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No Oil Pressure

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  • No Oil Pressure

    For a little background, I have a 2000 Camaro with a 3.8L V6, the car has approximately 73,000 miles, I just replaced the head gasket approximately 500 miles ago.
    I was coming home from work yesterday ending my 38 mile mostly highway trip, as I was slowing down on the off ramp my “check gauges” light came on. I looked at my gauges and noticed the oil gauge was at zero. The motor was not knocking or making any unusual noise, the engine temp was normal. I rev’ed the motor increasing the engine RPM and kept the oil pressure up for the 2 miles until I pulled into the driveway. I shut the car off and went to do the errands I had planned. I started the car later that night and the oil pressure remained at 60lbs for about 35 minutes, then the oil pressure dropped and the “check gauges” light came on again and began to flicker. The motor did not make any noise or begin to heat up(temp stayed at 210).
    My question what do you think could be my problem? oil pump? Regulator?
    Any ideas would be a great help, thank you for your time and suggestions.

  • #2
    Re: No Oil Pressure

    Maybe you'll luck out and it'll just be the oil sending unit. Im not sure what the symptoms are when one of those goes out. I wouldnt think it would be the oil gear drive (oil pump) since it seems pressure is coming and going. Another possibility would be foreign material in the pan or passages from the head gasket change.


    • #3
      Re: No Oil Pressure

      When I had this issue, it sort of resolved itself. I started using oil stabilizers and additives and it went away over the nest few months.


      • #4
        Re: No Oil Pressure

        well first off I need to ask the obvious, is there oil in the car and is it full?


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