DYNO---3.4L with Hypertech, before and after - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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DYNO---3.4L with Hypertech, before and after

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  • #31
    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by NSolano:

    I am wondering now, what are 3.8's putting out stock. I've read somewhere that we had between 165-170rwhp, I hope it's not lower than that.
    Good job with your car Russell, its impressive to see that your HP gains are that high and you might even hit 200 soon with some more mods.

    I know James Bawkey put his stock 3.8 95 maro on a dyno and it put out 156hp at the wheel. They said that the hp was still claiming and would be more if it weren't for the computer speed and rpm limiter.

    1998 Firebird . 1989 Firebird XS . 1986 Fiero GT


    • #32
      <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Skullcamaro:
      ...After the new intake and exhaust as well as the change in the water pump to electric and an Upgraded electrical system(alternator, battery, cables, etc). <hr></blockquote>

      dude chill.

      #1) even tho StockV6cam and i have had disagreements, i will even back him in saying he knows a lot of **** about the 3.4L OHV engine in the 93-95 fbodies. he knows his ****. yur pickin the wrong guy to try to bs.

      #2) ok now that thats done and over with im curious. how did you manage a electric water pump. who makes it, how much was it, can i see pictures? i know that when you eliminate certain accessories the hp will go up because less is being used to drive the things on the front of the car. anyway -- pictures and what not would help.

      also - your "intake" that you speak of. how is it different. if you include some ideas of what you've done differently it would help in a long way of proving what you are claiming. as it is. there have been a lot of 3.4L owners that have tried to break the 200 rwhp mark and so far no one has succeeded N/A. we all need a little proof before we believe that one person has done what 5-10 have tried and failed at.

      and dont say you are just that much smarter. all that does is make it look like you are lying even more.

      im not flaming here -- im just giving you advice on how to state your facts without pissing people off. you should try to follow it.

      would also be nice if you had links that worked too.

      just my .02


      hybrid - \'\'hI-br&d - The offspring of a cross between species.
      Co-Founder West Coast F-Bodies
      West Coast F-Bodies Car Club - WCFB Message Board


      • #33
        First I'm not starting any arguement at all. I really don't care if one person or a dozen doesn't believe something. To answer Russell question about the intake: I have a big block 93-97 hood. Since the collision/auto body was able to cut the front scoop on the hood I was able to to add a ram air filter in addition to the stock. Similar to the SS hoods that have ram air. Like I stated previously I do not know what the previous owner did or exactly what the repair shop did either. I do know that the repair shop did over 4,000-5,000 dollars in repair since the whole front end needed to be replaced as well as many other parts after I was hit.
        The electric remote mount water pump I used was the CSI brand and it came with a electric temp controller that you can program. For both it was around 150.00 since I got it with free shipping. Go to Summit or Jegs website and you can easily find them. They do give a significant boost if done correctly. The hardest part basically finding a mounting place that wouldn't get damaged and had enough clearance to reroute all the hoses. If you change you pulley ratio and change the belt size, or even remove the stock water pump completly you gain quite a bit of power back since like you said the engine doesn't have to work as hard and it doesn't have the same wide range in temp like the stock units.
        As far as StockV6cam goes. I have nothing to prove to him or anybody else. Like I said the numbers that were posted were low for that persons car. I never said anything about be smarter. I made a direct statement about my car and like I said any previous enhancements to the motor or drivetrain is unknown before I owned it. I wouldn't doubt that the previous owner made modifications to the car while he owned it. He had the money to do the modifications if he wanted to. I stated what my experience with my car has been nothing more nothing less. And as far as blue95 goes. Has is a remote mount water pump a bolt on. Have you done it. I didn't think so. Any none of this has to do with what the orginal member asked. Everybody is way to full of themselves and there so called knowledge or ideas. Get over it. I try to post some pics and stats when I get a chance. Unlike others I have stuff to do in my life.
        1994 Camaro<br />3.4L V6 Automatic<br />K&N FIPK&Gold Oil Filter,Ravin Performance Exhaustw/Dynomax MandrelBent3\"I-Pipe&S Pipe&Catco 3\" HiFlow Cat.,ASP Crank and High AMP Alternator,U.D. Pulley Set, Bosch Spark Plugs and Oxygen Sensors, Taylor Wires, B&M E.ShiftPlus, 160 thermostat,Zexel Torsen L.S.D., CSI Remote Mount Electric Water Pump & Temp. Controller & Flex Hoses, ALM. Drivshaft, Diamond SubFram Conn.<br />COMING SOON: 350 or 502 RAMJET ENGINE & Big Block Hood<br />NJ V6 F-Body Club<br /><a href=\"http://tristategm.com/NJFbV6/\" target=\"_blank\">http://tristategm.com/NJFbV6/</a><br />Street Lethal F-Body Association <br /><a href=\"http://www.slfba.com./index.html\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.slfba.com./index.html</a>


