right. that is where scavenging comes into play. That is the effect of the gasses actualy getting pulled out. The better teh scavenging the better the flow is pulled from the motor. This helps you make more power. Like I said. a lot goes into exhaust therory. I am no where near understanding it all myself. There are several good books on it such as Scientific Design of Exhaust & Intake Systems. like I said. there is a lot to it. you could spend 2 years learing how to just make the very best exhaust setup for your car to make the very most power possible.
Once you understand things like.. pressure pulse, reflection, sonic pulses and wavelength in the exhaust system.. you will be ahead of the game and understand a lo more then you ever thought you would about exhaust.
Once you understand things like.. pressure pulse, reflection, sonic pulses and wavelength in the exhaust system.. you will be ahead of the game and understand a lo more then you ever thought you would about exhaust.