How those FFF kits doing? - Message Board


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How those FFF kits doing?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Seth:
    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> I was told the same thing last August. Funny, isn't it.
    I was told they were suppose to be sent out a few weeks ago. The stories always changing. I really don't mind waiting another month or whatever. But i can never get a striaght answer and that's what frusterates me. I'm ready to get a law suit going. [img]graemlins/twak.gif[/img] </font>[/QUOTE]they have made 7 sets of complete pipes so far, none of which were for you guys, some of them were for previous people, and some for people I installed here (READ INCOMPLETE I FABRICATED THE COMPLETION) so its not like they can't do it, its just a matter of timeframe which none of us likes, so we are taking the appropriate measures to get it done in a timeframe we DO like.


    • #62
      To FFF, at this point the hole is getting deeper by the post, so blaming those companies that you outsourced to is doing nothing to earn back any trust or credibility. At this point with legal action threatened, you need to step up and get people their money back or things are going to get worse, exponentially.[/QB]
      I don't see anyone blaming anything around here, its just explaining the situation for all to see. None of this is about credability you ****ing idiot, its about turbokits being delivered, thats simply it.

      You know absolutely nothing about the whole process other then what is posted here which I must say is not alot considering what goes on behind the scenes, so you have no grounds to say SQUAT about anynthing.

      go back to tofu, he must miss you.


      • #63
        All right everyone...I see that Tiago is getting ragged on some here. I was just there at his house getting my turbo installed. [img]smile.gif[/img] If you are pointing the blame on Tiago for your kits not being complete then you are not being fair.

        Trust me...The week before my install I was stressed out from worrying about whether or not all of the parts would be there. I (in turn) probably stressed out Tiago over the parts.

        Tiago didnt get mad at me or least not that I saw. He did infact go the extra MILES (more than one) to make sure that everything was ready to go when I got there. Even to the point of offering me parts off of his beloved Firebird to help make mine complete. But he didnt have to do that...not really. Everything was ready to go. Tiago is not trying to screw any on you guys over...Trust me if you ever get to met him you will see that he will do anything within his power to complete his end of the deal. He doesnt have the turbo kits stock-piled at his home either. He has some parts there but they could easily have been his or someone elses...but not enough to account for everyone who has bought a kit from him.

        I think you guys need to give Tiago the benefit of the doubt here. Im sure this is probably the first buisness that Tiago has owned and managed. His buisness will take off once he gets all the little wrinkles worked out.
        <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


        • #64
          Originally posted by viper04af:
          Teufel Hunden: this isn't your place, you didn't buy kit you dan't have any monye into one of the FFF kits. this is just another place for you to say MY kit is so much better :rolleyes:

          the only people this concers is Tiago, KBS, and the kit buyers...... no one else has any reason to post in this thread other then moderates to keep things "neat"
          Go back through and reread my post. Not once did i say anything about my setup... you must have failed the reading comprehention part of the ASVAB or something. My post was talking about the impotence of Tiago's business sense regarding the institution of the production of said kit, not the quality. ;)
          1998 Camaro, Arctic White<br /><br />Garrett P-Trim T04 turbo<br /><br /><i>348rwhp, 379.5rwtq @ 10psi</i>


          • #65
            June 22nd
            -Piping. People that are gonna modify the kit to work with aftermarket headers are getting the pipes finished right now, hopefully they can be out early next week. If anyone else wishes to just have the pipes with out the flanges which is the hold up, please contact me ASAP.
            August 13th
            We most deffinately got them, matter of days to install them on the pipes and ship off the pipes..

            whoo hoo!
            Session Start (AIM - Richardc3303:Tiago 94FB): Fri Jul 16 16:14:01 2004 (Instant Message conversation between Tiago and I ... Just one of hundreds of IM sessions between him and me from June 7th to present, which I have saved all chats and e-mails)
            RichardC3303: how are the pipes coming along?
            Tiago 94FB: pipes are done but we don't have flanges for them yet
            Tiago 94FB: Im scrownging for flanges
            Do I not have a reason to be upset now? There's a lot more but I'm too tired to keep looking. This is what is pissing me off. The more I think about the more pissed off I get. Like I told you a week and half ago, Friday is your deadline with me. If my kit is not finished then refund my money. If you deny my request for a refund I will sue you and whoever else is behind this scheme.

