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  • What happens when you put headers on an engine? The air flows better therfore giving more hp. So making the exhaust go though a smaller hole than stock manifolds would also cause hp loss. So supercharger are not the only form of FI causing parasitic loss. Dont get me wrong, i prefer turbos, i am just hate reading "supercharger rob power and turbos dont", say "superchargers rob more power".

    Anyways, congradulations on the kit Batman, i cant wait to see the numbers with 10 PSI and computer tuning! [img]graemlins/burnout.gif[/img]
    92 S10 3800 A4(96)<br />1/4: 14.374 @ 92.25 w/ 1.976 60\'<br />Turbo and 12\'s Coming Soon!


    • <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by TealV6:
      Every last one of you disappoint me.....

      I spent way too much time reading all of this non-sense to see that you all have no clue on what respect and opinions are.

      When will you all grow up????

      When the board is closed down and you have no precious V6.com????

      Sad.... very sad.



      dood. wtf is up with this? are you accusing everyone in here of trampling over everyone elses opinion? i think you need to be a little more -- how can i say...less general. in short you are calling everyone in this thread childish, where not everyone has been. and not everyone is just getting angry and calling names or the like. some of us are just trying to explain facts.

      if this is the way you think is the right way to handle the situation.. then i think a board change is in order. mind you -- ive been a staunch supporter of this site and have not wanted to go anywhere else, but i dont wanna stick around if you think that calling everyone childish is cool.

      &lt;-- isnt mad and hasnt been mad this whole time. havent gotten out of control, havent yelled, havent swore, hell ive tried best to stay out of it. i think the best course of action would have been to lock this thread/delete it if it really bothered you that much and move the #@$ on. if you really have a problem with people then email them. dont just come into a thread and say "you all disappoint me. this thread is stupid." and then leave.

      screw you for calling me childish when i was trying not to be. and now that i know im being childish, well then i guess ill fit the accusation.


      hybrid - \'\'hI-br&d - The offspring of a cross between species.
      Co-Founder West Coast F-Bodies
      West Coast F-Bodies Car Club - WCFB Message Board


      • steve, i am not being a jerk at all. i am jsut stating facts so people can understand how things are different. alot of the stuff in thisthread have been directed at some close personal freinds of mine, and i really dont like that at all. so instead of going off on people. i tell them what is wrong with their statements. nothing more nothing less. sorry about the confusion.

        boost, you got it???


        • This was a post about the ATI kit for Batman... everyone that posted opinions/arguements/pissing/moaning.. it was not meant for that. This was more for the Beta's and Mach and Batman.

          Many of you are argueing what is better.. SC or Turbo. Why?? What does that have to do with the tea in china and THIS thread? NOT A DAMN THING!

          Those of you that felt the need to slam and bash people for be "innovators" instead of followers.... where the hell were you when no one had one?? What gives you the right to slam/bash another member that does lead and not follow? Is your ego hurt that you didn't do it first???

          This is not specific to anyone member.. so Russ, please don't read it that way. But you have to remember... I'm watching post after post of attacking and slamming and debating what is better for FI. This is not what this board nor this thread created for. I had to see a HIGH profile ATI vendor see his work get slammed by 16-30 old testosterone males. Not to mention that I would venture to say that ATI themselves are reading this stuff.

          You make not only yourselves look silly, but V6.com as a whole look badly.

          FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Administrator
          Stupid is rewarded with the ban button.
          Official Avatar Nazi according to Meatyshells :D


          • so then just remove the parts that dont fit..you have the power..

            hybrid - \'\'hI-br&d - The offspring of a cross between species.
            Co-Founder West Coast F-Bodies
            West Coast F-Bodies Car Club - WCFB Message Board


            • <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Russell:
              so then just remove the parts that dont fit..you have the power..<hr></blockquote>

              Forgot how to use it
              :D [img]tongue.gif[/img]
              FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Administrator
              Stupid is rewarded with the ban button.
              Official Avatar Nazi according to Meatyshells :D


              • <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by TealV6:
                This was a post about the ATI kit for Batman... everyone that posted opinions/arguements/pissing/moaning.. it was not meant for that. This was more for the Beta's and Mach and Batman.

