Doesn't sound like a recipe for profitable business to me...


                      • #41
                        OK, my turn, and I AM a paid Beta Tester.

                        As I told Bill when he called me (looking for his money), I don't like his design, is not what I expected and really thought I should get my $300 back. He explained his design concept, but as a mechanical engineer myself, I'm sorry but it bothers me, and I won't put it in my car let alone pay another dime for it.

                        I'm sorry I tried to help with "seed" money to get this project going as it seems now that I'll lose my $300. And if I don't get the kit, Bill will just sell "my" kit (spot) for his "new" non-Beta price (as discussed in an earlier Ryan post).

                        I'm been trying to sell my spot on eBay, but had no luck, except for the e-mails accusing me of a scam - so I'll probably pull it especially after reading the problems other Betas are having.
                        Robert - owner www.FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com

                        "Mid-life crisis? I'm way beyond that!"

                        1996 Black Firebird GTxxxRam Air V6 w/ M5xxxwww.FirebirdGT.com



                        • #42
                          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by BATMAN:

                          As for not being able to get online... its cause i don't have money to pay for internet access. I am behind in bills by 2 months on almost everything except rent. If you want me online and responding to your posts, send me money to pay my internet bills or give me gas money to go to Bill's shop everyday. Yeah, there is free dial up, but i don't have a phone line at my apartment...again no money. How am i making this post? I am writing from a friend's house.

                          I don't know how many times i've posted my Cell number. How come no one is calling me? I could answer your questions just about as well as Bill. You can't claim bad customer service until you've tried every avenue. E-mail me, call me, and if i can't answer your question, i will call bill and get it answered. Again that number is 586-855-3378.


                          Ok..let me just throw some of your quotes together and let's see how they match up..

                          "I am behind in bills by 2 months on almost everything except rent."

                          "How come no one is calling me?"

                          So you're saying you have all this trouble just getting online, yet you still have access to a cell phone even though you're 2 months behind payment? Your excuses are starting to contradict themselves. Please stop.

                          And about Bill answering his phone...Oh well, DEAL WITH IT. That's part of a business. If he took the time and answered all of his Customers calls, then they wouldn't be AS worried about him screwing them over. You say everyone who calls him ends up taking up 30 minutes of his time..BS. If RedAutomobile was able to get through, his call would be 5 minutes tops..all he wanted was a tracking number.

                          And give FirebirdGT his $300 back.
                          94 Camaro 3.4 A4 <br />T-Tops<br />In the process of an LS1 swap.


                          • #43
                            Hey I am not gonna ***** at all about Mach Performance or Ryan. I joined the beta testers later than the rest, and have communicated probably the least. There service was there if I asked.
                            Right now I find myself in a situation. My kit is ready for pick up. I received the call today. Thanks Colleen. I told them to call me as soon as everything was complete cause I knew it would take some time. My situation stinks right now. I can go pick my kit up...but my Camaro is in the shop. I managed to do some damage to it getting it stuck in 2 feet of standing water. So hopefully I should get that back tomorrow or Friday.
                            Chris Reedy<br />1999 Camaro Black w/ Silver Stripes, M5. ATI Procharger w/ Intercooler<br /><a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/killingtime\" target=\"_blank\">CarDomain Site</a>


                            • #44
                              <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Camaro_SLP:

                              Ok..let me just throw some of your quotes together and let's see how they match up..

                              "I am behind in bills by 2 months on almost everything except rent."

                              "How come no one is calling me?"

                              So you're saying you have all this trouble just getting online, yet you still have access to a cell phone even though you're 2 months behind payment? Your excuses are starting to contradict themselves. Please stop.


                              Have you ever been that broke? I didn't think so, but I HAVE. It's a lot easier to have a cell phone than have a house phone. If it came down to it, and it has before, $30/month on a cell phone is a better deal than $30 for a house phone. Or even pre-pay phones comeon.
                              <a href=\"http://pics.projectpredator.com/thumbnails.php?album=16\" target=\"_blank\">2003 Zinc Yellow Mustang GT</a> 1 of 701<br />ET : TBD<br />But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun! Yeah, and his shenanigans are cruel and tragic. Which... makes t


                              • #45
                                ahh I guess I'll finally chime in here.

                                Its a shame people had to stoop down to the level they did earlier in this post. I will have to agree with Stefan on this though, there are no excuses for it.

                                Either way Im still looking foward to seeing what the kits do on the beta tester's cars :D


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