How those FFF kits doing? - Message Board


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How those FFF kits doing?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Tiago:
    Tofu are you stupid?

    I don't have a 3.8 car to build the kits on. If I did I would ahve adopted that practice long ago!

    just knowing measurements wont get you a set of pipes that fit, no way. Gotta have a jig or a car to build on. I have neither!

    You need to remove the dildo from your ***.
    You only need you build 1 3.8 kit, then you could do the rest of it. How do i know? Because i've done it before ;) Excuses are flying Tiago... i wonder how many people are buying them.

    And speaking of removing things, maybe next time you'll pull your head out of your *** before you start messing with people's money again. Bash me all you want, but i think it's clear who the real tool here is... no one's threatening to sue me. :D
    1998 Camaro, Arctic White<br /><br />Garrett P-Trim T04 turbo<br /><br /><i>348rwhp, 379.5rwtq @ 10psi</i>


    • #32
      really If I ahd a spare kit laying around that I could use to replicate once again I could do that but I dont!

      All kits Ive fabricated are in the hands of their owners, why would I hold it from them?


      • #33
        ........I hope everything ends well with all of this.
        1999 White Ford SVT Lightning.<br /><br />Hoping to dyno @ 450hp/550tq by the end of \'04.


        • #34
          Tofu are you stupid?

          I don't have a 3.8 car to build the kits on.
          Was this clearly stated as this GP was underway and money was being collected? Here's the SOLUTION: threaten to sue the company that you paid with other people's money, for not completing the pipes or whatever else is missing. Start off by writing them a letter stating that you still have not received the pipes/tubing or whatever and that you are considering legal action because legal action may be unjustly taken on you. I'm sure they'll move out and get those parts fabricated. And if they are friends of yours....tough sh*t. There's no such thing as a friend when doing business... especially when you're the one taking the hit. Write the letter and take action.
          2004 CE Corvette 10.86@132mph
          1996 Supercharged/Nitrous Camaro RS (For Sale)
          2011 Cadillac CTS-V
          2011 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GT-P
          2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS


          • #35
            they are deffinately not friends, and I am moving in that direction as we speak Shirl.


            • #36
              Teufel Hunden: this isn't your place, you didn't buy kit you dan't have any monye into one of the FFF kits. this is just another place for you to say MY kit is so much better :rolleyes:

              the only people this concers is Tiago, KBS, and the kit buyers...... no one else has any reason to post in this thread other then moderates to keep things "neat"
              1997 3800 Series II Camaro
              4600 Stall for my ride to the mall :chug:
              7.18 @ 99.77 1/8 -1.8x sixty (current quickest v6 fbod)
              11.23 @ unk 5 1/4 - 7.19 1/8 - 1.83 sixty


              • #37
                I think if you guys worked together this thing might work.

                I know i dont have anything to do with turbos or this GP, but you guys instead of wanting to sue or whatever should help him get his side done. That will get you what you want (hopefully) i.e. the turbo kit AND no one will loose more money for lawyers and such.

                It also seems to be useless to get a lawyer or whatever to get $2500 back. You probably will take a few hundred in the long run and the hassle isnt worth that. In other words taking legal action with $2500 will almost get you nowhere, unless you have a cheap cheap cheap lawyer.

                Helping tiago to get these things resolved will make you happy with your turbo, will make tiago happy seeing V6 camaros WITH TURBOS(woohoo), and you all wont loose money over the thing.

                I also believe the amount of time and money that he had invested on this project, (,, millions of threads and time, pics and all and more) is a big sacrifice on his part to help people's dreams of turboed camaros come true.

                I know it has been a long time since the purchase, but **** happens and instead of tearing down and battling Tiago, you all need to team up and work with him to get this kit done; like sending, along with Tiago's letter, your letters of lawsuits.