        • #34
          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Skullcamaro:
          First I'm not starting any arguement at all. I really don't care if one person or a dozen doesn't believe something. To answer Russell question about the intake: I have a big block 93-97 hood. Since the collision/auto body was able to cut the front scoop on the hood I was able to to add a ram air filter in addition to the stock. Similar to the SS hoods that have ram air.<hr></blockquote>

          Do you even know how the SS ram air works? If you're talking about the RKSport Big Block hood then it doesn't even have the molding underneath to redirect the air to the front of the engine like the OEM SS hoods do. And are you trying to say that you have ram air in addition to the stock intake? Why would you do that? Seems kind of retarded.

          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Like I stated previously I do not know what the previous owner did or exactly what the repair shop did either. I do know that the repair shop did over 4,000-5,000 dollars in repair since the whole front end needed to be replaced as well as many other parts after I was hit. <hr></blockquote>

          In order to pull numbers like those the other owner would have had to have completely built up the engine. As Russell said, no one has broken the 200rwhp barrier N/A. You definitely wouldn't do it with intake/exhaust and an electric water pump. When an auto body shop fixes a car, they don't sit there and say "hmm, well since we're fixing stuff, we might as well build it into a drag car."

          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>The electric remote mount water pump I used was the CSI brand and it came with a electric temp controller that you can program. For both it was around 150.00 since I got it with free shipping. Go to Summit or Jegs website and you can easily find them. They do give a significant boost if done correctly. The hardest part basically finding a mounting place that wouldn't get damaged and had enough clearance to reroute all the hoses. If you change you pulley ratio and change the belt size, or even remove the stock water pump completly you gain quite a bit of power back since like you said the engine doesn't have to work as hard and it doesn't have the same wide range in temp like the stock units.<hr></blockquote>

          So how did you hook yours up? You have the remote water pump, but what's in the stock WP's place? Did you just leave it there? You'd have to rig up a dummy pump which I'm not even sure if it'd work. I understand that not driving that accessory would help free up some HP, but not an incredible amount. And if you just left the stock pump there I doubt a remote one would help at all.

          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>As far as StockV6cam goes. I have nothing to prove to him or anybody else. Like I said the numbers that were posted were low for that persons car. I never said anything about be smarter. I made a direct statement about my car and like I said any previous enhancements to the motor or drivetrain is unknown before I owned it. I wouldn't doubt that the previous owner made modifications to the car while he owned it. He had the money to do the modifications if he wanted to.<hr></blockquote>

          Well, when you go making claims of having the highest rwhp N/A 3.4L in the country, I'd say you do have some stuff to prove. And you did indirectly talk about being smarter by telling me that I needed to read up on the 3.4L. Also, if the previous owner put all this money into making it a 225rwhp beast, the stock intake wouldn't still be on it would it? You'd know if it had a built engine when you bought it. Car dealerships don't even like taking completely built cars in for trade because the reliability of the car is in question.

