Factory alarm bugging out!! - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Factory alarm bugging out!!

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  • Factory alarm bugging out!!

    This is on my brother's 97 3.8 Camaro vert A4, 70K on the odo.

    The factory alarm has been flipping out recently, going off when nothing has touched it! This has happened 4 times: twice just sitting out in the driveway (NO ONE touched it I am positive, no bird poo either), once at my track practice, and once during my school day (you're required to be in classes, you can't "skip" and walk outside...I KNOW no one did anything to it)

    How can I fix this problem? I am afraid to park it because it will just randomley go off. Help! :(
    --<b>David</b>--<br /><a href=\"http://bryant2.bryant.edu/~dsantore/index.htm\" target=\"_blank\">The <b>NEW</b> V6Bird Website!</a> <br /><a href=\"http://members.cardomain.com/thev6bird\" target=\"_blank\">Cardomain site</a><br />ΔX

  • #2
    Mine used to do that. The alarm control module is located in the wheelwell with the spare tire. It is a little black box and there should be a piece of red tape covering the adjustment knob. Take off the tape and turn it all the way to the left. (it might be to the right) Turn it all the way, arm the alarm, and tap the car. If it goes off, turn it the other way :D That fixed my problem. The owners manual will tell you where everything is exactly.
    <br /><br /> <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/nitroxxx28\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/nitroxxx28</a>


    • #3
      I've already reset the sensitivity before so I know that its not to sensitive. Can figure out what this is?
      <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/marky82\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/marky82</a>


      • #4
        Under the glove compartment area of the dash are 3 relays, they control the alarm. If they get water in them, the relays don't function correctly. I just helped a friend fix his the past weekend. I would clean the relays and see if it stops it, if it does, that will only be a temporary fix, you will eventually have to replace those relays.

        Good luck.
        97 Silver Bird<br />3.8 M5 Bone Stock Engine<br />15.528 @ 88.96 bone stock<br /><a href=\"http://www.fbodyenhancements.com/\" target=\"_blank\">www.fbodyenhancements.com/</a>


        • #5
          hmm.. good info jack.. what exactly did you do to "fix it"?

          I will look into checking those out.. i have allways had problems with my car when it got below freezing out..
          cold-&gt; condnesation-&gt; alarm goes off in the middle of the night-&gt; angry neighbors-&gt; dead billy...

          lol.. have any PN's for those relays?


          [ April 28, 2003: Message edited by: AllTheGoodNamesAreGone ]</p>


          • #6
            <a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/marky82\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.cardomain.com/id/marky82</a>


            • #7
              my alarm goes off after i arm it, but if i press the panic button it will stay quiet till i get ready to drive the car again, what can i do to get it working right again? relays or sensetivity problems or what?


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