Homemade powedyne Kit build - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Homemade powedyne Kit build

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  • #31
    Re: Homemade powedyne Kit build

    Originally posted by dmw319
    that intake tubing sure looks familiar!
    yessir ;)


    • #32
      Re: Homemade powedyne Kit build


      Installation is underway. I just finished up putting the oil sensor elbow on to turn it away from the SC and also grinded down the metal under the oil filter to make room for the john_D powerwrap. Also put on the valvecover breather and PCV plug is in.

      Will be putting the rest of the kit on tonight up to the discharge pipe section as we are still waiting for that stupid coupler from the ebayer who sent us the wrong color. Pretty pissed about that yet.

      Oil Sensor Mod Info:

      You will need a 1/4 close nipple and 1/4 45* elbow to make it work. These can be picked up at the local hardware stores in the galvanized/black fitting section of plumbing. I took the sensor into the hardware store with me to get the right ones and they came out to be 1/4 in size.


      • #33
        Re: Homemade powedyne Kit build

        just got confirmation that our silicone coupler was finally sent out today! Woot!

        Studs and spacers are all on and good to go. We are playing with the tensioner setup and trying to figure out if we want to use the tensioner bracket or if it is possible to use the stock tensioner setup. Anyone try using the stock tensioner setup?


        • #34
          Re: Homemade powedyne Kit build

          well we put the bracket in, put the supercharger in and routed the belt. Ends up the belt is too short since we are using the stock tensioner for tests. The one we were using is a 105" Dayco and it was too short. So we are going to have to try a 107" tomorrow.

          Also the AC line under the bracket is up against the sc headunit. Going to have to bend that down a bit tomorrow as well so it is not rubbing the headunit. Shouldn't be to hard to bend it a bit.

          We are getting pretty excited to wrap this up. I think with the John_D wrap and stock tensioner there should be plenty of wrap and tension, and keep it tight. :)


          • #35
            Re: Homemade powedyne Kit build

            107.5" is what we went with. We have it on the stock tensioner assembly as well...seems to be plenty of tension on it yet. There is some give in the belt so it is not extremely tight, but like stock

            blower is now mounted and ready to roll. Gotta do FMU and boost gauge next, but we are only doing work between xbox 360 sessions....halo 3, splinter cell, etc. :)


            • #36
              Re: Homemade powedyne Kit build

              fired up the car tonight and the blower is working :)

              There was some belt slippage though so we are going to try a smaller belt. Gonna go with a 106.5" belt now and see if it goes away. Else we are going to have to go with the tensioner bracket instead of the stock tensioner.

              Was nice feeling the air blasting out the supercharger though, and the sc is really quiet. Can't even tell it is on there which is awesome for the sleeper effect


              • #37
                Re: Homemade powedyne Kit build

                Nice! You should get some vids and pics up! Also how much has the install cost you so far?


                • #38
                  Re: Homemade powedyne Kit build

                  looks like its coming along. ive been reading but not really posting much here haha.
                  00 Supercharged Camaro - RIP
                  97 Turbo Camaro - Sold


                  • #39
                    Re: Homemade powedyne Kit build

                    Originally posted by Vulcan2422
                    Nice! You should get some vids and pics up! Also how much has the install cost you so far?
                    install costs $0 as I am doing it in our shop for my brother. ;)

                    We have had to get a few odds and ends like fittings and such but no biggy


                    • #40
                      Re: Homemade powedyne Kit build

                      I doubt you'll have any luck with just the stock tensioner pulling that belt tight enough, but you may be able to come up with something similar to the hime joint on the procharger kits to push harder on that tensioner pulley.

                      Good luck
                      \'98 Camaro V6<br />Appearance... pleasing<br />Performance... just a little extra air.


                      • #41
                        Re: Homemade powedyne Kit build

                        We went with a bigger tensioner pulley so hopefully there is enough tension. All the silicone couplers came today so we are good to go now. Just have to hook up the FMU yet


                        • #42
                          Re: Homemade powedyne Kit build

                          well we ran it a bit today and the stock tensioner will not do. There is plenty of tension, no belt slip, but the tensioner assembly is worn out and the tensioner pulley is rubbing on the alternator. So I guess the stock tensioner setup is a no-go. We are going back to the drawing board to make something else up.

                          Probably gonna go with something like the RKsport tensioner, and add a threaded rod to put more force down on the pulley spacer from the side to keep it tight.
                          Last edited by 97rs4life; 09-27-2007, 10:43 PM.


                          • #43
                            Re: Homemade powedyne Kit build

                            Originally posted by NCState98
                            I doubt you'll have any luck with just the stock tensioner pulling that belt tight enough, but you may be able to come up with something similar to the hime joint on the procharger kits to push harder on that tensioner pulley.

                            Good luck
                            got it to work, seemed to have plenty of tension, but now the stock tensioner doesnt seem to be too good on my car with 110000 miles, it keeps sending the pulley into the altenator, btw we upped the size of the pulley by half inch in diameter to compensate for the bigger belt.
                            1999 Firebird W68<br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/ride/995565\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/ride/995565</a> <br />-Derek


                            • #44
                              Re: Homemade powedyne Kit build

                              dude..this is SO SICK..are you guys gonna start producing/selling your own blower kits??

                              12 Second 98 V6 Camaro
                              <b>12 SECOND DUAL STAGE DRY NITROUS POWERED 98 A4 V6 CAMARO<br /><a href=\"http://www.mysickcamaro.50megs.com\" target=\"_blank\">www.MySickCamaro.50megs.com</a><br />Best ET: 12.82@103<br />Best MPH: 104.7<br />Best 60\': 1.75 - Stock TC</b><br /> </font><blockquote><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><hr /><font size=\"2\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">Originally posted by Shodown:<br /><strong>1DV6 runs 12\'s...enough said. </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size=\"2\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">


                              • #45
                                Re: Homemade powedyne Kit build

                                Originally posted by 1DangerousV6
                                dude..this is SO SICK..are you guys gonna start producing/selling your own blower kits??

                                12 Second 98 V6 Camaro
                                not at the moment, I would rather get this one running superb and use it for awhile to make sure it works good ya know...rather not instantly make something that is not a direct bolt on. So for now, no we are not


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