                Good luck to you all with this whole thing, and good luck to you tiago on getting this thing figured out.

                my $.02
                96 Camaro 3.8 A4 Basemodel: 8 mm wires, Shift Kit, Hollowed <br />Cat(o2 sims), RKSport exhaust, IAT 5.6K resistor, Home Depot CAI<br />&gt;&gt;&gt;15.375 @ 89.27&lt;&lt;&lt;NEW BEST TIME <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                • #38
                  lol if you payed with pay pal and clicked the buyer protechion thingy you can go trhough that... but I'm stuck i have to get a kit the car is SLOW being biult for a turbo lol
                  1997 3800 Series II Camaro
                  4600 Stall for my ride to the mall :chug:
                  7.18 @ 99.77 1/8 -1.8x sixty (current quickest v6 fbod)
                  11.23 @ unk 5 1/4 - 7.19 1/8 - 1.83 sixty


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by viper04af:
                    Teufel Hunden: this isn't your place, you didn't buy kit you dan't have any monye into one of the FFF kits. this is just another place for you to say MY kit is so much better :rolleyes:

                    the only people this concers is Tiago, KBS, and the kit buyers...... no one else has any reason to post in this thread other then moderates to keep things "neat"
                    Not true!! This is not a communist message board. Anyone can say anything they want. The thing that bothers me is all this is coming to a head and quality is going to become an issue the worse things get.
                    I dont want a POS, and I dont want to fabricate things after I just paid $2600 dollars.
                    00 Pewter Y87 Camaro-SS Hood/Chrome rims, Black Halos, Clear corners, Pacesetters, V8 K&N FIPK, 3\" B&B TriFlow, HPP3, MSD Coils, Taylor wires, Transgo stage II, Edge 3000 Stall, 180* thermo, SLP Bowtie Grill<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Carro</a>


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by snatch:
                      </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by viper04af:
                      Teufel Hunden: this isn't your place, you didn't buy kit you dan't have any monye into one of the FFF kits. this is just another place for you to say MY kit is so much better :rolleyes:

                      the only people this concers is Tiago, KBS, and the kit buyers...... no one else has any reason to post in this thread other then moderates to keep things "neat"
                      Not true!! This is not a communist message board. Anyone can say anything they want. The thing that bothers me is all this is coming to a head and quality is going to become an issue the worse things get.
                      I dont want a POS, and I dont want to fabricate things after I just paid $2600 dollars.
                      </font>[/QUOTE][img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] one word PACESETTERS you going to have to fab so stuff up lol
                      1997 3800 Series II Camaro
                      4600 Stall for my ride to the mall :chug:
                      7.18 @ 99.77 1/8 -1.8x sixty (current quickest v6 fbod)
                      11.23 @ unk 5 1/4 - 7.19 1/8 - 1.83 sixty


                      • #41
                        Thats not what Im talking about. That is one thing that I have been planning for and that was explained from the very start.
                        But if Tiago goes and threatens someone with legal action they are just going to do a crappy job to get the stuff out the door and wipe there hands of the situation.
                        Then I dont want to have to pay someone else to fix there piss poor quality .
                        00 Pewter Y87 Camaro-SS Hood/Chrome rims, Black Halos, Clear corners, Pacesetters, V8 K&N FIPK, 3\" B&B TriFlow, HPP3, MSD Coils, Taylor wires, Transgo stage II, Edge 3000 Stall, 180* thermo, SLP Bowtie Grill<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Carro</a>


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by snatch:
                          Thats not what Im talking about. That is one thing that I have been planning for and that was explained from the very start.
                          But if Tiago goes and threatens someone with legal action they are just going to do a crappy job to get the stuff out the door and wipe there hands of the situation.
                          Then I dont want to have to pay someone else to fix there piss poor quality .
                          oic now.... well im stuck my car is **** without the kit lol
                          1997 3800 Series II Camaro
                          4600 Stall for my ride to the mall :chug:
                          7.18 @ 99.77 1/8 -1.8x sixty (current quickest v6 fbod)
                          11.23 @ unk 5 1/4 - 7.19 1/8 - 1.83 sixty


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Die Ford V8:
                            I think if you guys worked together this thing might work.

