How those FFF kits doing? - Message Board


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How those FFF kits doing?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by viper04af:
    if your tlaing about the oil lines to the turbo mine are already installed on the trubo lol
    Nope, just checked everything I have and no oil lines included. :(
    1998 A4 Pontiac Firebird


    • #17
      I have one line on the turbo and its blue and goes between the housings. Not the lines that come from the pan to the turbo.
      00 Pewter Y87 Camaro-SS Hood/Chrome rims, Black Halos, Clear corners, Pacesetters, V8 K&N FIPK, 3\" B&B TriFlow, HPP3, MSD Coils, Taylor wires, Transgo stage II, Edge 3000 Stall, 180* thermo, SLP Bowtie Grill<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Carro</a>


      • #18
        If you dont have the oil lines, you will still get them in a box with some other clamps/connectors etc.

        I will check on why the housing still hastn' shipped Rick.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Tiago:
          If you dont have the oil lines, you will still get them in a box with some other clamps/connectors etc.

          I will check on why the housing still hastn' shipped Rick.
          Great, make sure you include the $15 you owe me for shipping it back.

          So how are those pipes coming along? Friday will be here before you know it.
          1998 A4 Pontiac Firebird


          • #20
            You guys ae all kidding me right?????

            Are we talking about the same kits people ordered over 6 months ago????

            I hope this is a holoween joke or somthing.....

            Well..Hopefully you guys get everything soon..

            I almost ordered one of those kits myself....

            Happy I didnt..Iv got really little patience when it comes to thousands of dollrs..

            But I have this weird feeling tat the wait will be worth it...
            98 a4 3.08 bone stock...16.6 at 83<br /><br />With 3.42\'s and 6 lb powerdyne 15.1 at 92 <br /><br />Bone stock 04 a4 C5 w/ 2.73\'s 13.5 at 104


            • #21
              6 months...??? I placed my order 24 december 03

              [ November 01, 2004, 06:36 PM: Message edited by: snatch ]
              00 Pewter Y87 Camaro-SS Hood/Chrome rims, Black Halos, Clear corners, Pacesetters, V8 K&N FIPK, 3\" B&B TriFlow, HPP3, MSD Coils, Taylor wires, Transgo stage II, Edge 3000 Stall, 180* thermo, SLP Bowtie Grill<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Carro</a>


              • #22
                Originally posted by GeenGlow:
                You guys ae all kidding me right?????

                Are we talking about the same kits people ordered over 6 months ago????

                I hope this is a holoween joke or somthing.....

                Well..Hopefully you guys get everything soon..

                I almost ordered one of those kits myself....

                Happy I didnt..Iv got really little patience when it comes to thousands of dollrs..

                But I have this weird feeling tat the wait will be worth it...
                FFF has hade my money since June 16th. Told me it would be ready on approximately July 25th. I was told everything was fixed so it would only take a month to fabricate. I was told wrong. :(

                Trust me, my patients are shot. I've already spoken to my lawyer, that should help speed up the process or at least get my money back. If my pipes aren't finished by Friday, my lawyer will be taking over in either having FFF refund my money or getting my pipes to me. But I'm sure the wait will be worth it. I would have sued by now, but I want the kit more.
                1998 A4 Pontiac Firebird


                • #23
                  jesus christ.. 6months+ for how many kits? 10
                  ~The Guru\'s Guru~<br />1999 Camaro,K&N,!MAF<br />!airsilencer,3.08s,<br />NGK-TR6\'s,Taylor Blue 8mm wires,FRAM,A4,Catco Cat, Magnaflow 3 inch catback,transgo shift kit<br />Waiting: RK sport headers, custom y pipe electric cutout<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                  • #24
                    I got my new 3.4L engine and plasma torch just before the FFF gp.
                    I had thought about getting one but I all ready had all my big ticket items for my turbo project and didn't want to scrap it.
                    Have fun guys.
                    \'85 Z28, T-tops new LG4 and TH700<br />\'85 3.4L 5-speed<br />mods: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> the nitrous exhaust O2 safety, pg 3. <br />Areo space materal engineer wantabe


                    • #25
                      Something told me in the beginning that this was all going to blow up into a mess. There's no way one person can be in charge of mass producing a kit like this. Tiago, sorry, I'm not deleting or locking anymore of these posts. I was trying to back you on all of this, but it's gotten way out of hand for too long. These people need to get their money back rather than worry about when the next pieces of the puzzle will (if ever) be shipped. I, personally, would have taken legal action a LONG time ago (probably after 3 months of not recieving, in full, what I paid thousands of dollars for)...I don't mess around with people who play games with my money and conduct poor business practice. Do the right thing already. Even if it means going to your bank account to take the money out.
                      2004 CE Corvette 10.86@132mph
                      1996 Supercharged/Nitrous Camaro RS (For Sale)
                      2011 Cadillac CTS-V
                      2011 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GT-P
                      2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS


                      • #26
                        Shirl there is alot more to it then you seem to realize.