          <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>I stated what my experience with my car has been nothing more nothing less. And as far as blue95 goes. Has is a remote mount water pump a bolt on. Have you done it. I didn't think so. Any none of this has to do with what the orginal member asked. Everybody is way to full of themselves and there so called knowledge or ideas. Get over it. I try to post some pics and stats when I get a chance. Unlike others I have stuff to do in my life.<hr></blockquote>

          Yes, a remote water pump is a bolt on. And on an automatic 3.4L, I'd say he was right around where he should be (maybe a little less, but only by 5-10hp at most). You say you never claimed to be smarter but in this last passage you say we're so full of our "so called knowledge or ideas." And you also say that unlike others [us] you have stuff to do in your life. So basically you're saying we have no lives and are stupid. Hmmm, good way to join the group. Please get some video of your car on the dyno, scan the dyno slips, and actually start showing proof instead of idiocy. It'd be greatly appreciated.
          ---<br />-\'95 3.4L M5 Camaro


          • #35
            SO you have a ram air setup similar to a SS? Isn't the SS air setup not as efficient as a CAI? Jsut a gimmick?

            I think you are the one that needs to calm down buddy, you are sounding like a 12 year old boy.


            • #36
              225rwhp, isn't that close to an lt1?
              1997 Firebird Convertable White, with custom Purple pin striping and custom Purple detailing!!!<br />Y87 Performance Package W68 Apperance Package<br />Boydes, aluminum rims 16\" BMR STB <br />SLP Cold Air Intake 3\"hiflow cat 3\" dynomax custom catback, 2.5\" Flowmaster 80. Slp Take off Shocks, Springs And Struts. Transgo shift kit with corvette servo!<br />Sony Explode CD Player Kicker Comp VR 12, and Explode 760Watt amp!!!<br />5% Tint on the side windows, Correction officially 2% on the side windows, or at least that is what the highpo said and 15% on my rear window<br />Yup Purdy Car!!


              • #37
                <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by StockV6Cam:

                Do you even know how the SS ram air works? If you're talking about the RKSport Big Block hood then it doesn't even have the molding underneath to redirect the air to the front of the engine like the OEM SS hoods do. And are you trying to say that you have ram air in addition to the stock intake? Why would you do that? Seems kind of retarded.

                I'll give him a little credit and say that he must be talking about the 96-97 style of SS ram air that used a filter mounted above the engine and ran a tube back around to the TB.

                <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by StockV6Cam:

                "hmm, well since we're fixing stuff, we might as well build it into a drag car."


                [ April 21, 2003: Message edited by: Amped96 ]</p>
                <b>Matt</b><br /><a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/member_pages/view_page.pl?page_id=377225&page=1\" target=\"_blank\">\'96 Camaro Z28 M6</a><br /><a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/member_pages/view_page.pl?page_id=377225&page=3\" target=\"_blank\">\'96 Camaro M5</a>


