EVAP and charcoal canister questions.. - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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EVAP and charcoal canister questions..

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  • EVAP and charcoal canister questions..

    ok I failed emissions 1995 3.4l A4. I have no codes at all. My gas tank didn't hiss when they took the cap off. (That is the extent of the gas cap test.) I was told my EVAP system is not holding presure. I do smell a bit of gas from the rear but its not in the interior so from everyhitng I read the canister going bad would cause gas smell in the interior so I'm thinking thats ok?

    I also tested the vaccum limiter thing (round plastic piece with two larger lines and once small line connected to a tee)I tested it by connecting a vaccum pump to the small line at the tee. It held pressure fine so according to the books I have its fine but.. I can blow through the larger lines even if it has no vaccum present. could that be the problem? Is there any online source that can help with the f-bodies specifically? I've found many diagrams but none that have the same setup as the f-bodys.

    Also I just want to be sure that there is supposed to be one line comming off the canister that connects to nothing and that line when its running constantly pulls fresh air? when I plug when the car is running the idle changes like I'm pluging a vaccum leak. if I plug this line the tank holds pressure fine and the cap hisses whn I pull it off.

    I hope somebody can help or point me to some good info.

    [ September 15, 2003: Message edited by: SixVi6-Camaro ]</p>
    John -Acrophobic V6 racing-<br />\"Yeah, its a Z28, I just removed 1/4 of the engine to save weight.\"

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