Help!! With Weird heating problem - Message Board


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Help!! With Weird heating problem

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  • Help!! With Weird heating problem

    Ok my heat works fine..n0o problem with heating up the car or anything (takes a while to do so)...the problem is getting no air from vents...i only get like a full blast from my driver side foot well vent...little to none on the passenger side foot well vent...and little to none on the front defroster in the middle..any setting i put the knob on air only comes out of those vents mentioned....none from the face when i bought the car last year everything was working but the heat...just needed to connect the heater core and it it seems after i replaced all my gaskets at the end of the year last year and i put everything back together this has stopped working...and i have been dealing with this throughout the winter...these days have been warm soo i could now finally get out and start diagnosing it...

    soo far what i've checked/changed is: the vacuum line that comes from the engine bay which is hooked up to the check valve...i also changed the check valve with a T fitting (since auto zone didnt have a check valve or know what i was talking about) there is suction from the t fitting to the line to the hvac system..the other day i did take apart the glove box area where the heater core is missing to see if i missed something to hook up but i found nothing..also when the car is off and i turn the knob for the different vent settings and i get no hiss like im supposed to..but i did when i first got the car..and when the car is off and i disconnect the check valve i do get the hissing right from those lines...i did search all over this site and others to fix this and tried everything i found but nothing seems to work..and im tired of ppl putting me on to this site

    my last resort is to get a vacuum pump and see what i can do...any thoughts anyone??

  • #2
    Re: Help!! With Weird heating problem

    Have you checked the fan motor located under the passenger dash?

    My car recently had the same problem. Upon further inspection, twigs and leaves were caught in the fan and burned up the motor. I purchased a new motor for $40 at Auto Zone and that took care of the problem.


    • #3
      Re: Help!! With Weird heating problem

      Originally posted by Jtels2593 View Post
      Have you checked the fan motor located under the passenger dash?

      My car recently had the same problem. Upon further inspection, twigs and leaves were caught in the fan and burned up the motor. I purchased a new motor for $40 at Auto Zone and that took care of the problem.
      yea thats true..i did stumble upon your thread about that...and i actually forgot to include that as a suggestion to check in my thread...was yours kinda making a whirring sound and sounds like its trying to spin its life out?? and did all the speed settings work on yours? cuz mine is working


      • #4
        Re: Help!! With Weird heating problem

        Mine was making a whirling sound and would change speeds by blowing hard and slowing down, then not blowing air at all. There was a slight difference between settings when it was blowing, just not enough to make much of a difference.

        Remove the plastic trim (rocker panel trim) - that will make removing the kick panel under the dash much easier. Once you remove the kick panel, reach all the way up into the right corner and you will see the motor. It is held in by three small bolts (7mm I believe?). It's pretty much a plug & play repair. The factory fan motors have a metal housing, as where the aftermarket motor I purchased had a black plastic housing that was lighter in weight.

        If this is indeed the problem that you are experiencing, you may notice the new fan motor is just slightly more noisier on the #4 high setting, but not enough to create an annoyance.

        Note: Once the old fan motor is out, reach your arm up in there behind the dash and feel around for debris. I have read stories of people unloading handfulls of leaves and other junk onto their passenger floor board. I found two small leaves in mine..

        I hope this information helps. If you need further assistance feel free to ask and I'll help you the best I can.


        • #5
          Re: Help!! With Weird heating problem

          mine would also kinda change speeds sometimes when driving and its on the highest would just go more faster...thanks for all the info!! unfortunetly its raining here soo ill have to try this tomorrow...and also i checked online to see if the closest auto zone here has 1 in stock and it doesnt..soo im gonna have to do some research tonight to see which other auto zone does..if not then ill need to order NY around my area theres hardly any camaros soo its hard to find parts...also i do have another question when i was hooking the heater core up i did notice it didn't have any gaskets around it like it should...what could that cause??


