OBD I ECM Scanning / Logging using a PDA - do they exist? - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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OBD I ECM Scanning / Logging using a PDA - do they exist?

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  • OBD I ECM Scanning / Logging using a PDA - do they exist?

    I have been to sites such as:
    OBD I Scanning using a laptop and will be purchasing this from "Steve" I believe, if there is nothing that pans out for the PDA route. He's working on one, but development is really slow due to other priorities on the table.
    Plus, you really cant beat the cost of the one listed above.


    Those that have an OBD I ECM, and are using a PDA for a scan tool, where did you get it, how much was it, and can you please post your thoughts / concerns on the functionality of the item.


  • #2
    What years will the ODBI be out for? The link you listed is not working, I guess their sight is down.

    So far, I have not been able to find anything close to what you are talking about. All of the laptop and PDA scan tools I have see are for ODB II.

    How much is the one you are talking about?

    I will have to check back with the link to see if it works later.
    UAH FSAE<br />Chief Engineer<br /> <a href=\"http://chargermotorsports.com\" target=\"_blank\">http://chargermotorsports.com</a> <br /> <a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/camaronat\" target=\"_blank\">http://members.cardomain.com/camaronat</a>


    • #3
      it's for alll the OBD I, and yes, it seems that his servers are having a few issues.

      Pricing it was about 1oo total for the whole kit and kabootle.



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