                        Its not one person, its 2 not that it makes much difference, everything is outsourced, so we don't need the manpower if that is what you are thinking. We have an outside shop that is fabricating hte piping, which is what is missing. The shop specializes in tube bending and piping in general, some very larger industrial scale stuff. They had our pipes on hold for the longest time because of other problems, now they have someone working on it part time, they refuse to speed up the process because we are small customers and they have some bigger customers to take care of :rolleyes: It sucks, but the only thing I can do is keep buggging them day in and day out. They were payed long ago, they need to finish it. Im not anywhere local to this shop, my partner in this deal is, he is overseeing the process, all I can do is call them, and push for it. We can't take it to another shop for completion because they have most of them 85% complete or more, some of htem have already been completed and sent out to their respective owners, noone of which are represented here. Also like I said we already paid for the pipes up front, when it comes to custom work of this kind, there is no way for them to "restock" the items, its a custom 1 off run, they aren't gonna swallow that.

                        You seem to insinuate Im trying to screw people over or something. If I wwanted to do that I wouldn't have sent ANYTHING, which is not the case at all. You guys need to realize that I AM doing everything possible to speed things up, Im not trying to hold it for any unknown reason, why the hell would I do that? I wanted to make these kits for you guys because NOONE ELSE WILL. Yes its taken a long time, but I have had to deal with teh consequenses of that just as much as you have. Both me and my partner have lost substantial amounts of money (1000s) on teh whole deal and may loose even more before this is all over with, but we took that up the *** just to make it happen. I want to see some kits out there very badly, just as bad as you customers want them on your cars.

                        We are doing everything humanly possible to bring this to a close as fast as possible, I have no reason to want to delay it, you guys need to realize that.


                        • #27
                          How's come your partner tells me he's not a part of FFF? He's just a supplier. At least that's what he said when I threatened to sue the first time. Doesn't change the fact that I'll still take both of you to court and let the judge decide who's giving me my money back.

                          I'm tired of the wait here. I've been told sooo many dates which have all come and gone. You personally told me the pipes were done in August. All that needed done were the flanges. Come on now Tiago.
                          One of the major reasons I bought this kit was because you lead me to believe that it would be done on time. If I knew that it was going to drag on 3 months longer I would not have bought it.
                          1998 A4 Pontiac Firebird


                          • #28
                            he is not part of FFF if you wanna label it like that, he is KBS Turbo, it was a joint venture for us, he takes care of some items, I others.

                            We are all in the same team when it comes donw to it.


                            • #29
                              Just a suggestion here, but Tiago... you tell people if they lived in your area you could have made their kits and installed it by now (which is stupid of you to say, IMO). That means you could have made however many kits you're waiting for by now. That means you're NOT doing everything humanly possible to speed everything up. If you can make and install a kit on someone's car while the GP guys are waiting for theirs to be made in some far off shop, you could have made all their kits in your crappy little shop in the time you've been blaming your problems on everyone else. In fact, since you paid up front for all the other pipes being made, you could just use those on the second GP when they get done eventually, and that way they might get their kits in a reasonable amount of time. You know the measurements right? You know the dimentions right? Why don't YOU make the kits and ship them out yourself? Oh i know, you've got some excuse for that as well, and all your minions will come in here and tell me ALL about why you can't solve this problem yourself because not one bit of it is your fault, then you'll lock the thread......

                              Originally posted by Tiago:
                              Shirl there is alot more to it then you seem to realize.
                              The only reason that statement is true is because you made it true for yourself, and now the GP guys are paying the price.

                              [ November 02, 2004, 02:30 PM: Message edited by: Teufel Hunden ]
                              1998 Camaro, Arctic White<br /><br />Garrett P-Trim T04 turbo<br /><br /><i>348rwhp, 379.5rwtq @ 10psi</i>


                              • #30
                                Tofu are you stupid?

                                I don't have a 3.8 car to build the kits on. If I did I would ahve adopted that practice long ago!

                                just knowing measurements wont get you a set of pipes that fit, no way. Gotta have a jig or a car to build on. I have neither!

                                You need to remove the dildo from your ***.


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