Well, after feeling the car up with 93 octane (have Stage 2 Jet Chip) from Texaco, where I always get my gas. I drove my car on the interstate into a small city, back on the interstate. I say all together I put 30 miles on my car. Most of them was on the interstate. Well, I get on the off ramp and go to the end and wait on the red light. Well, all of a sudden my SES light comes on. I was like, what the. Well, I get to a close place and pull over (Food City parking lot) and pull out my car manual. It says the SES light has to due with the emission control system. It states that if the light is flashing then you have misfire, welp, thank goodness the light is not flashing. The light just stays on. So it's with the emission control system. It said if you have just recently put fuel in your car, make sure the gas cap is on good. So, I take the gas cap off and put it back on, I'm about sure I let it click 3 times if not more. It says that a few driving trips with the cap on, the SES light should go off. Well, how long is a few trips, i drove around 150 miles after i reclosed the gas cap. I have not done any new mods to my car in about 2 months, and the light has not turned on the entire time I've had my car, nor since the last mod. My cat. rattles from time to time, so maybe some of it broke off (I have a high flow cat installed, I've only got around 11,000 miles on the high flow cat) and is causing the SES light??? Also, the cat. rattle not long after I had it installed. It has never gave me any codes. I have no idea. Need some input on this thanks for any help. 
[ May 27, 2002: Message edited by: Guardiannknight ]</p>

[ May 27, 2002: Message edited by: Guardiannknight ]</p>