                • #38
                  First off I have never purchased anything from Rksport. Second the hood can be cut and in place have a screen mesh which prevents anything large from entering into the engine through that hole. Second like I had previously stated the people/owners of the repair shop are my friends and did additional things while the car was being repaired. The insurance company had nothing to do with the cost other then the main repairs caused by the accident. Anything else I paid for or the repair/collision shop did for me for free. Such as putting a new differential and new exhaust on and some reprogramming.
                  And no I did not say I was smarter or anything of the sort. I made that statement directed more towards you since you seem to have nothing better to do in your life then try to ***** about little details and try to twist words around.
                  The water pump actuall frees up quite a bit more power then that. Prior to the accident I removed the water pump completly. After it I had to have it redone since the remote mount one had to be removed when the car was being repaired. Try to get over it and move on with your life. Try to stick to your school work rather then trying to start arguments over a simple statement. Grow up and concentrate on your studies rather then. Complaining about every little word in a post. I said I have better and much more important things to do then constantly have to defend myself from the likes of you. Honest questions are fine but the crap and nit picking your doing is a waste of time.
                  1994 Camaro<br />3.4L V6 Automatic<br />K&N FIPK&Gold Oil Filter,Ravin Performance Exhaustw/Dynomax MandrelBent3\"I-Pipe&S Pipe&Catco 3\" HiFlow Cat.,ASP Crank and High AMP Alternator,U.D. Pulley Set, Bosch Spark Plugs and Oxygen Sensors, Taylor Wires, B&M E.ShiftPlus, 160 thermostat,Zexel Torsen L.S.D., CSI Remote Mount Electric Water Pump & Temp. Controller & Flex Hoses, ALM. Drivshaft, Diamond SubFram Conn.<br />COMING SOON: 350 or 502 RAMJET ENGINE & Big Block Hood<br />NJ V6 F-Body Club<br /><a href=\"http://tristategm.com/NJFbV6/\" target=\"_blank\">http://tristategm.com/NJFbV6/</a><br />Street Lethal F-Body Association <br /><a href=\"http://www.slfba.com./index.html\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.slfba.com./index.html</a>


                  • #39
                    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Skullcamaro:
                    First off I have never purchased anything from Rksport. Second the hood can be cut and in place have a screen mesh which prevents anything large from entering into the engine through that hole.<hr></blockquote>

                    Woah woah woah, are you saying that the hood is just open to the throttle body and the air flows through the hood into the TB? Not possible bud, most of those SS style hoods don't even come down right where the TB is and second of all you'd have no filter. Even if you did have a mesh screen wouldn't stop water or dust or small particles which are what is detrimental to an engine. Every time you post you just leave open more holes.

                    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Second like I had previously stated the people/owners of the repair shop are my friends and did additional things while the car was being repaired. The insurance company had nothing to do with the cost other then the main repairs caused by the accident. Anything else I paid for or the repair/collision shop did for me for free. Such as putting a new differential and new exhaust on and some reprogramming.<hr></blockquote>

                    Wow, that's a pretty damn cool shop that will put 400 dollars worth of parts and 400+ in programming in your car for free. Did you give the shop tech a BJ or something?

                    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>And no I did not say I was smarter or anything of the sort. I made that statement directed more towards you since you seem to have nothing better to do in your life then try to ***** about little details and try to twist words around.<hr></blockquote>

                    Actually, I just like to set people straight that are spewing false information on a board that's supposed to help people correctly modify their vehicle. I'd hate to see some kid spend his paycheck trying to put in an electric water pump hoping for a 50rwhp gain only to find out he's been had.

                    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>The water pump actuall frees up quite a bit more power then that. Prior to the accident I removed the water pump completly. After it I had to have it redone since the remote mount one had to be removed when the car was being repaired.<hr></blockquote>

                    What does removing it have anything to do with the power levels it puts out? The bottom line is that bypassing the water pump pulley will not give you 50rwhp. Won't even give you half of that. Probably won't even give you 1/5th of that. 1/10th would be pushing it.

                    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Try to get over it and move on with your life. Try to stick to your school work rather then trying to start arguments over a simple statement. Grow up and concentrate on your studies rather then. Complaining about every little word in a post. I said I have better and much more important things to do then constantly have to defend myself from the likes of you. Honest questions are fine but the crap and nit picking your doing is a waste of time.<hr></blockquote>

                    If you have better things to do then why are you still posting? I've littered my posts with honest questions only to be reimbursed with pure idiocy and false numbers. Like I said before, I'm not going to let some guy come on here with minimal bolt ons and claim massive HP numbers or make someone else think their car is putting down unusually low numbers. You want honest questions, here's honest questions. Please answer them all...

                    1) How exactly is your intake setup? Scetch, take a picture of, describe thoroughly your exact setup.

                    2) What rear gears do you have in the car? And what differential?

