Helllpppp!!!! - FirebirdV6.com/CamaroV6.com Message Board


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  • Helllpppp!!!!

    We got a ton of rain in Houston and while driving home I had to drive thru a bit of deep water. I was fine until the F**ker in front of me just decided to hit the brakes and come to a complete stop.

    Well my car stalled. The drive home I had no AC , no power and hesitation and my SES light was on with code 86 A/D error (book says take the car to an authorized repair). I have let the car sit for a couple of hours and started it. It started right up, and ideled fine and I had AC. I reved the engine got the code and lost AC. I have not driven it yet.

    Any clue what happened?
    Joel<br />God is my copilot, but Satan has his foot on the gas!<br />94 3.4L AutoCamaroRagtop w/MSD ignition,Accelcoilpacks,K&N FIPK,BMR SFC&STB,3\"Catco w/3\"catbackSS muffler,JetStage 2,HomemadePIAAheadlightconversion <a href=\"http://www.geocities.com/cardiac1968\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.geocities.com/cardiac1968</a>

  • #2
    Well, water works in strange ways. You will have to let it dry out for days. Best thing you can do is get it dry. If you want to speed up the process, unplug all of the connectors and dry them off. Guaranteed if you take it to an authorized mechanic, you will be wasting your time and your money. They would just let it sit for a couple of days after you describe what happened to it. That's easy money for any mechanic. Next time, avoid the deep water. It's a car, not a submarine.


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