                Many of you are argueing what is better.. SC or Turbo. Why?? What does that have to do with the tea in china and THIS thread? NOT A DAMN THING!

                Those of you that felt the need to slam and bash people for be "innovators" instead of followers.... where the hell were you when no one had one?? What gives you the right to slam/bash another member that does lead and not follow? Is your ego hurt that you didn't do it first???

                This is not specific to anyone member.. so Russ, please don't read it that way. But you have to remember... I'm watching post after post of attacking and slamming and debating what is better for FI. This is not what this board nor this thread created for. I had to see a HIGH profile ATI vendor see his work get slammed by 16-30 old testosterone males. Not to mention that I would venture to say that ATI themselves are reading this stuff.

                You make not only yourselves look silly, but V6.com as a whole look badly.

                96 Camaro M5. Dark metallic gree (?dont know the offical color name)<br />Home made Intake :: Headers, 3inch headers back to Flowmaster muffler :: spec stage 3 clutch Now installed, waiting for 3.42\'s and LSD next month<br /><a href=\"http://photobucket.com/albums/y192/RiceEatingCamaro/?action=view&current=newcar.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">My Car</a> <br /><br />Totalled Car.<br /><a href=\"http://bellsouthpwp.net/s/k/sk8er305/\" target=\"_blank\">96 CamaroRS</a>


                • <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by TealV6:
                  This was a post about the ATI kit for Batman... everyone that posted opinions/arguements/pissing/moaning.. it was not meant for that. This was more for the Beta's and Mach and Batman.

                  Many of you are argueing what is better.. SC or Turbo. Why?? What does that have to do with the tea in china and THIS thread? NOT A DAMN THING!

                  Those of you that felt the need to slam and bash people for be "innovators" instead of followers.... where the hell were you when no one had one?? What gives you the right to slam/bash another member that does lead and not follow? Is your ego hurt that you didn't do it first???

                  This is not specific to anyone member.. so Russ, please don't read it that way. But you have to remember... I'm watching post after post of attacking and slamming and debating what is better for FI. This is not what this board nor this thread created for. I had to see a HIGH profile ATI vendor see his work get slammed by 16-30 old testosterone males. Not to mention that I would venture to say that ATI themselves are reading this stuff.

                  You make not only yourselves look silly, but V6.com as a whole look badly.


                  i have been trying to say this since day one of this thread. but nobody listens to me..
                  96 Camaro M5. Dark metallic gree (?dont know the offical color name)<br />Home made Intake :: Headers, 3inch headers back to Flowmaster muffler :: spec stage 3 clutch Now installed, waiting for 3.42\'s and LSD next month<br /><a href=\"http://photobucket.com/albums/y192/RiceEatingCamaro/?action=view&current=newcar.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">My Car</a> <br /><br />Totalled Car.<br /><a href=\"http://bellsouthpwp.net/s/k/sk8er305/\" target=\"_blank\">96 CamaroRS</a>


                  • grrr....i'm trying to be as basic as possible yes when you add in belts and compressor sizes other factors are coming into play but if you negate heat and belts and everything else that i am acknoledging normally comes into play but for now i'm not concerned with that as basic as possible boost is boost no matter where it comes from. why do people keep replying "well if this certain spec turbo was used blah blah blah"....no crap i'm not arguing that. *sigh* nevermind.

                    can we move this to the lounge and have batman start a new thread?
                    i was swimming in the carribean. animals were hiding behind the rocks except for the little fish, but they told me the squid\'s trying to talk to me. oink, oink. where is my mind?


