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  • 4 hrs later...

    I finally finished my making and installing my Manual Fan Switch and I have 4 comments.

    1) Thanks Brian for your excellent writeup (sorry but I forgot your nickname on this board).

    2) Pushing those wires through the firewall is a royal pain.

    3) Invest the time and solder your connections. Those things don't move now PERIOD.

    4) Doing this on the 1st Real Sunny 4th in WA for a long time isn't such a great idea, especially if you don't have a garage and are outside the whole time.
    <a href=\"http://members.cox.net/95batmobile/d86f.jpg\" target=\"_blank\">Sinister Six</a> <br /><b><a href=\"http://www.cardomain.com/id/c_o_jones\" target=\"_blank\">Cardomain</a></b><br />--This doesn\'t change the fact that I am ~The Guru~ who still kicks puppies...

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  • 2.8 Bird
    Good to see the site is back up
    by 2.8 Bird
    So there going to be anything new or update to the site since Bill is now the owner?

    I know there's still alot of interest in the fbody V6....
    3 days ago
  • FirebirdGT
    New Site Hosting Issues
    by FirebirdGT
    All - sorry but there seems to be some glitches from moving to a new Host - hopefully they will be fixed soon.

    If needed you can email me...
    2 weeks ago

