Electric Turbo!?! - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Electric Turbo!?!

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  • Electric Turbo!?!

    Well, was doing some eBay searching and found a "electric turbocharger". Pretty much, it's a 500cfm fan that forces air into your intake. It's about equal to 2.3psi of boost according to them. That would be safe on a stock car, right?!? Anyways, it's $200 for the whole set-up, which is K&N, all HD wiring, 3" full intake, and all the clamps and brackets. Is this for real? How fast do our cars usually take in air? If I went and bought a 500cfm in-line duct fan and made a intake with the fan in it, would it work? With the fan turned off, would I lose any power compared to stock?

    If this is just plain stupid, let me know (probably is)
    ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
    A few things

    Only Member of Team Hooker?!?

  • #2
    Re: Electric Turbo!?!

    Its just plain stupid.
    -Kevin<br /><a href=\"http://heinz.no-ip.com/Car%20Pics/IM000117.JPG\" target=\"_blank\"><b>\'96 White Camaro RS M5</b></a> <br />GTP Shortblock - T3/T4 -6psi Intercooled<br />Open Downpipe


    • #3
      Re: Electric Turbo!?!

      Yup, plain stupid.

      Weird, this came up in this forum 3 times in one day!


      Last edited by Shodown; 06-25-2006, 10:34 PM.
      1997 Camaro RS A4
      2006 Chevy Colorado
      2003 Kawasaki Ninja ZX6-R


      • #4
        Re: Electric Turbo!?!

        Im sure import guys love that kit, so do your camaro better. Plus if you get it thats one less for the civic or whatever that pulls up next to me and thinks hes "turbo'd". lol
        Last edited by UDLOSE98; 06-25-2006, 10:34 PM.


        • #5
          Re: Electric Turbo!?!

          lol we should just let some one buy one of these thigs one time, just to laugh when they say "why is my car slower?"

          i actually think that our cars take in around 700 cfms under WOT, that is what our maf is rated at anyway ( i think), plus the electric motor is another leech on your engine so it robs more horse power than you'd get
          K&N air filter, Whisper air lid, magnaflow LT1 cat back, and magnaflow high flow cat, pacesetter headers, silverstars<br /><br />more to come soon<br />but for now im out of money


          • #6
            Re: Electric Turbo!?!

            Originally posted by Shodown
            Yup, plain stupid.

            Weird, this came up in this forum 3 times in one day!


            I'm talking about a highspeed fan in your intake lines, not the turbonator, which is just a peice of metal that "curve the air".

            OK, thanks guys. I didn't think it would work.
            ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
            A few things

            Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


            • #7
              Re: Electric Turbo!?!

              hah anever buy any "we sware ull make 203837473hp with this thing u shove in your intake" kinda "proformance" mods on ebay..they are for dumbasses with civics man
              <a href=\"http://photobucket.com/albums/a371/boyoi/firebird/?sc=1\" target=\"_blank\">My FireBird</a> K&N intake,Gutted cat, glass pack muffler.........Lots more to come...... <br />Getting my exhaust soon :)Rumbler Exhaust w/ Hooker\'s Headers :)


              • #8
                Re: Electric Turbo!?!

                Originally posted by Oi Bird V6
                hah anever buy any "we sware ull make 203837473hp with this thing u shove in your intake" kinda "proformance" mods on ebay..they are for dumbasses with civics man

                Actually, it's a whole new intake, pretty much a CAI, but with an electric fan just after the airfilter. And they claimed up to 50HP gains.
                ~97 3.8L V6 Camaro~
                A few things

                Only Member of Team Hooker?!?


                • #9
                  Re: Electric Turbo!?!

                  to tell yall the truth i have a one on my 3.4l firebird and i can tell a differnce. put it is nothing campair to a REAL turbo.


                  • #10
                    Re: Electric Turbo!?!

                    ok, think about it... #1 a turbo BY DEFINITION runs on your exhaust gasses... so it's technically a supercharger. #2 it takes a LOT of hp to run a super (dont ask me why, i'm not an engineer... yet :p) so an electric motor is not gonna produce any appreciable boost. and #3 for 200 bucks getting all that... no way, its a rip dude. straight up. theres no such thing as a free lunch. btw... lots of guys run 7-9 psi daily on thier motors and have no problem, so if your gonna super, might as go big or go home.
                    2000 3.8L Camaro A4 Pewter Y87<br />K&N Filter, SLP Ram Air kit, Eibach Pro Kit, Flowmaster 80 series, Silverstars, NGK plugs and MSD Super Conductor Wires, Electric Water Pump


                    • #11
                      Re: Electric Turbo!?!

                      in principal an electrically driven turbo is not automatically retarded. In theory having an extra exhaust gas-driven alternator hooked up to a powerful enough fan could produce boost pressure sigificant enough to rival mechanical turbos with the added benefits of, with a battery set up, eliminating turbo lag as well as the need to virtually redesign your exhaust plumbing and saving space in the engine bay.

                      However great the potential benefits maybe, think of it this way: all the auto engineers of the world have PhDs, years of engineering experience, billions in reasearch funding and more than enough time to weigh the cost/benefit analysis of a properly designed electric turbo by now and they haven't even attempted it: what does that tell you?


                      • #12
                        Re: Electric Turbo!?!

                        i actually think that our cars take in around 700 cfms under WOT
                        By my calculations for the 3800, it is 402.5 CFM at 6000 RPM and 100% volumetric effeciency. Now, no natually asperated engine runs at 100% VE, more like 80%, so that makes it 322 CFM. The induction components installed in our cars can flow so much more than that and that's why Forced Induction works.
                        Now Playing: \'99 Pewter Firebird, stock, bone stock, and nothing but stock, so help me God!<br />Comming attractions: K&N Filter, Lid Mod, Intake Bellows Smooth Pipe Mod.<br />I dream about: Forced Induction (TC or SC) or NOX (or both!)


                        • #13
                          Re: Electric Turbo!?!

                          Here let me give everyone something to think about. I am a student at UTI and some kid came up with the idea of putting a leaf blower on his Saturn. The end result to everyone suprise he dynoed at 20hp extra at the wheels. I know it sounds crazy but it worked. He is now working on a "twin leaf blower" setup to see if he can make 40hp out of it. Now if you ask me i think, as retarded as the idea is, that it isn't really all that bad because you could pick up a leaf blower at a yard sale pretty cheap. And lets admit it to gain 20hp we are looking at spending a couple hundred dollars any other way.


                          • #14
                            Re: Electric Turbo!?!


                            It makes sense why it should work.I mean any time you blow extra air into your intake you should notice a difference, right?

                            I think this may give a few horses. Maybe not 45, maybe not even 10...but for $100 bucks, its just like every other bolt-on that adds 2-5 horses so, why not?

                            I mean it has to do something right? All that extra air its blowing in...its rated at 250cfm and your acerage leaf blower is around 400cfm I suppose, and if the saturn made 20horses off a leaf blower....then, well...this "electric turbo" sounds like a bargain for $100.
                            Last edited by Greg94Red392; 07-12-2006, 12:53 PM.
                            1998 Camaro V6 \"Black Mamba\"<br />Y87<br />Whisper Lid w/ K&N filter<br />Flowmaster American Thunder<br />Numerous appearance mods.<br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/ride/2154172\" target=\"_blank\">Car Domain</a>


                            • #15
                              Re: Electric Turbo!?!

                              I think If you had a huge electric turbo, and ran it off different batteries, that it could be effective. Other than that there pretty worthless

                              Camaro V6 - 14.3 @ 96mph
                              Camaro SS - cam/boltons/m6/tune


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