            [ November 03, 2004, 02:11 AM: Message edited by: Th3 RiCk ]
            1998 A4 Pontiac Firebird


            • #66
              Originally posted by Tiago:
              I don't see anyone blaming anything around here, its just explaining the situation for all to see. None of this is about credability you ****ing idiot, its about turbokits being delivered, thats simply it.

              You know absolutely nothing about the whole process other then what is posted here which I must say is not alot considering what goes on behind the scenes, so you have no grounds to say SQUAT about anynthing.

              go back to tofu, he must miss you.
              You have been placing blame, wether you want to admit it or not. There have been many past threads where you have explained what has happened with your suppliers. Your line of remarks and insults towards me tell me that 1: you have no valid arguement for what I am saying, 2: you have little if any business sense, and 3: you have insecurity issues if you feel the need to insult me in order to further enhance the appearance and validity of your posts regarding this issue.

              This is all simple business admin here. I'm sure there have been supplier problems, but the big issue here is that they all come back to you in terms of who takes the ultimate responsibility. You are the owner of FFF. You are the one that initiated this purchase. You are the one that accepted money from customers on the agreement that the money will be exchanged for a product. In a court of law, you will be deemed responsible for the problem of how these kits have been delivered, or lack therof. One thing that will become evident is that you have indeed lied to your customers. I'm sure many of them have researched old posts to confirm and illustrate this. It is quite obvious to most folks that have read in any depth on this forum. You have little in the area of valid issues to explain delays to your customers. The only one that holds any water is with DHL. Although.... I find it very hard to believe that such a company would lose so many packages all going to different locations for such a period of time. It would also seem odd that after one customer threatened action his package arrived soon thereafter. Coincidence I'm sure.

              I dont need to know anymore than I already do. The information presented here is more than enough for any sound person to draw some conclusions. Here is what you dont seem to get.. it doesnt matter what the process is behind the scenes. that wont matter. What matters is that you are ultimately responsible for these issues, and your customers have one obvious place to point fingers in terms of the law.. and that is you. FWIW to you, I know plenty about what it takes for a small business to undertake such projects, and why so many of them fail in the long run.. and short term for that matter.

              Lastly, I am making comments about a business on a message board. This company is not a board sponsor, so discussion and opinions on said company are allowed under forum rules by any members regardless of wether these opinions are positive or negative. I have not been flaming nor using derogatory language in my posts, so I am well within my rights sir to keep posting exactly how I feel on the subject, regardless of how you feel. And you have no grounds to stop me.


              • #67
                Tango Vs. every one that gp his kit
                The lawers will come out on top and will have every ones money.
                If you do not wait the lawers will win, by far.
                Now how hard is it to make a turbo kit with out the car?
                You can't just wing it. You could but you better have a plasma cutter and welder to cut it part and remake it.
                That is the only thing holding me back.
                It sucks.
                \'85 Z28, T-tops new LG4 and TH700<br />\'85 3.4L 5-speed<br />mods: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> the nitrous exhaust O2 safety, pg 3. <br />Areo space materal engineer wantabe


                • #68
                  I don't know about you guys about the Legal system in ohio, it takes a case about 6-8 months before it goes infront of a judge....wouldn't it be a longer wait if you went to court???
                  Ben<br /><br />1995 White/Black 3.4L<br />As far away from stock as possible<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">My Site!!!</a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">RedLineV6</a><br />Rebuild and 3.4 T70 Turbo is complete<br />Details to come....


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by White95:
                    I don't know about you guys about the Legal system in ohio, it takes a case about 6-8 months before it goes infront of a judge....wouldn't it be a longer wait if you went to court???
                    At the rate this is going the case will be in court before the kit gets here.
                    1998 A4 Pontiac Firebird


                    • #70
                      Its nto DHL that looses the package per say, its the shipping outlet used in the past which is unreliable, once the package is actually in DHL's hands I don't think Ive ever had a problem.


