I replaced my manifold O2 sensors this weekend. Bought Bosch sensors before hand and started the project Friday after work. Replaced my tie-rod ends first then moved onto the sensors. Of course, by the time I got the first one out and realized that the replacement sensors did not have the same connector, it was 8:45 and Advance closes at 9:00. Run over there just in time, and after a lot of hastle and brain storming, find out that they did give me the correct part, just somehow my 97 uses model year 98 O2 sensors in the manifolds. :mad: Which they only had one of. :mad:
What the hell is the deal. So far, my 97 firebird has a model year 96 tranny and model year 98 sensors.
What the hell is the deal. So far, my 97 firebird has a model year 96 tranny and model year 98 sensors.