<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by mattsv6:
we are trying to have a reasonable debate about turbos - blowers and you are flaming people like this? i really took offense to this considering i design about 10 cams per day at my work for the racing motors that i build. i am sure that others "including dominic who you used as an example for no reason" are kind of pissed at that statement. <hr></blockquote>
I am not flaming anyone, just making a statement. You are jumping to conclusions about my statements that are unwarranted. I failed to remember the crop of "new" members that just showed up in the past few months for no reason other than the fact that they are interested in this market.
Half a year ago or so there was a thread asking about turbo cam specs. Basically nobody could decide what to do, and the limited amount of people that responded where going on things that they had "heard" without any real knowledge. This is what Arctc Wolf did. I have read many posts by Dominic, and I respect him. It's also unclear whether or not Dominic made any statements regarding a turbo cam. We only have one person that claims to have been told by another that such and such is good. Essentially I was disagreeing witht eh post made by Arctc Wolf, and felt that it was necessary to mention that I can see where Dominic might be coming from if in fact he made such a claim. That is why there is a disclaimer at the beginning of my statement.
This was all fine until you try to make an issue. Instead of speaking up "I know how to design a turbo cam" you say "I'm all pissed off now." Guess I need to review all the credentials of the new membership so that I won't make generalizations in the future.
Then you get pissed off for the rest of the membership. Let them get pissed off at me of their own accord.
Let's look at the facts:
The fact are that nobody here has much experience with turbos, vendors aside.
And unfortunately I have a hard time considering / remembering all the new "members," especially those who may or may not own a V6 fbody. I'll try to keep that in mind. But in the mean time, try not to get too excited.
[ June 12, 2003: Message edited by: HAZ-Matt ]</p>
we are trying to have a reasonable debate about turbos - blowers and you are flaming people like this? i really took offense to this considering i design about 10 cams per day at my work for the racing motors that i build. i am sure that others "including dominic who you used as an example for no reason" are kind of pissed at that statement. <hr></blockquote>
I am not flaming anyone, just making a statement. You are jumping to conclusions about my statements that are unwarranted. I failed to remember the crop of "new" members that just showed up in the past few months for no reason other than the fact that they are interested in this market.
Half a year ago or so there was a thread asking about turbo cam specs. Basically nobody could decide what to do, and the limited amount of people that responded where going on things that they had "heard" without any real knowledge. This is what Arctc Wolf did. I have read many posts by Dominic, and I respect him. It's also unclear whether or not Dominic made any statements regarding a turbo cam. We only have one person that claims to have been told by another that such and such is good. Essentially I was disagreeing witht eh post made by Arctc Wolf, and felt that it was necessary to mention that I can see where Dominic might be coming from if in fact he made such a claim. That is why there is a disclaimer at the beginning of my statement.
This was all fine until you try to make an issue. Instead of speaking up "I know how to design a turbo cam" you say "I'm all pissed off now." Guess I need to review all the credentials of the new membership so that I won't make generalizations in the future.
Then you get pissed off for the rest of the membership. Let them get pissed off at me of their own accord.
Let's look at the facts:
The fact are that nobody here has much experience with turbos, vendors aside.
And unfortunately I have a hard time considering / remembering all the new "members," especially those who may or may not own a V6 fbody. I'll try to keep that in mind. But in the mean time, try not to get too excited.
[ June 12, 2003: Message edited by: HAZ-Matt ]</p>