retarded idle part 2......please read... - Message Board


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retarded idle part 2......please read...

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  • retarded idle part 2......please read...

    Well this morning, things all came together.

    I was driving, right in the morning, car in drive, foot off brake, guess what, IDLE SURGES. I hit the brakes, idle still surges. I let the car go 3mph in Drive (car is an automatic) and the surging begins.

    Now....I was thinking, what does your throttle position sensor do? How can you tell if it is going bad? If I gas the car and let off really quick, the idle surges (dips down, jumps up) until it comes under control by me giving it gas.

    I think when I brake, I notice it because that seemed the only way I could get it to stop. Or when I give it gas it stops.

    I am thinking it is something with the TPS sensor. I dunno how true this is, or how to test it, but I am running out of choices and options, and I'd like to get this fixed.

    Please help guys!

  • #2
    I have the same problem, it could be multiple things
    It could also be the MAP sensor, IAT, plug, wire, coil, vacuume line(PITA)

    if you find out what it is, let me know.


    • #3
      Got new plugs, taylor wires. No new coil though. I've replaced the IAC, ECT, EGR trying to fix this. The IAT might be next along with the TPS if they aren't too expensive. I have looked for vaccum leaks and haven't found any. I've also been told to check MAP sensor, but that this is just a PITA to wreach, play with.

      I am going to get the TPS and the IAT sesnor and see if that helps anything. I'll let you know.



      • #4
        if this happens when the car is in gear, replace your MAF (not MAP...MAF) sensor. I had a similar problem when it was in drive. From neutral to drive it would bang into gear and then go from 400RPM to 1200RPM up and down.


        • #5
          Our 1993-95 I think don't have MAF sensors, the only intake sesnors are the Idle air control, Throttle position sensor, and Intake air tempeture sensor. If it isn't those, it has to be map sensor or vaccum leak. I am going to replace the IAT and the TPS sensor today (hehe send girlfriend to get them) and then we'll try this shiznat out.

          Any other ideas to what could be wrong please let me know. I'm dying to fix this without spending loads on a mechinic to diag it and fix it. The sensors should cost me like $70 with tax, so no biggy.

          Thanks for trying to help guys,


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