Where can I find "Mounting Kit" for Powerdyne SC? - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Where can I find "Mounting Kit" for Powerdyne SC?

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  • Where can I find "Mounting Kit" for Powerdyne SC?

    Hey Gang -

    Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction on this...

    I need a mounting kit for Powerdyne BD-11A, for my '02 V6 - the Hughes one I had been using failed after 2 months, crushing the oil filter along the way, and earned me a tow (courtesy of AAA) to my mechanic.

    I ordered a Powerdyne S/C kit off of Ebay several months ago (meant for a '95-'97) and it didn't have the proper mounting pieces for my application. My mechanic ordered the Hughes kit to get the job done, and it worked for a while, but the rods eventually fatigued - stranding me in the process.:rant:

    I don't need the whole works, just a mounting kit for '98+. Off-hand, does anyone know if RKSport (or another vendor) sells the mounting kit separate from the entire S/C install kit?

    Thanks Kindly,

    I've got dreams bigger than my wallet can handle. :work:

  • #2
    Re: Where can I find "Mounting Kit" for Powerdyne SC?

    nope, nobody sells the mounting brackets seperately. that is why I am having mine custom fabbed. :stp:

    What is the hughes kit anyways, never heard of it


    • #3
      Re: Where can I find "Mounting Kit" for Powerdyne SC?

      The Hughes kit looked like a set of threaded, 5/16" rods with 90 deg. bends that placed the head unit in proper position - sorta shaped like this _|-|_.

      An upper and lower mounting rod gave way, allowing the head unit to sag and cause all kinds of nastiness. To say the least, I'm looking for something a little more sturdy.

      Who are you having fab the mounting kit for you? Is there a template that is being used, I realize the '98+ is different, I'm just curious.

      Best Wishes,

      Ed D
      I've got dreams bigger than my wallet can handle. :work:


      • #4
        Re: Where can I find "Mounting Kit" for Powerdyne SC?

        Did you buy a headunit that was atleast designed to be mounted to our cars? Our 3.8 powerdynes mount backwards from a typical blower (running from the smooth side of the belt) and are therefore have a reverse scroll inside. As far as the mounting kit, I could trace the main shape of the flat mounting plate for you if you could find someone to fabricate it and then you'd need some threaded rod (maybe from lowe's), and some collars to slide over these rods to space the plate at the correct distance from the block. I don't know their capabilities, but I might be able to check if the machine shop here at work is equipped to reproduce the mounting plate from a template. Of course, we'd have to work out a price if I got the guys to make one for you (no guarantee that they're even able to). The final piece would be the third mounting bracket, which I believe Greyman has a template for on his website (search his username on this board).
        \'98 Camaro V6<br />Appearance... pleasing<br />Performance... just a little extra air.


        • #5
          Re: Where can I find &quot;Mounting Kit&quot; for Powerdyne SC?

          Originally posted by NCState98
          Did you buy a headunit that was atleast designed to be mounted to our cars? Our 3.8 powerdynes mount backwards from a typical blower (running from the smooth side of the belt) and are therefore have a reverse scroll inside. As far as the mounting kit, I could trace the main shape of the flat mounting plate for you if you could find someone to fabricate it and then you'd need some threaded rod (maybe from lowe's), and some collars to slide over these rods to space the plate at the correct distance from the block. I don't know their capabilities, but I might be able to check if the machine shop here at work is equipped to reproduce the mounting plate from a template. Of course, we'd have to work out a price if I got the guys to make one for you (no guarantee that they're even able to). The final piece would be the third mounting bracket, which I believe Greyman has a template for on his website (search his username on this board).
          Thanks for the Reply -

          Yes, the kit is designed for our cars... it was meant for the '95-'97 3.8 F-Body. I did my research, and I even purchased the 6lb. grooved pulley from ASP which is installed.

          Apparently, my kit was missing the sleeves that go over the rods AND the lower mounting bracket - the blower head-unit does have a mounting plate on it, with various drilled holes for different applications.

          If you (or someone) would be able to provide me some detail on...

          1) how long the rods should (and what diameter / thread),
          2) how long the spacer sleeves should be (length and internal diameter), and lastly
          3) a pattern (with thickness and mounting hole locations) for the LOWER-mounting bracket...

          I should be able to get a local machine shop to fab these pieces up for me... though, if you have a shop that can do it :rock: (since you already have the parts there) I would be most obliged :bowdown: and of course be willing to re-imburse you for your troubles (Paypal).

          Please, let me know what the cost would be BEFORE you ask them to do the work.

          Thank You,

          Ed D - Beestly
          I've got dreams bigger than my wallet can handle. :work:


          • #6
            Re: Where can I find &quot;Mounting Kit&quot; for Powerdyne SC?

            Originally posted by 97rs4life
            nope, nobody sells the mounting brackets seperately. that is why I am having mine custom fabbed. :stp:

            What is the hughes kit anyways, never heard of it
            Hi Again -

            I just spoke with my mechanic... my hearing must be going, I thought he said "Hughes" but he actually said "used". :O

            So, before the rumor mill gets things too far out of control... there is no such thing as a "Hughes" mounting kit, though it IS true that "Beestly" needs to get his ears checked.
            I've got dreams bigger than my wallet can handle. :work:


            • #7
              Re: Where can I find &quot;Mounting Kit&quot; for Powerdyne SC?

