Engine starts and immediately cuts off - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Engine starts and immediately cuts off

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  • #16
    Re: Engine starts and immediately cuts off

    Thanks nascar. My next attempt will be this weekend. I'll keep you posted.


    • #17
      Re: Engine starts and immediately cuts off

      Hey Nascar,

      Is this the vats control module? It is the only thing I found in the dash that looks like it. There are no blue wires coming off of it though.

      If this is not it can you tell me what it looks like so I know what to look for. I've been doing searches and can't find a pic of one anywhere.

      I found the blue wire for the ecm in the wiring diagram so I'll start looking there to to trace it. Thanks.

      Last edited by Cool81z28; 08-20-2010, 11:31 AM.


      • #18
        Re: Engine starts and immediately cuts off


        I found two blue wires coming off of the ecm. I opened up the plugs to get the pin #'s and one was on pin #20 on the blue plug and the other is on pin #3 on the white plug.

        Neither of these correspond to the instructions though.

        I have emailed the company but have not heard back from them yet.


        • #19
          Re: Engine starts and immediately cuts off

          I can't see the picture. Can you trace the wires coming from the column? They end at the module. Sorry, but I do not know the pin #.

          Quick question, you said it is a 1994 3.4L. Correct?

          Also, Camaro or Firebird?


          • #20
            Re: Engine starts and immediately cuts off

            You can also trace the 2 blue wires from the ECM. If only 1 goes through the firewall and into the car then that should be it.


            • #21
              Re: Engine starts and immediately cuts off

              Originally posted by nascar24jd View Post
              I can't see the picture. Can you trace the wires coming from the column? They end at the module. Sorry, but I do not know the pin #.

              Quick question, you said it is a 1994 3.4L. Correct?

              Also, Camaro or Firebird?

              It is a 94 Camaro with a 3.4. The pic I posted was the srs module and not the vats I found out.

              I didn't open up the loom yet to trace the blue wires but I will.

              Can you describe what the vats module looks like so I have an idea of what to look for. I can't find a picture of one anywhere.

              Thanks again. You have been very helpful.


              • #22
                Re: Engine starts and immediately cuts off

                Sure. If it is the same as my 1993 Firebird it is a small black box mounted way up high in the dash. It is so high up that even though mine is dead, I cannot remove it because I cannot access the screws.

                It really should be easy to find. Trace the wires from either the starter relay that you already bypassed, or from the steering column. They both end at the VATS module.

                I really can't say if the Camaro is the same location, but it has to be up under the dash somewhere.


                • #23
                  Re: Engine starts and immediately cuts off

                  I just found a site online that says it is next to the glove box behind the dash. It has an 8 pin connector going into it.


                  Keep looking, it is there...

                  Let me know if/when you find it.
                  Last edited by nascar24jd; 08-21-2010, 06:55 PM.


                  • #24
                    Re: Engine starts and immediately cuts off

                    I am sitting at home thinking of how else I can help you find where GM may have hidden the VATS module in the 1994 Camaro, and I have a few ideas.

                    First of all, on my Firebird it is actually screwed into the air conditioning vent cluster that is in the center of the dash. Maybe the Camaro is similiar.

                    Second, from the starter relay, I had a black/yellow wire that ran along the bottom of the dash under the front of the glove box, and then it turned upwards into the VATS wiring harness. The VATS harness has 8 wires in it, one of which is the blue one that we are in search of.

                    I hope some of this info leads to where GM put this thing in your car.


                    • #25
                      Re: Engine starts and immediately cuts off

                      Thanks nascar. I'll dig into it again next weekend. I'm getting good at taking apart the dash now. I can have completely apart in 5 minutes.

                      Where are you in south Florida? I'm going to owe you a couple beers after all your help.

                      I'll keep you updated.


                      • #26
                        Re: Engine starts and immediately cuts off

                        I live in Miami Springs. Let me know next weekend when you find the VATS module.


                        • #27
                          Re: Engine starts and immediately cuts off


                          I just recieved a response from the company. This is it.

                          "Hi Pat,
                          sorry we do not have specific instructions for your car. Hate to do this to you but the best bet is to search message boards. There are many posts about vats bypass installation on verious vehicles."

                          I'm way ahead of them. I'll get it figured out.

                          Nascar, Miami Springs is a little far from me but if you ever get up around Tampa Bay let me know and beers are on me.


                          • #28
                            Re: Engine starts and immediately cuts off

                            Hey Nascar. I traced the wires from under the column. One ended at this black box. Is this what your vats module looks like? There are 7 wires coming off of it including a dark blue wire. The part # on it is 12135026. I've tried with no luck to research that part #.


                            Thanks again.


                            • #29
                              Re: Engine starts and immediately cuts off

                              I think you found it. Clearly it is not in the same location as mine, but I think that is it.

                              Here is the test.
                              Cut the blue wire. Start the car. After about 3 seconds, it should stall. If it does, then BINGO...!!!

                              (If it does not stall then fix the cut wire and back to the drawing board)

                              Just for reference, here are the wire colors coming off of mine:
                              Pink = Ignition power
                              Orange = Battery power
                              Blue = 5v Fuel Signal
                              Gray = "Security" lamp
                              Black/Yellow = Starter Enable
                              Black/White = Ground
                              White/Black & Violet/White (wrapped together) = steering column


                              • #30
                                Re: Engine starts and immediately cuts off

                                It was held in a plastic pocket that was mounted on the firewall above the tranny tunnel.

                                Thanks for the wiring reference.

                                I'm assuming you used the pink wire for your power source.

                                It should be straight forward from here. I'll keep you posted.


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