here's my situation:
my car will start and run fine for about 20mins or until it gets nice a warm. no knocking, no loss of power, nothing. then after 20mins it runs like crap. engine starts to knock, idles real rough, and will die when i put it out of gear into nuetral, like during a shift from gear to gear, and i lose power. i've tried new plug wires, haven't done new plugs yet because they are about a year old. i checked my distributors for good spark and they seem to be ok. i thought it might've been a bad cat, but i've got a new one on it right now, so it can't be that. can anybody out there help me out? i'd hate to have to take my car to the dealership and get over charged. i just wanna be able to drive my car again. thanks in advance.
my car will start and run fine for about 20mins or until it gets nice a warm. no knocking, no loss of power, nothing. then after 20mins it runs like crap. engine starts to knock, idles real rough, and will die when i put it out of gear into nuetral, like during a shift from gear to gear, and i lose power. i've tried new plug wires, haven't done new plugs yet because they are about a year old. i checked my distributors for good spark and they seem to be ok. i thought it might've been a bad cat, but i've got a new one on it right now, so it can't be that. can anybody out there help me out? i'd hate to have to take my car to the dealership and get over charged. i just wanna be able to drive my car again. thanks in advance.