              Hey Beestly, it should be pretty simple to fix you up. The headunit mounts on 2 threaded rod studs with sleeves, one at the top of the blower and the other down at the bottom near your oil filter. I can surely measure those sleeves and get the diameter/thread of those rods. The third mounting bracket does not function as much as one of the "structural" mounting points, but keeps the blower aligned and the pulley parallel to your serpentine belt. Grayman wrote up a pretty straightforward diagram here:


              For the most part, you can mount the blower on the 2 studs and tweak a bracket until you get the right fit. I'll measure the dimensions for those other parts later. So do you have both threaded rods are are just missing the collars that slide over them?
              \'98 Camaro V6<br />Appearance... pleasing<br />Performance... just a little extra air.


              • #8
                Re: Where can I find &quot;Mounting Kit&quot; for Powerdyne SC?

                Originally posted by NCState98
                Hey Beestly, it should be pretty simple to fix you up. The headunit mounts on 2 threaded rod studs with sleeves, one at the top of the blower and the other down at the bottom near your oil filter. I can surely measure those sleeves and get the diameter/thread of those rods. The third mounting bracket does not function as much as one of the "structural" mounting points, but keeps the blower aligned and the pulley parallel to your serpentine belt. Grayman wrote up a pretty straightforward diagram here:


                For the most part, you can mount the blower on the 2 studs and tweak a bracket until you get the right fit. I'll measure the dimensions for those other parts later. So do you have both threaded rods are are just missing the collars that slide over them?
                Thanks, NC -

                I greatly appreciate it.

                Best Wishes,

                Ed D - Beestly
                I've got dreams bigger than my wallet can handle. :work:


                • #9
                  Re: Where can I find &quot;Mounting Kit&quot; for Powerdyne SC?

                  Originally posted by NCState98
                  Hey Beestly, it should be pretty simple to fix you up. The headunit mounts on 2 threaded rod studs with sleeves, one at the top of the blower and the other down at the bottom near your oil filter. I can surely measure those sleeves and get the diameter/thread of those rods. The third mounting bracket does not function as much as one of the "structural" mounting points, but keeps the blower aligned and the pulley parallel to your serpentine belt. Grayman wrote up a pretty straightforward diagram here:


                  For the most part, you can mount the blower on the 2 studs and tweak a bracket until you get the right fit. I'll measure the dimensions for those other parts later. So do you have both threaded rods are are just missing the collars that slide over them?
                  Just re-read your message, and caught the last sentence... I will probably need NEW threaded rods (the originals I had are not usable - one sheared-off, the other is bent).

                  If you would be able to grab measurements on the length of the rods (as well as the spacers / collars) I think I will be in good shape.

                  Thanks Again,

                  Ed D
                  I've got dreams bigger than my wallet can handle. :work:


                  • #10
                    Re: Where can I find &quot;Mounting Kit&quot; for Powerdyne SC?

                    can't you just get the spacers and rods at like home depot or lowes or something?


                    • #11
                      Re: Where can I find &quot;Mounting Kit&quot; for Powerdyne SC?

                      you can get the rods, but I'm not sure about what to use for the spacers. I know they have some steel spacers at Lowe's but they're probably only a couple of inches long. You might have to end up using a standard pipe to slide over the threaded rods, cut to the correct length.

                      Beestly I didn't get around to measuring those last night but I should be able to today. I was going to get dimensions for both parts anyway... figured you overlooked that last sentence :)
                      \'98 Camaro V6<br />Appearance... pleasing<br />Performance... just a little extra air.


                      • #12
                        Re: Where can I find &quot;Mounting Kit&quot; for Powerdyne SC?

                        The threaded rods that I have are 7.5 and 8 inches long.

                        The collars or spacers are 4 5/16" and 3 3/4" long, have an I.D. of 7/16" and O.D. of 3/4".

                        They are pretty thick walled for their size, but you could probably use any piece of metal pipe or tubing that would slide over these threaded rods. I also didn't have a gauge here to find the thread count of the rods, but you should be able to match up to what you have at Lowe's. Good luck
                        \'98 Camaro V6<br />Appearance... pleasing<br />Performance... just a little extra air.


                        • #13
                          Re: Where can I find &quot;Mounting Kit&quot; for Powerdyne SC?

                          Thanks for all your help, NC... I really do appreciate the assistance.

                          I don't know about the rest of you, but I think the #s above would be useful for a "sticky". As "NEW" complete kits become more scarce, we'll be seeing more incomplete kits floating around on Ebay.

                          Best Wishes,

                          Ed D - jedi
                          I've got dreams bigger than my wallet can handle. :work:


                          • #14
                            Re: Where can I find &quot;Mounting Kit&quot; for Powerdyne SC?

                            "new" complete kits can be purchased whenever from rksport....not sure what you are talking about there.


                            • #15
                              Re: Where can I find &quot;Mounting Kit&quot; for Powerdyne SC?

                              As you said yourself, only Complete kits can be purchased - and odds are if anyone buys a used kit it will be missing pieces.

                              After my experience, I am just making a suggestion of posting NCState98 message as sticky - I'm sure it will benefit others (eventually).

                              Best Wishes - Beestly
                              I've got dreams bigger than my wallet can handle. :work:


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