turbocharging? - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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  • turbocharging?

    ok is it possible to get pacesetter headers on a 3.4 and hook a turbo to them or not enough room or what should i do that is cheap? also where can i get a megasquirt system or something to manage it with a turbo i really need to know i want to have this done by summer any answers are well appreciated thanks!!!

    also what else would i need if have have a stock motor and already have a turbo and intercooler and piping? like i need to know everything thanks!!

  • #2
    Re: turbocharging?

    for christs sake PLEASE SEARCH. this topic has been covered a million times in the past weeks alone. just scroll down the FI section and look throught the threads. everything needed has been mentioned a million times, not to mention the stickys.........


    • #3
      Re: turbocharging?



      • #4
        Re: turbocharging?

        its a bit different since he has the 3.4

        Im sure it would be possible to mod hearders to make a turbo setup.

        For tuning software, check the for sale section, there is a megasquirt2 for sale.


        • #5
          Re: turbocharging?

          shoot a email to ben (white95 on here)


          or you can try and catch him on AIM @ Applesauce4379 hes been knees deep in turbo 3.4 for a while, i know he can help you out.

          current car- 95 Trans am- bolt ons, parked and collecting dust. why? because **** it

          Follow me!
          Or this


          • #6
            Re: turbocharging?

            Originally posted by UDLOSE98
            its a bit different since he has the 3.4

            Im sure it would be possible to mod hearders to make a turbo setup.

            For tuning software, check the for sale section, there is a megasquirt2 for sale.

            but that list you typed in is applicable to either motor. (except hptuners)


            • #7
              Re: turbocharging?

              the pacesetters will work, thats how my kit is designed right now. i recommend getting a tubular k-member as it provides a lot more clearance for the down pipe that MUST run under the k-member since the exhaust feed pipe runs above it. i have about 3" of clearance with a tubular k and with a stock k there is about 1" and its more of a PITA to hook the down pipe to the rest of the exhaust.

              if your looking for tuning for a 3.4 F-BODY you have 3 choices

              1)convert to an OBD2 setup...i tried this and it will require a lot of time and $ to figure out
              2) MegaSquirt...I had this on my car works pretty well, very basic, not the best but its safer way to control fuel (also does spark) than an FMU (MY Megasquirt unit is sold)
              3) FAST system...by far the most expensive choice but it by far the best. I'm current waiting for GMR to finish up my system and i'll be able to run 20-30psi without worrying about the motor blowing up from a tuning issue

              if you have any questions shoot me an email or try to get ahold of me online.
              Last edited by White95; 12-09-2006, 07:01 PM.
              Ben<br /><br />1995 White/Black 3.4L<br />As far away from stock as possible<br /><a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/member_pages/view_page.pl?page_id=288292\" target=\"_blank\">My Site!!!</a><br /><a href=\"http://www.redlinevsix.com\" target=\"_blank\">RedLineV6</a><br />Rebuild and 3.4 T70 Turbo is complete<br />Details to come....


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