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FFH and heat issues

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  • FFH and heat issues

    For about a year and a half now I been planning going with a turbo.

    MPT70 (7psi, 10-12 when i'm in the mood :drool: ), forward flowing headers. All the hotside piping will be 14gauge mild steel, flanges are 3/8" thick. I will be getting them coated by Jet Hot the black 2000* coating if I remember correctly.

    Now I still want the car to be DD, well not everyday but weekends(work van during the week :) ). My friend has been trying to talk me out of the turbo because hes saying I will be only be able to drive it about once a day and not for a long time and after three months the headers will crack. he says that they will glow beat red and melt and to buy a v8 mustang (hes a mustang boy). I really dont care what he has to say cause i'm not getting another car and already have half the parts.

    Now my question is what are some of the problems you guys are seeing with ffh over the long run, are your headers turning beat red after normal driving? are they cracking?

  • #2
    Re: FFH and heat issues

    your friend is a close mined fool speaking of subject in witch he has no experience with, if he does, then well...... he is wrong

    if you support the turbo with a bracket then the will help the headers from cracking.

    the Jet hot is a very good idea also help stop cracking and send the heat out the exhaust and not into the pipe.

    I DD my car for almost 2 years. with the turbo kit on it.... no problems. i have a new kit now and it was fine the 400 miles i dd'ed it for so far. only reason i stooped is because i had a defective head.
    1997 3800 Series II Camaro
    4600 Stall for my ride to the mall :chug:
    7.18 @ 99.77 1/8 -1.8x sixty (current quickest v6 fbod)
    11.23 @ unk 5 1/4 - 7.19 1/8 - 1.83 sixty


    • #3
      Re: FFH and heat issues

      Yea I will have the turbo supported, ty for the reassurance.


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