                    • see but thats the problem.

                      you cant negate heat and belts, etc etc. cause you are talking turbo to SC. not about boost..thats what everyone came in and started talking about..

                      i agree tho..maybe this should be moved to the lounge, i dunno, it is in the right forum, being FI and all..

                      hybrid - \'\'hI-br&d - The offspring of a cross between species.
                      Co-Founder West Coast F-Bodies
                      West Coast F-Bodies Car Club - WCFB Message Board


                      • tyler... you seem rather upset at this post and i believe it is causing you psycological harm. you seem so upset about it and it does not even begin to concern you. you get upset about it not being on topic and that it is getting old and you quote steve twice saying the same thing. please for, for your healh and the health of those around you, stop reading this thread.


                        • lol.. ok dr. phil :rolleyes:

                          i just wish this board can keep **** on topic.. thats all

                          i, unlike most of you, am interested in this kit. i do happen to like superchargers more than turbo's. even tho the price is a TID BIT high, its a sold kit, with the backup from ATI.

                          i mean. look at the v6 mustang message board.. there are people there running the procharger kit, at 11psi, running 13 flats in the quarter.

                          im sure with batman pushing 10psi with custom tuning. he will be well into the 12's.

                          and i will most likely settle for either this kit, or stefans because with my brand new coated headers, i dont want to create a mingled mess out of them putting a custom turbo kit on ..that may have problems. but if tiago can muster up a kit where my headers wont be destroyed, thats a dif. story

                          [ June 09, 2003: Message edited by: Tyler ]</p>
                          96 Camaro M5. Dark metallic gree (?dont know the offical color name)<br />Home made Intake :: Headers, 3inch headers back to Flowmaster muffler :: spec stage 3 clutch Now installed, waiting for 3.42\'s and LSD next month<br /><a href=\"http://photobucket.com/albums/y192/RiceEatingCamaro/?action=view&current=newcar.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">My Car</a> <br /><br />Totalled Car.<br /><a href=\"http://bellsouthpwp.net/s/k/sk8er305/\" target=\"_blank\">96 CamaroRS</a>


                          • <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Tyler:
                            lol.. ok dr. phil :rolleyes:

                            i just wish this board can keep **** on topic.. thats all

                            i, unlike most of you, am interested in this kit. i do happen to like superchargers more than turbo's. even tho the price is a TID BIT high, its a sold kit, with the backup from ATI.

                            i mean. look at the v6 mustang message board.. there are people there running the procharger kit, at 11psi, running 13 flats in the quarter.

                            im sure with batman pushing 10psi with custom tuning. he will be well into the 12's.

                            and i will most likely settle for either this kit, or stefans because with my brand new coated headers, i dont want to create a mingled mess out of them putting a custom turbo kit on ..that may have problems. but if tiago can muster up a kit where my headers wont be destroyed, thats a dif. story

                            [ June 09, 2003: Message edited by: Tyler ]
                            you already asked this in another thread and I already told you your headers wont have to be modded at all! the only thing that changes is the y pipe to acommodate the headers. The y pipe is part of the kit anyways.


                            • <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Tiago:

                              you already asked this in another thread and I already told you your headers wont have to be modded at all! the only thing that changes is the y pipe to acommodate the headers. The y pipe is part of the kit anyways.

                              Not to mention, you get great quality welds like these: http://www.ssgraphix.com/popcanwelding.jpg



                              • <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by v6maro:

                                Not to mention, you get great quality welds like these: http://www.ssgraphix.com/popcanwelding.jpg



                                [img]graemlins/rofl.gif[/img] not saying i can do better.. but im sure the weld would be better on the released kit

                                [ June 10, 2003: Message edited by: Tyler ]</p>
                                96 Camaro M5. Dark metallic gree (?dont know the offical color name)<br />Home made Intake :: Headers, 3inch headers back to Flowmaster muffler :: spec stage 3 clutch Now installed, waiting for 3.42\'s and LSD next month<br /><a href=\"http://photobucket.com/albums/y192/RiceEatingCamaro/?action=view&current=newcar.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">My Car</a> <br /><br />Totalled Car.<br /><a href=\"http://bellsouthpwp.net/s/k/sk8er305/\" target=\"_blank\">96 CamaroRS</a>


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