          • #6
            Re: Help!! With Weird heating problem

            To be honest, I don't know much about the heater core setup - I only how how a heater core operates. So hopefully someone else can chime in with that information.

            Is your passenger floor board damp? That is a sign that the heater core is going bad.


            • #7
              Re: Help!! With Weird heating problem

              yea same here..thats why i thought id ask you..and no my floor board isnt dont worry i know signs of a bad heater core...i been working on cars since i was 13...just this heat thing and vacuum actuated crap have me going nuts..


              • #8
                Re: Help!! With Weird heating problem

                could be a number of things but i doubt that it's the fan motor since you are getting air. when you turn your directional knob for air flow it moves a series of flaps behind the dash. i would start there. you have a vac line inside the engine bay on the pass side near the firewall. it's a t fitting. check that to make sure thats working right


                • #9
                  Re: Help!! With Weird heating problem

                  Originally posted by kristen View Post
                  could be a number of things but i doubt that it's the fan motor since you are getting air. when you turn your directional knob for air flow it moves a series of flaps behind the dash. i would start there. you have a vac line inside the engine bay on the pass side near the firewall. it's a t fitting. check that to make sure thats working right
                  My fan motor was intermittently blowing air and showed signs of the same problem in which he is experiencing. I'm not arguing the fact that it might be something else wrong, but discounting a possible fan motor failure which could be the cause seems backwards considering we know I just repaired the same problem.
                  Last edited by Jtels2593; 03-11-2011, 01:19 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Help!! With Weird heating problem

                    Originally posted by kristen View Post
                    could be a number of things but i doubt that it's the fan motor since you are getting air. when you turn your directional knob for air flow it moves a series of flaps behind the dash. i would start there. you have a vac line inside the engine bay on the pass side near the firewall. it's a t fitting. check that to make sure thats working right
                    yeaa...i mentioned in my post those were the first things i replaced..i replaced the t fitting and made a new line from the t-fitting to the connection at the hvac and there is suction at the end...but nothing happens...on my way to get a blower motor now..lets see what happens :excited:


                    • #11
                      Re: Help!! With Weird heating problem

                      Well we have g0od news!!! XD it was infact the blower motor!....when i took the old one out it had like 5 leaves and 2 twigs in the wheel stuck!...i swapped in the new one..tried it and it worked! getting the hissing sound and everything when switching modes...soo its perfect...the only thing is it seems kinda weak compared to the stock blower..this one is quiet and stuff but its not strong as the old blower...could it be because its a cheap motor??..and thank you very much Jtels!!! i wish i wouldve posted this problem sooner!

                      With this good news went away quickly..i got 3 ses codes today..gonna make a separate thread for that :( one problem fixed..on to more i guess..thanks again everyone!!
                      Last edited by darkflare999; 03-12-2011, 03:00 AM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Help!! With Weird heating problem

                        Did you figure out the source of the problem?


                        • #13
                          Re: Help!! With Weird heating problem

                          Originally posted by Jtels2593 View Post
                          Did you figure out the source of the problem?
                          of what the codes??


                          • #14
                            Re: Help!! With Weird heating problem

                            glad you were able to fix the problem.. the blower motor seems like it would have been the last thing.. but hey, i always over-think cars.

                            i tried to diagnose a jeep once, it wouldnt start unless you floored the gas pedal, i was almost positive it was the IAC, and it turned out to be spark plug wires and a new distributor cap


                            • #15
                              Re: Help!! With Weird heating problem

                              Originally posted by cam98aro View Post
                              glad you were able to fix the problem.. the blower motor seems like it would have been the last thing.. but hey, i always over-think cars.

                              i tried to diagnose a jeep once, it wouldnt start unless you floored the gas pedal, i was almost positive it was the IAC, and it turned out to be spark plug wires and a new distributor cap
                              yeaa!!..remember i asked you about the problem long ago..and i finally came around to fixing it since its getting warmer to be outside...i would never thought it to be the blower motor since i was getting some air...i wouldve changed the switch before the blower...glad its working now though!


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