                      • #71
                        DHL shiped my welder, plasma cutter and supplys for the 2.
                        They were good as far as I can tell.
                        They won't ship any thing over here.
                        \'85 Z28, T-tops new LG4 and TH700<br />\'85 3.4L 5-speed<br />mods: <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> the nitrous exhaust O2 safety, pg 3. <br />Areo space materal engineer wantabe


                        • #72
                          I may have no damn business posting, but I am service manager at firestone now, and you deal with different vendors and manufacturers all day. Every one of them course can do the best job and blah, blah, blah. Tiago thought he had found a trustworthy shop to bend the piping for all the buyers. You sign a contract (I assume any business owner would) and then parts are supposed to be delivered. One day Tiago gets a call with someone saying the pipes are not done. HOW IS THAT TIAGO'S FAULT???? It is more than c,ear to anyone that has common sense and little compassion that Tiago is dealing with a bull**** shop. Someone said he is only favoring people close to home. Shut the **** up. It's ignorant talk like that I cannot stand to hear. Wake up you jackasses Tiago got screwed, not the group buyers. Some one anwser this simple 5 year old question, What would you have done that is so much better when parts that YOU paid for are not delivered?
                          97 Camaro RS<br /><br />\"Just a V6 huh?, let\'s go find out how slow it is\"


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by 97 30th RS:
                            I may have no damn business posting, but I am service manager at firestone now, and you deal with different vendors and manufacturers all day. Every one of them course can do the best job and blah, blah, blah. Tiago thought he had found a trustworthy shop to bend the piping for all the buyers. You sign a contract (I assume any business owner would) and then parts are supposed to be delivered. One day Tiago gets a call with someone saying the pipes are not done. HOW IS THAT TIAGO'S FAULT???? It is more than c,ear to anyone that has common sense and little compassion that Tiago is dealing with a bull**** shop. Someone said he is only favoring people close to home. Shut the **** up. It's ignorant talk like that I cannot stand to hear. Wake up you jackasses Tiago got screwed, not the group buyers. Some one anwser this simple 5 year old question, What would you have done that is so much better when parts that YOU paid for are not delivered?
                            How is it my fault that he can't deliever on time? He's responisble for everything, not me. I paid him to do a job. I bought the kit with the understanding that it would take one month to fabricate. It's been 4 months now.

                            Tiago shouldn't tell me my pipes are finished in July and only need flanges. So where are my pipes now? Oh that's right, they're not done. So here's my simple 5 year old question to you. Did Tiago live up to his end of the agreement and get my parts to me? EHHHH.. NO! I don't give a rats *** who is doing what to him. I paid for my parts, and they're simply not here.

                            And how many people have their cars done that are close to him? All of them.... And how many people who can't drive to Texas have their cars done? None of them... Hmmmm...

                            So you ask how is this Tiago's fault? Once he took my money and cashed all $3,060 he took full responsiblity in getting my turbo kit to me. And guess what, he hasn't come through yet. So where am I now? $3,060 poorer with a bunch of miscellaneous parts laying around collecting dust.
                            1998 A4 Pontiac Firebird


                            • #74
                              And how many people have their cars done that are close to him? All of them.... And how many people who can't drive to Texas have their cars done? None of them... Hmmmm...
                              That doesn't mean I favor anyone, its just who can bring me the car and who can't. Last weekend Kevin brought me his car from mississipi, I installed it over the weekend and he drove it back to Georgia. IF you would like me to install your kit, lets set soemthing up. I can't offer more then that. You are complaining about a delivery problem which has been a big problem yes, but Im not screwing anybody over, or favoring anyone its just delays. The pipes are in the same palce they were when we were waiting for the flanges to be put on, they never did that still, and the IC pipes which were pretty much non existant back then are partially completed now. Thats where they are. What else would you like me to say?


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Tiago:
                                </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />And how many people have their cars done that are close to him? All of them.... And how many people who can't drive to Texas have their cars done? None of them... Hmmmm...
                                That doesn't mean I favor anyone, its just who can bring me the car and who can't. Last weekend Kevin brought me his car from mississipi, I installed it over the weekend and he drove it back to Georgia. IF you would like me to install your kit, lets set soemthing up. I can't offer more then that. You are complaining about a delivery problem which has been a big problem yes, but Im not screwing anybody over, or favoring anyone its just delays. The pipes are in the same palce they were when we were waiting for the flanges to be put on, they never did that still, and the IC pipes which were pretty much non existant back then are partially completed now. Thats where they are. What else would you like me to say? </font>[/QUOTE]That's the biggest update I've had out of you since I've bought the kit. It's certainly better than, "I'm still trying to get ahold of Bryan."

                                No, I'm not driving down to Texas to let you install my kit. To be honest, it's slim to nill that you're going to have these finished by Friday. After that, I'm getting my money back.
                                1998 A4 Pontiac Firebird


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