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Harmonics and boost

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  • Harmonics and boost

    So far it's all on the first page.
    What do you think?
    I think longer runners will be better all I need is the math to back it up.
    \'85 Z28, T-tops new LG4 and TH700<br />\'85 3.4L 5-speed<br />mods: <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/oil_pan_4\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/oil_pan_4</a> the nitrous exhaust O2 safety, pg 3. <br />Areo space materal engineer wantabe

  • #2
    I'm kind of surprised you are producing charts by hand. Would maybe be able to help you on what you are trying to do. Perhaps some excel or anything? Can also help with some of my old college references (fluid mechanics and thermodynamics).
    Your sig is the most important part of your message. Make sure that you list EVERY single thing that you have done to your car so that we can all go \'oooh!\' and \'Ah!\'. Please make your sig consistently longer than anything else you post. Please include your lengthy sig with EVERY single post you make during a reply, even if you only reply with a monosyllable grunt.


    • #3
      I found the speed of sound equations.
      I don't even have the keys to type it on my key bord.
      The windos advanced caluclator dosen't have square root, what the h3ll is up with that? I have to use the basic one if I want to square root something.
      When it comes to fluic mechanics I'm still lost, but I understand some thermodynamics.
      10psi slows down the speed of sound about 100m/s.
      \'85 Z28, T-tops new LG4 and TH700<br />\'85 3.4L 5-speed<br />mods: <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/oil_pan_4\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/oil_pan_4</a> the nitrous exhaust O2 safety, pg 3. <br />Areo space materal engineer wantabe


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