Turn signals not working for sqaut?? WTF - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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Turn signals not working for sqaut?? WTF

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  • Turn signals not working for sqaut?? WTF

    OK, so i got in an accident (got rear-ended) the other day and a day later i heard a little sizzling comming from the back of my car.. as if something was completing a circut that wasent ment too..

    anyway a little later i noticed that my left hand turn signal was not operating correctly..

    SO far i have checked all the fuses and they all look good..

    I also tested a bit with the lighting..
    -just driving along my driver (left) side DRL/turn signal is not turning on (but the bulb is not burnt out)..

    - press unlock on the key fob and everything works like normal (including front drl/turn signal)

    - if i turn on the left turn indicator the rear light turns on but dosent flash (drl dosent turn on)

    - right side turn indicator works as normal

    - if i turn on the hazzards the rear lights flash like normal (front left DRL/turn signal dosent turn on)..

    So... any ideas what wrong? is there a relay somewhere that controls all that junk?

    are there any wires running behind the bumber that may have been jacked??

    thanks yall,

    [ May 14, 2003: Message edited by: AllTheGoodNamesAreGone ]</p>

  • #2
    accidents suck


    • #3
      I really need help with this one ppl..

      anyone have any advice?



      • #4
        there's usually a blinker module that makes them blink. you need to get a test light and do some troubleshooting. that blink, blink, blink, you hear is from the module. if that blew, you need a new one. it's usually a part that's under the dash and isn't terribly expensive. i haven't ever gotten into the one on our cars, but i've replaced them on other cars.


        • #5
          I have the same problem with my front turn signals. I even replaced the bulbs and they still don't work...I was getting ready to take it to the dealer when my brother said it might be the flasher under the dash.


          • #6
            hmm, let me know how it goes..

            I have some time to kill while my car get its body work done..

            how old is your car.. year/miles..

            mine is a 2000 with like 38,000.. seems a little early for that to blow out.. that is why i think it was related to the accident..



            • #7
              From your description, it sounds as if the problem is in the front driver's side, 20W filament of the bulb. Try putting a new bulb in that position to see if it works. The remote lock/unlock does not turn on the 20W filament of the bulb, only the 7W filament. The bulb might not appear "burnt" if the filament is broken and sometimes a broken filament is not detectable by the human eye.
              Jason McCallister, Founder & Webmaster<br /><a href=\"http://www.wtfba.org\" target=\"_blank\">West Tennessee F-Body Association, Inc.</a><br /><br />2000 Camaro - <a href=\"http://www.wtfba.org/site/view_member.php?ID=68\" target=\"_blank\">Details</a>


              • #8
                Yeah.. you are totaly right jason..

                thanks again, but! i figured it out today.. we were stairing at it contemplating buying that relay switch.. then we were like WTF.. that light is not turning on (well sorta).. so thats gota be it..

                I am going to swap out the bulb tommarow.. I will post here about how it went..

                any one have any idea how to get the lager bulb out? I was fealing around blindly from the top and i coulded find the harness.. i felt the wires.. but no harness.. is there some trick to it?
                i shuld probably just do it from under the car through the flap..

                FYI a little info from the haynes manual..
                when toruble shooting a problem like this.. if the lights flash on either side, or for the hazzards, its probably not the relay.. its a bulb..

                if it WONT flash for ANY signal/hazzards it definatly the relay..


                [ May 17, 2003: Message edited by: AllTheGoodNamesAreGone ]</p>


                • #9
                  yep, replaced that bulb any everything works great now!

                  That bulb is a PITA to get out but i am glad i dident do anything crazy like take it to the dealership.. lol.. that would have sucked.. it probably would have cost be $60 to get a light bulb changed.. lol.. i hate those guys..



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