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Help me with my engine

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  • Help me with my engine

    ok, I'm putting a 95, 3.4 in my miata. I dont know the engine much... and i'm just a work at home mechanic, I need some things indentified.

    first off... the pulleys.. am I wright with my list there?

    Pulley picture

    1. crankshaft
    2. power steering???
    3. water pump???
    4. tensioner???
    5. alternator
    6. tensioner???

    Next... I will be making my own exhaust headers, but need to know what some of this goofy stuff is, what it does, and if its necessary...

    Pipe pic 1
    pipe pic 2

    Last this looks like some sort of celenoid. what the heck is the purpose of this getup and do I need it?
    What is this thingy?
    \"Madison\" White \'91 Miata

  • #2
    i believ the "thingy" is your egr.
    flowmaster 80<br />catco highflow cat<br />b&m ripper<br />homemade cai<br />accel 8.5 mm wires<br />hypertech 160 thermostat<br />reprogrammed PCM<br />rockford fosgate and sony<br />centerforce dual friction clutch<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


    • #3
      pullys..correct accept 6 is an idler pully. not a tensioner
      flowmaster 80<br />catco highflow cat<br />b&m ripper<br />homemade cai<br />accel 8.5 mm wires<br />hypertech 160 thermostat<br />reprogrammed PCM<br />rockford fosgate and sony<br />centerforce dual friction clutch<br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


      • #4
        Originally posted by venom:
        i believ the "thingy" is your egr.
        what does the egr do? is it necessary? I find it hard to believe they would include all this on aftermarket headers.
        \"Madison\" White \'91 Miata


        • #5
          yes, that "thingy" is an egr valve... egr is short for exhaust gas recirculating valve. it's an emmissions device.
          No offense man, but if you are asking questions like whats a water pump and a power steering pump, how are you gonna pull off this swap? I mean, have you thought of things like motor mounts, transmission adaptors, wiring harnesses, hoses, etc? I mean, you are lookin at a very large project and if you arent fully versed in atuomotive knowledge, you'll be very frustrated with this... i do wish you the best of luck though if you go through with it.
          Phill<br /><br />95 camaro... need money for turbo project... <br />94 S10 Blazer - winter beater - infinity system to be installed soon<br /><br />\"The man who says it cant be done should not interrupt the man doing it...\"


          • #6
            camaroman1181, hes not asking what all those things are, hes asking if those are the things the pulley needs to pretty sure theres a egr valve delete kit,not 100% sure though.ill get back to you.good luck and keep us updated.

            EDIT:heres a recent link to a egr delete tread.

            [ May 06, 2005, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: loser ]
            1998 bright red camaro ,M5 ,Y87 ,stock<br /><br />Originally posted by Rune:<br />If it smells like a turd and looks like a turd, chances are its probably not a candy bar.


            • #7
              ok, i might not know what the power steering looks like on a camaro V6, having never folowed the stuff... but I'm not a monkey, its not hard to just read and learn. Thats like telling someone who has never played with lego that he'll never be able to fit 2 pieces together. haha... dont worry, i'll get it. I just wanted to make sure what I think things are is right.

              Yes, I am gonna have to worry about mounts, how hard can it be to weld a couple peices of metal? I know someone with experience anyways.

              yes wiring, etc etc! I'll be asking lots of questions from you guyz soon!!

              thanks a lot so far!!

              oh yeah, and once again... what about this thing?
              thingy #2
              \"Madison\" White \'91 Miata


              • #8
                i would think it would be better to build up your current engine, maybe a turbocharger or supercharger. You could easily get the 160 horsepower that the 3.4 liter motor has(don't the mazdaspeed mx5's have like 180). On top of being a lot of work to swap in you will messup your miatas great balance with that heavy engine in the front. Of course it would be different and if thats what your set on then by all means good luck.
                the black 97 <br /> New favorite Mods: Hptuners, and SLP 2OTL


                • #9
                  hey, thats cool man, i just wanted to make sure you know what you are gettin into... thats a hell of a unique swap you're trying... you ever consider swappin that engine for a rotary? i've seen that done once or twice and its pretty awesome.. good luck with everything..
                  Phill<br /><br />95 camaro... need money for turbo project... <br />94 S10 Blazer - winter beater - infinity system to be installed soon<br /><br />\"The man who says it cant be done should not interrupt the man doing it...\"


                  • #10
                    I already have the engine so there is no going back. there are like 3 or 4 ppl that have done this V6 swap in the USA, I am talking to one of them all the time for knowledge on it.

                    The V6 actually sits farther back then the 4, creating a more even weight balance. The 4 is also an Iron block and weighs almost the same aparently.

                    The V6 will also allow me to run more horsepower reliably. I am shooting for 300HP after mild turbo.

                    The rotary has been done, but they are expensive... I just wanted some american muscle sound.
                    \"Madison\" White \'91 Miata


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