just ran my car 400 miles at 100+mph..things to look out for - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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just ran my car 400 miles at 100+mph..things to look out for

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  • just ran my car 400 miles at 100+mph..things to look out for

    The topic says it. my baby performed beautiful on my recent trip from st.petersburg to palm city florida. most of the trip i was 90mph or above sometimes reaching 110. i know i know. i should drive more responsible but whatever they were empty highways. what i am wondering is there anything i should check and or replace after a grueling trip like that. im going to change the oil next week and clean the air filter. anything else to look out for?
    1996 White Camaro 3.8<p>y87 package, SLP CAI, Taylor Spiro wires, Rapidfire plugs, blackouts, one kick *** stereo

  • #2
    yes, there is something to look out for...

    FHP ;)


    • #3
      especially the 200 or so Z28s they just ordered. I've seen a few of them on the road and damn do they look bad *** . I wonder if any of them have N2O in them for that...just in case...really fast car they need to chase. [img]tongue.gif[/img]


      • #4
        might want to check oil level and coolant levels..

        long periods of high speed driving are hell on coolant and oil

        im sure you will be just fine

        Jeff W


        • #5
          Check the above things that were listed plus your tire pressure and check for any leaks, etc. You never know if stuff from the highway that could have bounced up and hit the underside of you car without your knowledge. I'm sure you car would be fine, but its better safe then sorry. I just had a long trip and my exhaust pipe became loose due to road junk and my pinion seal on my differential and stuff has some problem(s). Like I already said, its better safe then sorry. good luck
          1994 Camaro<br />3.4L V6 Automatic<br />K&N FIPK&Gold Oil Filter,Ravin Performance Exhaustw/Dynomax MandrelBent3\"I-Pipe&S Pipe&Catco 3\" HiFlow Cat.,ASP Crank and High AMP Alternator,U.D. Pulley Set, Bosch Spark Plugs and Oxygen Sensors, Taylor Wires, B&M E.ShiftPlus, 160 thermostat,Zexel Torsen L.S.D., CSI Remote Mount Electric Water Pump & Temp. Controller & Flex Hoses, ALM. Drivshaft, Diamond SubFram Conn.<br />COMING SOON: 350 or 502 RAMJET ENGINE & Big Block Hood<br />NJ V6 F-Body Club<br /><a href=\"http://tristategm.com/NJFbV6/\" target=\"_blank\">http://tristategm.com/NJFbV6/</a><br />Street Lethal F-Body Association <br /><a href=\"http://www.slfba.com./index.html\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.slfba.com./index.html</a>


          • #6
            <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by NBMA4V6:
            might want to check oil level and coolant levels..

            long periods of high speed driving are hell on coolant and oil

            im sure you will be just fine

            Yeah, but if he has a M5, than wouldn't he be in 5th gear the whole time, keeping the RPMs fairly low?
            --<b>David</b>--<br /><a href=\"http://bryant2.bryant.edu/~dsantore/index.htm\" target=\"_blank\">The <b>NEW</b> V6Bird Website!</a> <br /><a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/thev6bird\" target=\"_blank\">Cardomain site</a><br />ΔX


            • #7
              Speed limieter in 5th gear on my car hits around 3500 RPMs.

              Whether you drive hard or not I think you should always check fluids before nad after a trip jsut so you are not stranded.

              hehe I managed to get form my apartment in orlando to my house in Ft. Lauderdale in 2 hours and 20 min. I averaged like 93 mph the whole trip, thats includes surface streets. i was tyring everything possible to keep the car jsut below the rev limiter.

              Anyone ever push the clutch in at the moment your speed limiter kicks in? its cool all oyu guages go dead, temp, amp, oil pressure, tach, and speedo, engage clutch and it all works back to normal. Its kinda wierd but cool.


              • #8
                <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MustangEater8251:
                Anyone ever push the clutch in at the moment your speed limiter kicks in? its cool all oyu guages go dead, temp, amp, oil pressure, tach, and speedo, engage clutch and it all works back to normal. Its kinda wierd but cool.<hr></blockquote>


                sounds like something I would try! :D


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