                            I know i dont have anything to do with turbos or this GP, but you guys instead of wanting to sue or whatever should help him get his side done. That will get you what you want (hopefully) i.e. the turbo kit AND no one will loose more money for lawyers and such.

                            It also seems to be useless to get a lawyer or whatever to get $2500 back. You probably will take a few hundred in the long run and the hassle isnt worth that. In other words taking legal action with $2500 will almost get you nowhere, unless you have a cheap cheap cheap lawyer.
                            Why should I help? My kit is now over 3 months late. He's had my money for nearly 5 months. I paid him to do a job and it's not done. It's that simple.

                            If I sue, I'll be sure to add on lawyer fees and such. He has no case at all. I paid him for a product and he didn't come through.

                            I know it has been a long time since the purchase, but **** happens and instead of tearing down and battling Tiago, you all need to team up and work with him to get this kit done; like sending, along with Tiago's letter, your letters of lawsuits.

                            Once again, I paid him to make a product for me. As of yet, he hasn't. Why should I threaten to sue the company who's making the pipes? If I were to sue then I should have just started making my own kit and took on everything. I paid Tiago to do this, and he hasn't done his job.

                            I guarantee you would be singing a different tune if you paid $3,060 for something up front. You were told that everything was fixed and it would take approximately a month to fabricate. 4 1/2 months later.... no kit. You would be just as mad.
                            1998 A4 Pontiac Firebird


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by viper04af:
                              Teufel Hunden: this isn't your place, you didn't buy kit you dan't have any monye into one of the FFF kits. this is just another place for you to say MY kit is so much better :rolleyes:

                              the only people this concers is Tiago, KBS, and the kit buyers...... no one else has any reason to post in this thread other then moderates to keep things "neat"
                              4 or 5 months ago I would have jumped on Teuful like a fly on ****, but by all means Teuful should say what he wants. He hasn't said anything that would be false as of yet. FFF hasn't come through to anyone but people who live close to Houston. Trust me, if I have to drive to Houston it will be to visit Tiago in court.
                              1998 A4 Pontiac Firebird


                              • #45
                                I guarantee you would be singing a different tune if you paid $3,060 for something up front. You were told that everything was fixed and it would take approximately a month to fabricate. 4 1/2 months later.... no kit. You would be just as mad.

                                Hell yeah I'd be just as mad, but the chances of getting your money back and lawyer fees is slim to none. Like I said I havent bought this thing or whatever, but thought I would add my $.02 which seems to me would be the better deal.

                                Help tiago get this figured out and be happy. OR Pay lawyers, maybe get your money back, go through butt-loads of hassles and still not have a freaken turboed v6.

                                ummmm I think i would go with door #1

                                you gave Tiago a warning already, dont keep fricken hounding him. give him a little more time "But I already gave him more time!", you would say right. well what is another few weeks. prepare yourself for a possible lawsuit and give him one some more time. you think he planned on having them screw him over???

                                DONT ATTACK TIAGO!!! attack the pipebending company first. if it is all tiago's fault then blame him and sue him,

                                until then personally talk to him on the phone and try to work this thing out,

                                whining to everyone on a forum will only get an internet riot started, WHICH DOES NOTHING especially with a bad attitude.

                                lighten up and give him some encouragement and support.

                                you WILL be happier this way if it works out, if it still doesnt work out then sue, you have nothing to loose, but lots to gain if you give him some support for a few more weeks.

                                hey tiago, isnt it great how everyone trusts you and praises your work, until something goes wrong. then they turn on you and become a little mob.
                                96 Camaro 3.8 A4 Basemodel: 8 mm wires, Shift Kit, Hollowed <br />Cat(o2 sims), RKSport exhaust, IAT 5.6K resistor, Home Depot CAI<br />&gt;&gt;&gt;15.375 @ 89.27&lt;&lt;&lt;NEW BEST TIME <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


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