opinion on spark plugs? - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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opinion on spark plugs?

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  • opinion on spark plugs?

    i was hopping to get an updated opinion on spark plugs. im ganna get the msd wires and was wanting to get opinions on spark plugs
    2000 3.8 A4 Pewter Camaro

  • #2
    ngk iridium

    although you have a 2000 so changing the plugs isnt a greast hassle so you could consider a copper plug


    • #3
      Bosch +4's ,only one to show a ACTUAL HP Increase!NGK iridium Jap Hype by those who think they do everthing better.Why did they get the *%#$ kicked out of them in WW2,superior stuff?


      • #4
        They are superior technology wise. WWII was 60 years ago dumbass. Japans is more advanced then we are. Ever hear of the story that the US's smallest drillbit was sent over to Japan....and came back with a hole drilled in it. I highly recommend NGK Iridium too...heard to many bad stories about the Boschs.
        <a href=\"http://www.onid.orst.edu/~waltejam/\" target=\"_blank\">98 Bright Red Camaro</a><br />Too many mods to list....check my website


        • #5
          i just put in MSD wires and NGK plugs and boom! i got back and then some all the pep in my firebird. i highly recomend the NGK's. Fabulous pices of plug...NGK's are a nice plug. and the MSD are most excellent Ted. FUK Japan man... they got rice but they lack force. They do sell good chinese food. I love those egg rolls...
          Heady Navy Blue Metalic<br />Heady Catback Flowmasters<br />Heady Bilstien HDs, PAnhard rod, LCAs,SFCs<br />NGK\'s and MSD Wires, K&N flowin + Smooth Bellow<br />Y87 3800 GT Performance.<br />I love the way this car makes turns!<br /><br />1989 black Camoaro RS. R.I.P.


          • #6
            mmmmm.... egg rolls....
            Heady Navy Blue Metalic<br />Heady Catback Flowmasters<br />Heady Bilstien HDs, PAnhard rod, LCAs,SFCs<br />NGK\'s and MSD Wires, K&N flowin + Smooth Bellow<br />Y87 3800 GT Performance.<br />I love the way this car makes turns!<br /><br />1989 black Camoaro RS. R.I.P.


            • #7
              I tried NGKs TR-55s for the first time I have had no problems and have only heard good things... GOt a ittle pep back and lost my occasional misfire problem. Also through in some MSD wires and some heat sleeves, since I have seen people have problems with heat on 3.8LS prematurely killing plugs and wires.

              but honeslty spark plugs are spark plugs... I have tried many over the years, only difference I ever noticed was a set of bosch platinums that wore out quicker then other sets I ahve used.


              • #8
                The fire is back Ba Be! NGK is The sgh'it
                Heady Navy Blue Metalic<br />Heady Catback Flowmasters<br />Heady Bilstien HDs, PAnhard rod, LCAs,SFCs<br />NGK\'s and MSD Wires, K&N flowin + Smooth Bellow<br />Y87 3800 GT Performance.<br />I love the way this car makes turns!<br /><br />1989 black Camoaro RS. R.I.P.


                • #9
                  I use autolites, best all around plug for the price.
                  <b><a href=\"http://members.cox.net/95batmobile/d86f.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">Sinister Six©</b></a><br /><a href=\"http://www.sounddomain.com/id/95batmobile\" target=\"_blank\">My \'95 Bird</a><br />I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.


                  • #10
                    *** hole Speedy take it light!Why you buy F- bod then ,go get a rice Burner!

                    [ May 18, 2004, 05:19 AM: Message edited by: geocor ]


                    • #11
                      Do any japanese cars have Night vision,Head-up display,I heard they bought GM's traction controll sys.Ya we in America are soooo behind ,don't you think some technology bleeds over from our NASA & military technology to our vehicles.Ya the Japanese are so far ahead I guess the Mars Rover is their Design.Screw their drill bits, no better yet drill with 'em.


                      • #12
                        hey thanks guys. i'll definatly do the NGK iridium and the 8.5mm MSD wires.....or is 8.0? o' well, i'll look later. thanks again. i know its stupid but, is it going to easy to ge them? go into an autozone and say i need those plugs for my 2000 3.8 camaro and voila? or is there a specific size? i just want to make sure i get the right ones.
                        2000 3.8 A4 Pewter Camaro


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by geocor:
                          Do any japanese cars have Night vision,Head-up display,I heard they bought GM's traction controll sys.Ya we in America are soooo behind ,don't you think some technology bleeds over from our NASA & military technology to our vehicles.Ya the Japanese are so far ahead I guess the Mars Rover is their Design.Screw their drill bits, no better yet drill with 'em.
                          What...so they don't pour tons of money into a robot that isn't going to do anyone any good. Did you happen to hear how we ****ed **** up on the first mars rover mission....pretty ****ing expensive unit conversion error. I don't like import cars numbnuts....do you think I would drive a Camaro if I did. Try reading the topic and stick to it....sounds like most people here are happy with the "Jap hype" spark plugs anyway.
                          <a href=\"http://www.onid.orst.edu/~waltejam/\" target=\"_blank\">98 Bright Red Camaro</a><br />Too many mods to list....check my website


                          • #14
                            I can't believe you all missed this

                            Originally posted by HeadyFirebird'00:
                            FUK Japan man... they got rice but they lack force. They do sell good chinese food. I love those egg rolls...
                            Chinese food in Japan? Probably not as good as Chinese food in China.

                            I have NGK iridium, also changed wires (Tay 8mm) at the same time so hard to say which had more effect. Acceleration smoothed out, that's all I noticed. Im going to take them out this weekend and see how they look re: heat range.
                            01 Camaro A4 Convertible


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by BLLDOGG:
                              hey thanks guys. i'll definatly do the NGK iridium and the 8.5mm MSD wires.....or is 8.0? o' well, i'll look later. thanks again. i know its stupid but, is it going to easy to ge them? go into an autozone and say i need those plugs for my 2000 3.8 camaro and voila? or is there a specific size? i just want to make sure i get the right ones.
                              You want the 8.5mm wires, and they won't have them at autozone. You will have to order them from here http://www.ftpp.net/
                              If they do carry wires at autozone, you will probably have to put them together yourself which will require a $65 set of crimpers. They come with a crimping "tool" but its worthless. You're better off ordering a set that is already made for you car.
                              Autzone should have the plugs though..
                              <b><a href=\"http://members.cox.net/95batmobile/d86f.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">Sinister Six©</b></a><br /><a href=\"http://www.sounddomain.com/id/95batmobile\" target=\"_blank\">My \'95 Bird</a><br />I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.


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