                    3) When the shop programmed your computer what exactly did they do? I'm not looking for exact perameters, just in general. Shouldn't be too hard for you to make up.

                    4) What times do you run? Anyone with a 225rwhp 3.4L F-Body would definitely have run at least once.

                    5) How exactly is your water pump setup done? Please take pictures of that as well. Is the stock water pump still there?

                    I think of more later when you can answer even half of those.
                    ---<br />-\'95 3.4L M5 Camaro


                    • #40
                      In the first place I did not state that the TB is just lined up with the hood and the mesh cutout. Their is a filter in between the cutout and the TB as well as a pipe/line.
                      You know what I have nothing more to say to a smart mouth little piece of **** who runs his mouth over details that aren't completly explained in the simplest terms. Since you show no respect to anything that has been said and to the person saying it then you can **** off. I had said that I would post stats and pictures of the setup but you had to continue to run your mouth because you are a little smart *** that has nothing better to do. You want respect and want stuff explained/showed to you thats fine. Instead you have to act like a jerk off with a bad ignorant attitude. So **** off. Plain and simple no more replies from me. I refuse to waste my time on a piece of trash that shows no respect. Get a life. This is done.
                      1994 Camaro<br />3.4L V6 Automatic<br />K&N FIPK&Gold Oil Filter,Ravin Performance Exhaustw/Dynomax MandrelBent3\"I-Pipe&S Pipe&Catco 3\" HiFlow Cat.,ASP Crank and High AMP Alternator,U.D. Pulley Set, Bosch Spark Plugs and Oxygen Sensors, Taylor Wires, B&M E.ShiftPlus, 160 thermostat,Zexel Torsen L.S.D., CSI Remote Mount Electric Water Pump & Temp. Controller & Flex Hoses, ALM. Drivshaft, Diamond SubFram Conn.<br />COMING SOON: 350 or 502 RAMJET ENGINE & Big Block Hood<br />NJ V6 F-Body Club<br /><a href=\"http://tristategm.com/NJFbV6/\" target=\"_blank\">http://tristategm.com/NJFbV6/</a><br />Street Lethal F-Body Association <br /><a href=\"http://www.slfba.com./index.html\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.slfba.com./index.html</a>


                      • #41
                        Wow, all I wanted was to find out how my numbers stacked up. I didn't know I was going to start an argument. I think we should all hold hands. [img]tongue.gif[/img]
                        95 Camaro 3.4L A4<br />Bosch plugs/MSD wires, K&N FIPK , Magnaflow catback, hi-flo cat, B&M Shift+, Dee\'s spacer<br />Kenwood KDX-859, eXcelon Amps, Infinity Kappa 3-way doors and Perfect10 sub<br /><a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/harbins95\" target=\"_blank\">Behold, the raw fury that is known as the 3.4!!!</a>


                        • #42
                          While I can understand you not appreciating the attacks, you do realize an easy solution don't you? Provide some more information. Instead of dodging the questions with your responses, why not supply us with some more details. If you don't care whether people believe you or not, fine. But I would like to know how you did it so that it could be repeated. Factory freaks don't make 40% more power than other cars. Even on LS1's you are looking at ~15hp-30hp more max, as in dynoing at 310hp instead of say an average of 290hp. That is less than 10%. That would be believable. If you had the car dynoed 4 times, you should still have some paperwork from it that you could use to back up your story.

                          Once you provide some details and proof the attacks would fanish and people would be impressed!! But to this point you have simply thrown out some numbers. When people ask how you did it, you give some vague info like "a doctor was the previous owner", and "the shop did some other stuff when it was fixed". Someone asks you about your intake, and you start talking about an SS hood. The problem is that people have been purposefully trying to max out the potential of these cars and haven't gotten close to the numbers you seem to think are average. I noticed you are in the same NJ club as a number of members on this boardMembers List. Surely some of them could provide support for you if your statements were valid.


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