how do fix....... - Message Board


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how do fix.......

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  • how do fix.......

    my headlight gear is stripping.... i took everything apart (big pain in the a$$) flipped the gear around, at least i think so. put it all back together, and tried it out. it doen't work at all now. no nothing. the motor is running ,atleast i can't hear anything. i took the motor part of the gear box and i am guessing that, that is the problem. i noticed that i put the motor on facing the other way, would that have anything to do with it? also when i took the motor off, there were 2 little springs there, where do they go? i am so lost and don't know what to do. someone please help me.

  • #2
    You need to assembly the motor exactly as you disassemblied it. My guess about the spring is that they are the contact springs. They push the brushes against the magnet and that is what makes it spin. Without those springs, nothing will happen.


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