how much does one cost? "estimate"
and also has anyone ever had one changed and if
so could you tell me how much it cost? reason i ask is mine is bad or so they say.
im so sick of my car right now, its been in and
out of shop for the past month and a half, first they thought it was the computer so they put a new computer in and reprogrammed it, was fine for a day or two, i got sick of my cat rattling and being clogged up so i ditched it thinking that would solve the problem, but nope, same damn thing, so i took it back to the shop and they said it was the fuel pump, put a lil tester gauge thing on it and it was at "10" i asked what it should be on, he said "40". they said they cant get to it till wed, tues at the earliest. im so sick of not having my car, i mean my parents let me borrow one of my dads but still i miss my damn already over $400 into it thinking, that for the computer and ditched running out of money....
oh heres the doesnt do it all the time, maybe 1-2 times every other month or so, it started about 5 mo ago, and this last time it did it it was about a month and a half ago.....ok i'll be cruisin along bout 65-70 doin the speed limit then all of a sudden i feel it losing power, bogging down, i'll give it gas and it does jack ****, it'll act like it wants to go, and go just a tad then bog down real bad like it wants to die, but doesnt actually die, so i had to pull over on the side of the hwy and kill it for about 10-15 min then start it up and it'd be fine for about 15-20 miles, then do the same damn thing. i was about 45 min from my house when it started f'ing up...i dont get it, i live in claremore and i was driving to tulsa, bout 45 min from here, i get a mile from where i was going and came to a stop light, stopped, light turned green, i gave it gas, and it just barely wanted to go..............i love it but if this doesnt fix it then im getting rid of the damn thing. :mad:
and also has anyone ever had one changed and if
so could you tell me how much it cost? reason i ask is mine is bad or so they say.
im so sick of my car right now, its been in and
out of shop for the past month and a half, first they thought it was the computer so they put a new computer in and reprogrammed it, was fine for a day or two, i got sick of my cat rattling and being clogged up so i ditched it thinking that would solve the problem, but nope, same damn thing, so i took it back to the shop and they said it was the fuel pump, put a lil tester gauge thing on it and it was at "10" i asked what it should be on, he said "40". they said they cant get to it till wed, tues at the earliest. im so sick of not having my car, i mean my parents let me borrow one of my dads but still i miss my damn already over $400 into it thinking, that for the computer and ditched running out of money....
oh heres the doesnt do it all the time, maybe 1-2 times every other month or so, it started about 5 mo ago, and this last time it did it it was about a month and a half ago.....ok i'll be cruisin along bout 65-70 doin the speed limit then all of a sudden i feel it losing power, bogging down, i'll give it gas and it does jack ****, it'll act like it wants to go, and go just a tad then bog down real bad like it wants to die, but doesnt actually die, so i had to pull over on the side of the hwy and kill it for about 10-15 min then start it up and it'd be fine for about 15-20 miles, then do the same damn thing. i was about 45 min from my house when it started f'ing up...i dont get it, i live in claremore and i was driving to tulsa, bout 45 min from here, i get a mile from where i was going and came to a stop light, stopped, light turned green, i gave it gas, and it just barely wanted to go..............i love it but if this doesnt fix it then im getting rid of the damn thing. :mad:
