PASS KEY II giving me problems!! - Message Board


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PASS KEY II giving me problems!!

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  • PASS KEY II giving me problems!!

    I have 98K on my car, and bought it at 82K. I think the key was the original key from the factory. 2 days ago, I went to start my car, and it wouldn't start. The starter would not crank. Electrical systems went on, but the engine wouldn't crank. The "Security" light went on, and stayed on.

    So I checked the manual, and it said to make sure the key is clean, and try to restart after the Security light turns off. Light went off, and it started up again. The manual says when that happens, that the key is bad and to get a new one.

    I have a new key already (spare key), and now that has become my primary key. Problem is, the Security BS still happens with the new key. I was at the gas station, went to restart my car, and it wouldn't start. FOR THREE TRIES!! I then got smart and used my aftermarket autostart to start the car once the Security light went off, then drove off.

    This Security BS happens on and off. This morning, I got it while starting to go to church. After church, it started up normally. Going to the store and back, it started up fine. This was all with the new key. I've checked the fuses, and they seem fine.

    Any clues on what's wrong? I'm going to bring it to the dealership and have them check it out.
    --<b>David</b>--<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">The <b>NEW</b> V6Bird Website!</a> <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Cardomain site</a><br />ΔX

  • #2
    Your ignition module might be going... It measures the resistance of that resistor in the key and its probably badly worn or has slack in it... Try seeing if GM can do a quick fix for you or sell you a new ign module? Or get one from speedautomotive.
    2002 5-spd NBM Camaro


    • #3
      How much would a new ignition module cost? seems to be down now :(

      This time while driving to school, Security came on and stayed on for about 5-7 minutes, then shut off while I was about 1/4 away from school. (BTW, I started my car this morning with my autostart, as there was snow on it).

      [ January 27, 2003: Message edited by: TheV6Bird ]</p>
      --<b>David</b>--<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">The <b>NEW</b> V6Bird Website!</a> <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Cardomain site</a><br />ΔX


      • #4
        My buddy in his 97 camaro had to have the whole system replaced. 600 bucks or so..but it was under warranty and his car the security light never shut off.
        In you case it just might be the weather. Last winter when i went to canada my car (always garaged at home) had to sit a very cold night at the hotel. When i started it same thing happened as u described and for a whole year it never happened again. This winter comes along and the damn security light comes on when i'm driving and shuts off, and it did it 2 times since when I tried to start after a night outside. I live in an apartment this year and my car sits out all the time....cold weather is killing my damn turn sigal lever was frozen the other day!!!!

        Robert O.
        1995 camaro


        • #5
          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by vandelay101:
          In you case it just might be the weather. Last winter when i went to canada my car (always garaged at home) had to sit a very cold night at the hotel. When i started it same thing happened as u described and for a whole year it never happened again. This winter comes along and the damn security light comes on when i'm driving and shuts off, and it did it 2 times since when I tried to start after a night outside. I live in an apartment this year and my car sits out all the time....cold weather is killing my damn turn sigal lever was frozen the other day!!!!<hr></blockquote>I thought it was the weather too, but it has been doing it even if the car is warm (go to the store, come back and car doesn't start).

          I'm going to keep on driving it and see what happens. After all, I can still start the car with my autostart luckily.
          --<b>David</b>--<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">The <b>NEW</b> V6Bird Website!</a> <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Cardomain site</a><br />ΔX


          • #6
            This is happening to me too, I find that it must be something loose in the ignition, I'm really careful to put it in just perfectly right, and I have'nt had as much trouble, my key is kinda worn too, but not much....
            <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">3.4L Red Firebird</a>


            • #7
              Mine was a broken wire in the ignition switch.
              There are two wires that run into the back of the switch, and the guy I took it to said this is usually the cause when the Security light kicks on. Jsut a broken wire.
              there's a picture of what it looks like out of the car. The wires tend to snap right where they run into the switch. The list price for a new ignition switch is 56 bucks. I got all the work done, two new keys, a new master key, and the switch for 270. I still have my old switch, and tested it after connecting the wire back in the recess and filling it with super glue. Plus two keys. One is brand new, I though it could be the problem. They are of no use to me now.

              [ January 30, 2003: Message edited by: silvachris1 ]</p>
              ~Chris<br />1999 Hugger Orange Camaro<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /><br />†…faith…hope


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